Materi Essential

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SKL 2017 -2018


UN SMP 2018

Kur.2006 Kur.2013

Kur.2006 Kur.2013

UN 2018
 Short functional text
◦ Short message
◦ Greeting card
◦ Invitation card
◦ Label
◦ Announcement
◦ Advertisement
 Functional Text
◦ Descriptive
◦ Procedure
◦ Narrative
◦ Recount
◦ Report
 Fungsional teks
◦ Descriptive
 Person
 Close
 idol
 Place (surrounding)
 Object
 World icon
 Natural wonder of the world
 The old wonder of the world
 The modern wonder of the world
 Cultural heritage
 Animal
o Pet
 Fungsional teks
◦ Recount
 Memorable moment
 Unforgettable experience
 Fun past moment
 Impressing experience
 Horrible experience
 Terrible experience
 Annoying experience
 Fungsional text
◦ Procedure
 Manual
 Recipe
 Tips
 Game operation
 Fungsional teks
◦ Narrative
 Fable
 Folktale
 Fairy tale
 Legend
 Myth
 Fungsi sosial teks
 Struktur Teks
 Unsur kebahasaan
 Fungsional teks
◦ Report
 Animal
 Plant
 Natural phenomenon/ disaster
 Social phenomenon
Fungsi sosial teks
 Tentang apa teks tersebut (what is the topic of the text?
 Untuk siapa teks ditulis whom is the text for?
 Untuk apa teks ditulis
 Siapa yang menulis who is the writer?
 Dimana teks itu ditemukan (where do you usually find
the text?
 Mengapa teks itu ditulis
 Mengapa teks itu perlu dibaca
 Apa untungnya kita membaca teks tersebut
 Pesan apa yang ingin disampaikan oleh penulisnya

 Why is the text written?

 What is the purpose of the writer to write the text?
 What is the writer’s intention to write the text?
 What is the text written for?
 Why does the writer write the text?
 What does the writer want to say?
 etc
 Purpose
◦ To give detailed description
◦ To attract people to observe/enjoy/come
◦ To persuade people to protect/preserve
◦ To introduce something
◦ To make people love/interested
◦ etc
 Purpose
◦ To give guidance in using certain appliance
◦ To avoid a danger in operating certain appliance
◦ To make easier in operating certain appliance
◦ To avoid the false operation of certain appliance
◦ To give guidance step by step in operating certain appliance
◦ To know how the appliance works correctly
◦ etc
 Purpose
◦ To amuse/ entertain
◦ To teach us to have good characters ( strong, patient, honest,
kind, wise,care etc)
◦ To make us learn something from the story
◦ To make known local story
◦ To preserve cultural heritage
◦ etc
 To share unique or unusual experience
 To make the readers learn something
 To retell something unforgettable
 To give information about an incident
 To retell to give warning
 etc
REPORT (Natural Phenomena)
 Purpose of the text
◦ To make people know (what, why, when .how certain
phenomenon happens)
◦ To warn people the danger a certain disaster
◦ To inform people how to handle certain disaster
◦ To make people aware of the danger of a certain disaster
◦ To remind people the effect of certain disaster
◦ etc
 Purpose
◦ Describe its life
◦ Highlight its specialty
◦ Make people aware of them
◦ Ask people to protect
◦ Inform its reducing number
◦ Talk about their threat
◦ To share its uniqueness
◦ etc
Seahorse is a type of marine  What is the main point of
fish that can be easily recognized
because of its specific morphology.
the writer to write the text?
There are 35 species of seahorses that A. To discuss that seahorse
live in tropical and temperate water is a unique animal
all over the world. Seahorses prefer B. To tell that seahorse’s
shallow water and they are usually
located near coral reefs, mangrove
habitat is threatened
forests or near the seaweed. Many C. To make the readers
species of seahorses are endangered aware of the endanger
because of the over-fishing of the seahorse
(seahorses are used in traditional
Asian medicine). Other factors that
D. To inform the number
negatively affect their survival are of the seahorse decrease
pollution of the ocean and global because of human
climate changes which decrease
number of coral species and alter the
temperature of the water.
 What is the topic of the text?
 What is the best title of the text?
 What is the text about?
 What does the text talk about?
 What is the point of the text?
 What does the text emphasize?
 What does the writer want to highlight?
 etc
 A thunderstorm is a type of weather phenomenon

