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Mechanical Vibrations ME-306

Course Objective
To impart sound theoretical knowledge of mechanical vibrations to fourth year engineering
students and make them capable of mathematically formulating and solving different engineering
problems related to vibrations.

Class Learning Outcomes (CLO)

CLO-1: To be able to define/explain different theoretical concepts related to mechanical vibrations.

CLO-2: To be able to solve single degree of freedom vibrating systems.

CLO-3: To be able to solve multi degree of freedom vibrating systems.

CLO-4: To be able to conduct experiments related to mechanical vibrations and interpretation of

data. (Lab related)
Final Exam
Sessional Marks Distribution
•60 marks
Mid term = 20 marks (*written or computer based test)
•Will be choice less.
Assignment = 20 marks (Problem sheet from MDOFS)
•Will based on class lecture slides,
* means priority.
lecture problems & suggested
problems only.
Text Book
Mechanical Vibrations by S.S. Rao Prentice Hall 5th Edition.
What is Vibration? (First scientific study on musical sound 544 B.C. by Pythagoras)
Vibration is the study of the repetitive/oscillatory/to and fro/ back n forth motion of
objects relative to an equilibrium position & the forces associated with this type of
Examples motion of push rod, motion of a swing, motion of a pendulum, motion of a
guitar string, movement of structure associated with rotating machines, motion of a
forging tool, motion of automotive suspension system, swaying of skyscrapers (tall
buildings) due to winds/earthquake, motion of aircraft wing , motion of bridges, motion
of atoms , vortex induced motion (FSI) and etcetera.

Vibration of aircraft wing

Motion of pendulum
Vibrating string
Motion of a
push rod
NOTE: uniform circular motion is not
vibration also SHM is a specific (linear) case of vibratory motion. Forging m/c vibration (cam-follower)
Pile driving machine
Vibratory feeder/hopper
Laboratory shaker

Jack hammer machine Automotive
MEMS accelerometers/gyros & suspension system
resonator devices (vibration
(vibration isolation)

Massage chair

Vibratory conveyor
Machine Mechanisms
Motion studies related to machine mechanisms forms an important area of analytical,
computational and experimental vibration research. These vibrations can be nonlinear.
Rocker arm Slider crank Mechanism

Mechanical mechanisms like slider-crank,

scotch-yoke & cam & follower can behave as
mechanical exciters during vibration testing of
objects (Determination of natural frequency of
mechanical systems that is used to identify the
system limitations/operating range)

Scotch-Yoke Mechanism
Cam & follower
Earthquake Resistant Structures
Sliding vibration Rubber vibration isolator

Mass damper vibration isolator (wind effects) Vibration analysis in maintenance

Vibrations as Unwanted Phenomena
On the other hand, there can be many scenarios in which vibrations are unwanted
mainly because they produce cyclic stresses in material (fatigue) and causes excessive
noise, wear and premature failures.

• Engine vibrations (can harm other components and loosen fasteners like nuts & bolts)
• Machining processes (vibration causes chatter (noise) and poor surface finish)
• Unbalanced wheels (vibration can cause uncomfortable deflections)
• Turbine rotors, pump impellors should be balanced other wise vibration can cause damage.
• A vibrating object/machine can cause other structures to vibrate via floor.
• Whenever the external forcing frequency (external input) matches with any one of the natural
frequency of the structure Resonance can generate which is also an unwanted phenomena.

Collapse of a bridge due to resonance

caused by wind induced vibrations
Elements/vocabulary of Mechanical Vibrations
• k = stiffness constant of spring.
1) Elastic element i.e. Spring/Stiffness (k) .
• J = mass moment of inertia (polar).
• c = damping coefficient.
2) Inertia element i.e. Mass (rigid) (M or J).

3) Resistance/friction element i.e. Damper

(c). 1

m m

k c k
Spring and damper
m elements are usually
attached to the mass
element being modeled. 1
& 2 are attachment
Spring Mass Damper
NOTE: Springs can store potential energy while inertia can have kinetic energy and damper is used to
dissipate these energies during vibration. Therefore, vibration is also an interplay of energies.
Degrees of Freedom
In vibration degrees of freedom (DOF) means number of independent coordinate variables
required to fully describe the motion/position of all parts of the system.

Single Degree of Freedom Systems (1-DOF)

Only one coordinate variable is required to completely study the motion of the system (mass)

Two Degree of Freedom Systems (2-DOF)

Two independent coordinate variables are needed θ l
x θ l x2 + y 2 = l 2
sinθ = x/l y
sinθ = x/l
In this case motion x cosθ = y/l
• In general if of m and the bob can
mass elements not be defined using
increases DOF single coordinate θ1 θ2 θ 3
also increases. because x ≠ X
• Set of coordinates necessary to describe the motion are known as “generalized
coordinates” (q , q etc.)
Discrete/Lumped Systems
Systems that can be described by finite number of degrees of freedom are known as discrete or
lumped systems. In these systems masses are rigid and discrete and are concentrated only at a
point. Examples all simplified systems i.e. 1, 2 & 3 degrees of freedom systems. The motion of
discrete systems is governed by ODEs.

Continuous/Distributed Systems
Elastic members that are continuous i.e. beams, rods, wires & plates are considered to be
continuous systems. These systems contains infinite degrees of freedom. Note no discrete masses
can be considered in these systems. The equation of motion is governed by complex PDEs. For
analysis purpose these systems can also be approximated as discrete systems and accuracy can be
increased by adding more degrees of freedom in them (for instance translation + rotation
(transverse motion) of several point masses)
Simplified L
discrete Original
k m2
y k
Free Vibration
Vibrations caused by applying a disturbance (force/displacement) to an object at start time only. Example