The first stage of a The text is mostly
thunderstorm, called the developing
stage, occurs when a cumulus cloud
is pushed upward by air. In the A. the size of
developing stage there is not usually
much rain but lightning can be seen. thunderstorm
The second stage of a thunderstorm,
called the mature stage, occurs when
B. the effect of
the rising warm air reaches warmer thunderstorm
air and it spreads out into a 'cap'.
This creates frozen water droplets C. the cause of
that fall to the earth, melting along
the way. It is during this stage that
lightning and thunder and strong D. the process of
winds and rain occur. The third stage
of a thunderstorm, called the thunderstorm
dissipating stage, occurs when a cold
air pushes to the ground essentially
cutting off the thunderstorm's inflow.
A thunderstorm is a type of weather
phenomenon characterized by
lightning and thunder and in most
cases, rain. Although thunder is loud
 Why must we read the text?
 What is the message of the text?
 What do you aware of after reading the text?
 What do you find something useful after reading the

 Why is it important for us to read the text?
 etc
A fire extinguisher.
 Why do we need to
 To operate the extinguisher, you read the text?
pull the ring and press the A. To know how to use
handle. a fire extinguisher
 Pressing the handle opens a valve
B. To know how to
that releases the pressurized gas
operate a fire
from the canister.
 The gas immediately expands extinguisher
and fills the inside of the correctly
extinguisher, pushing the water C. To identify the using
downward of the fire
 As the water is pushed down, it
rises up the tube
 A jet of water emerges from the
D. To get information
the importance use
of the fire
Target Audience
 Who is the text for?
 To whom is the text directed to?
 To whom is the text?
 Who will read the text?
 Who gets the benefit by reading the text?
 Who will be interested to read the text?
 Who will find the text is important to read?
 etc
Fungsi teks
 Who will be
interested to read
the advertisement
A. Old woman
B. Beautiful woman
C. Young woman
D. Intelligent woman
 Who likely writes the text above?
 Who probably writes the text above?
 The text is written by….
 etc
 My mother is the most important person in my
life. From when I was still a baby until now, she
gives me everything that I need. When I am  Who writes the
seriously ill she spends all days and nights takes
care of me. She has devoted all her energy and
time to me. She teaches me what is good and
text above?
what is bad and how to differ one from another. I
sometimes make her cry by bad behavior, but
A. A grown up
despite my numerous mistakes and disobedience
she continues to love me, and she helps me to person
B. A teenager
cope with difficult vital situations. Moreover, my
mother understands me in the way no other
person would, and she always finds nice words
to comfort me. I am able to share different secrets C. A child
and opinions with her, and I know for sure that
she will never let me down. She supports me in
whatever I do as long as it is good for me. I
D.A student
should say that I was given enough freedom to
make my own decisions, and I believe that this is
very important in a formation of a person.
To conclude, I consider that I am a lucky
person because I have my loving mother. I can be
like I am now because of her.. She has given me
everything she could and now I swear to make
her happier in her old ages. 
Setting tempat
 Where is the text likely found?
 Where is the text usually attached?
 Where is the text usually written?
 The text is likely found in ….
 The text can be read in…..
 etc
Follow the steps below to take pictures:
 Hold up the camera and centre the

object in the LCD  Where do we usually

 Move closer or use the zoom control

for the result you want find the text ?

 When you are ready to take the
A. In the manual
pictures, hold the shutter halfway. It
is very important, so the camera sets B. In the magazine
the focus, shutter speed, and various
other calculations. this make take a
C. In the newspaper
few second D. In wall magazine
 A light should appear that let you

know the camera is ready to go

 Press shutter all the way down
Manfaat /pesan
 What are you aware of after reading the text?
 What do you find something useful after reading the

 Why is it important for us to read the text?
 What can we learn from the text?
 From the text we know that….
When I was eleven years old, I had a big accident. I
What are we aware of

get scared even now when I think about that time. I

went skating near my house. There were many
people, and I saw some of them were falling on the after reading the
 It was my first time to go ice skating, so I was nervous. text?
A.The ice sheet can
I was wondering how to skate.
 I went with a friend who was very skillful. He spent

some time teaching me how to skate, but I didn't learn

much. He left me and skated all around. As soon as he be dangerous
left, I fell down. I envied the other people because they
could skate very well. B. Be careful when
 I was bored because I often kept falling so I took off

my skates and just walked around on the ice in my

playing ice skating
shoes. It was cold and my hands were frozen.
Suddenly, I stepped on something that was not hard.
C.Don’t play on the
What was it? It was a weak place in the ice. When I
stepped there, I sank under the ice. I thought that I
ice skating area
was going to die, but I did my best to grab something
to get out from under the ice. I tried to grab the edge
D.We must be
of the ice, but it was very difficult for an eleven-year
skillful to play ice
 It seemed like a very long time, like a year. Then,
fortunately, someone helped me. He grabbed my arms
and pulled me up. So, I lived and I'm still alive today
◦ Mengidentifikasi rincian informasi yang terdapat dalam teks
◦ Menerapkan informasi pada konteks yang berbeda
◦ Menganalis informasi yang diperoleh
◦ Menyimpulkan berdasarkan informasi yang terdapat dalam teks
◦ Menentukan sebab terjadinya rincian peristiwa
◦ Menentukan akibat yang muncul terkait informasi yang
terdapat dalam teks
◦ Menngunakan informasi utuk memecahkan masalah
◦ etc
Unsur/bagian dari teks funsional pendek
 Label ( direction, ingredient, precaution,
production code, expired date, allergic
 Short message ( opening, content, closing)
 Announcement ( opening, event, time,

 Advertisement (name of the product,

function, price, address etc)

 Person
◦ Physical appearance, Character, habit, achievement
 Things
◦ Physical feature, size (weigh, length, width), color, shape,
 Place
 Location, function, attraction
 Animal

◦ Physical appearance, Character, habit, achievement

Unsur atau bagian
 Procedure
◦ steps
 Narrative
◦ Problem, solution (cause, effect)
 Recount
◦ Event (cause, effect, proceeds)
 Report
◦ Physical features, diet, habitat, behavior,
reproduction, life cycle, adaptation, migration,
survival ability
◦ Cause, reason, process, effect,
Baby Powder
The text gives us
Blossom information of the
Intan’s baby powder blossom is product related to
nicely scented with a long
lasting floral fragrance. Made its....
of fine quality talc, it leaves
baby’s skin feeling silky
A.content, procedure,
smooth, dry and comfortable. size, weigh
DIRECTION: Sprinkle powder onto B.manufacturer,
your hands before applying to
baby’s skin. Close tightly after
brand, ingredient,
use. direction
Warning: For external use only! C.material, function,
Keep out of reach of children.
Do not use on broken skin. direction, precaution
Avoid contact with eyes. Keep D.title, function, size,
powder away from baby’s nose
and mouth. Do not apply onto
newborn baby’s navel
 Identify each steps in operating the appliance
 Analyze the cause of each step
 Analyze the effect of each step
 Applying certain step indifferent situation
 Making conclusion based on the steps in the text
NARRATIVE( fable, folktale, OR FAIRYTALE)
 Identify

◦ the character in the story

◦ the personality of the characters
◦ the problem faced by the characters
◦ the way the characters solve the problem
 Applying
 Suggest a way to solve the problem
 Decide certain action in facing the problem
 Analyzing
 The cause of the problem
 The effect of the problem
 concluding
 Identifying
 Applying
 Analyzing
 Concluding
Menerapkan informasi pada konteks lain
Lightning can do damage to
buildings, cars or other objects when
it hits.  It can also kill or injure human
 Which of the
beings. During a thunderstorm people followings is the most
should stay away from doors,
windows and electrical devices.  You
dangerous place to stay
should also stay away from phones when there is lighting?
and wires because lightning can travel A. At the street
through them. When you’re in the
open do not try to protect yourself by
B. In the field
hiding under a tree. You can protect C. At home
your house or other D. In the forest
buildings surrounding your home
by installing a lightning rod on the
roof. It attracts the lighting that
would otherwise hit the building and
leads it to the surface
 A thunderstorm is a type of weather
phenomenon characterized by lightning and
thunder and in most cases, rain. Although thunder
is loud it is not dangerous. It's the lightning in a
The second stage of
thunderstorm that is dangerous as it can strike the thunderstorm
objects on earth as well as people. A thunderstorm
requires three basic elements in order to form. describes ...
These three elements are moisture, unstable rising
air, and a force to lift such as heat. A thunderstorm A. Its biggest part
has three stages which include the developing stage,
the mature stage, and the dissipating stage. B. Its strongest part
C. Its most important
 The first stage of a thunderstorm, called the
developing stage, occurs when a cumulus cloud is
pushed upward by air. In the developing stage there
is not usually much rain but lightning can be seen.
The second stage of a thunderstorm, called the D. Its most dangerous
mature stage, occurs when the rising warm air
reaches warmer air and it spreads out into a 'cap'. part
This creates frozen water droplets that fall to the
earth, melting along the way. It is during this stage
that lightning and thunder and strong winds and
rain occur. The third stage of a thunderstorm,
called the dissipating stage, occurs when a cold air
pushes to the ground essentially cutting off the
thunderstorm's inflow.
A thunderstorm is a type of weather
What will happen when

phenomenon characterized by lightning and

thunder and in most cases, rain. Although thunder is one of the elements
loud it is not dangerous. It's the lightning in a
thunderstorm that is dangerous as it can strike doesn’t exist?
A. The thunderstorm
objects on earth as well as people. A thunderstorm
requires three basic elements in order to form. These
three elements are moisture, unstable rising air, and
a force to lift such as heat. A thunderstorm has three
will be more severe
stages which include the developing stage, the B. The size of the
mature stage, and the dissipating stage.
 The first stage of a thunderstorm, called the thunderstorm is
developing stage, occurs when a cumulus cloud is
pushed upward by air. In the developing stage there smaller
is not usually much rain but lightning can be seen.
The second stage of a thunderstorm, called the
C. The thunderstorm will
mature stage, occurs when the rising warm air not be formed
reaches warmer air and it spreads out into a 'cap'.
This creates frozen water droplets that fall to the D. There will be no rain in
earth, melting along the way. It is during this stage the thunderstorm
that lightning and thunder and strong winds and
rain occur. The third stage of a thunderstorm, called
the dissipating stage, occurs when a cold air pushes
to the ground essentially cutting off the
thunderstorm's inflow.
Struktur teks
 To avoid the
outbreak we have
to apply the
A. closely
B. regularly
C. thoroughly
D. completely
Struktur teks
May, You are What will Maya do if
invited to Vina’s party, she agrees to go with
aren’t you? Her party Wina?
will be held in Gala A. She will call her soon
Resto in town. It is
B. She will meet her
pretty far, isn’t it?
Please go with me. My soon
brother will take us C. She will come to her
there with his car. Let house soon
me know soon if you D. She will call Wina’s
agree. brother
 Mosquitoes belong to the suborder
Nematocera – true flies with long antennae.
Mosquito’s antennae have 6 or more
segments. The male's antennae have lots
of surface area for detecting female to
If you want to add
that mosquitoes can
mate. Female antennae are short-haired.
The mouthparts allow the adult mosquito
to drink nectar. In many species, the
mouthparts of the females are adapted for
piercing the skin of animal hosts and be easily found in
the garden, you
sucking their blood as ectoparasites.
Mosquito’s wings have scales along the
 Larvae feed on organic matter in the
water, including algae, protozoan,
should put it in
decaying debris, and even other mosquito
larvae. Adult mosquitoes of both sexes
feed on nectar from flowers. Only females
require a blood meal in order to produce
eggs. Female mosquitoes don't require A. 1
blood to live, but they need the proteins in
a blood meal to develop their eggs. They
may feed on blood of birds, reptiles,
B. 2
C. 3
amphibians, or mammals.
 Mosquitoes go through complete
metamorphosis in four stages. The female
mosquito lays her eggs on the surface of
fresh or standing water. Larvae hatch and D.4
live in the water. Within one to two weeks,
the larvae pupate. Pupae cannot feed, but
can be active while floating on the water's
surface. Adults emerge, usually in just a
few days, and sit on the surface until they
are dry and ready to fly. Adult females live
two weeks to two months; adult males may
Unsur kebahasaan
 Grammar
◦ Passive voice
◦ Modal
◦ Tenses (simple present/past/continous)
◦ Purpose/cause/effect
◦ Conjunction
◦ Preposition
 Vocabulary
◦ Meaning (word/phrase/sentence)
 Reference
Unsur bahasa
May, You are  Wina asks Maya to
invited to Vina’s party, go with her….the
aren’t you? Her party
location of the
will be held in Gala
Resto in town. It is party is pretty far
pretty far, isn’t it? A. So
Please go with me. My B. If
brother will take us
there with his car. Let
C. Because
me know soon if you D. although
Fungsi teks
 “eliminate pimples,
spot, blemish” The
underlined word is
closest in meaning
A. reduce
B. omit
C. destroy
D. press
As the New Year begins “Help us ring in the New
And the old one ends Year”. It means that the
We’d love to celebrate writer ….
With our family and A. wants the readers
friends! happy in the new year
Help us ring in the New B. asks the reader to
Year attend the new year
in December 31st at 9.00. C. thinks the new year
6721 Wintertrail Drive party is important
Denver. CO 65291 D. informs that the party
  will be cheerful
Hosted by
Lauren and James Louis
RSVP 989-234-678
 There was once a king named Midas who did a
good deed for a god, Dionysus. Dionysus granted him
a wish. For his wish, Midas asked that whatever he
touched would turn to gold. Although Dionysus tried
to persuade him not to do it, Midas insisted that the
wish was an excellent one, and it was granted!
 Excitedly, Midas went about touching all sorts of
things, turning them into gold. Soon Midas became
hungry. He picked up a piece of food, but he couldn't
eat it, for it had turned to gold in his hand! "I'll starve,"
moaned Midas, "Perhaps this was not such a good wish
after all!"
 Midas' beloved daughter, seeing his sadness,
threw her arms about him to comfort him, and, she too
turned to gold! "The golden touch is no blessing,"
cried Midas. He went to the river and cried. The sand
of that river turned as yellow as "fool's gold" for it is
there, they say, that King Midas washed away the curse
of the golden touch with his own tears.
 The story is about…
A. A greedy king and a wise god
B. A king and his beloved daughter
C. A special gift of Dionysus to Midas
D. A rush decision makes a disorder situation
 What happened to Midas’ beloved daughter?
A. Passed away
B. Stood by her father’s side
C. Turned into a gold statue
D. Came back form her death
 What is the meaning of “ fool’s gold”
A. Original gold
B. Meltable gold
C. A mineral that looks like gold
D. Gold that doesn’t have intelligence
 My school organized a trip to countryside. We planned to stay at
the hotel and had an out bond activity the following day. All students
grade 9 had to join the activity.
 We all gathered in the school yard at 09.00. We left for the hotel
at 10, 00 o’ clock in two different buses. We all enjoyed our trip. It
took about 3 hours to reach the hotel. At the hotel we had lunch and
took a rest.
 The hotel was situated near a forest. I suddenly saw some pine
trees loaded with pinecones at a distance. I tempted to collect some
of them. So, I took my sweater and a knife. I quickly went into the
forest. I found one or two lying on the ground. I hoped to find more
pinecones so I kept on going deep into the forest.
 But then suddenly, I heard the roar of a Lion. I ran at full speed at the
opposite direction into the forest. Exhausted and very scared, I
climbed up a tall tree. I sat on the top of the branches. When I looked
down, I saw a giant lion walked slowly toward my tree. I held my
breath. My hands gripped the tree firmly. I prayed for the lion go away
from that place. Fortunately, the lion didn’t stop at the tree. He just
passed by. I waited until he disappeared. I waited for about fifteen
minutes before I finally decided that I could go down from the tree.
 When I stepped on earth, I felt my body trembling. I ran away to the
hotel as fast as I could. I told to all my friends what had happened. My
teachers warned us not to go to the forest alone. That was really
horrible experience. But I loved it. It was such kind of adventure.

Fungsi sosiaL
1. What do you find useful after reading the
A. A forest is not a playground
B. A lion endangers human’s life.
C. A school trip must not close to a forest.
D. A knife is needed to survive in the forest.

2. Who probably wrote the text?

E. A pupil
F. A lecturer
G. A principal
H. A janitor
3. what is the text about?
A. The writer met a big lion in the forest

B. The writer was so afraid of the lion

C. The writer’s effort to escape from the lion

D. The writer was able to run away from the lion

4. What is the writer’s intention to write the story?

E. To tell readers about a lion chased the writer.
F. To influence the readers not to be afraid of a
G. To share the writer’s frightening experience to
the readers
H. To retell the writer’s experience about the lion
in the forest
Struktur text
1. Why did the writer decide to go down at last?
Because … .
A. the lion had passed by

B. it had been fifteen minutes

C. the writer’s body was trembling

D. the writer wanted to run to the hotel

2. After reading the text, we can infer that the

writer is … .
E. adventurous

F. heroic

G. dangerous

H. courageous
3. Where did the out bond activity take
A. In a rural area.
B. In a small town.
C. In urban area.
D. Deep in the forest
Unsur kebahasaan
1. I prayed for the lion to go away from that place.
The underlined word means ….
A. to
B. from
C. as long
D. so that

2. My hands gripped the tree firmly.

The underlined word is closest in meaning to … .
E. Scratched
F. Ponced
G. Held
H. Torn
 The Great Pyramid of Giza was built as a tomb for
the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu. It took approximately 20 years
to build and has three burial chambers inside. When it was
originally built (in approximately 2550 BC) it was almost
147 meters tall. Today, because of erosion, it is only about
139 meters tall. If you visit Egypt today you can enter the
Great Pyramid through the Robbers’ Tunnel.
 The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest of all Seven
Wonders of the World. This pyramid is the largest of all
three pyramids that border El Giza, Egypt and it is also the
largest pyramid ever built. The pyramid was built with
about 2.3 million stone blocks and it is thought to weigh
5.9 million tonnes. The ancient name of the Great Pyramid
of Giza was Khufu's Horizon This pyramid is the only one in
Egypt known to have passages inside that go up and go
down. If you wanted to visit the king’s chamber you would
have to walk down, all the way, bent over. The mortar that
was used to build the pyramid cannot be reproduced today.
Even though it has been analyzed they still can’t make it. It
is stronger than the stone that was used to build the
pyramid and is still in place today.
1. Why is the text written?
A. To share information about the physical
appearance of the Great Pyramid of Giza
B. To give explanation about the history of the Great
Pyramid of Giza
C. To explore everything about the Great Pyramid of
D. To describe what the Great Pyramid of Giza is

2. “Even though it has been analyzed they still

can’t make it. The word “it” in the sentence
refers to …
A. the way

B. the mortar

C. the pyramid

D. the king’s chamber

3. What does the visitor do to come inside
the Great Pyramid? They can …
A. enter it through the Robber’s Tunnel

B. come through the King’s chamber

C. walk along the path

D. step on some stairs

4. “… they can’t make it.” The underlined

word refers to ….
E. visitors

F. robbers

G. Egyptians

H. mortar analyze
5. What does the text mainly tell about?
A. The construction of great pyramid of Giza
B. The great pyramid of Giza
C. The originally of pyramid

D. The seven wondered of the world.

6. The great pyramid of Giza was built as a

tomb for the Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu. The
underlined word is closest meaning to … .
E. Funeral

F. Cemetery
G. Rest area

H. Home stay
7. Why did it take long time to build the
Great Pyramid of Giza? Because …
A. It was a tomb for the Kings of Egypt.
B. It was very big and high.
C. The erosion decreased the size of the
D. There were passages inside the pyramid.

8. From the text, we know that…

E. somebody built a bigger pyramid.
F. it is impossible to build a pyramid.
G. other pyramids in Giza have more visitors.
H. the Egyptian needed more stone when
building the Great Pyramid of Giza.

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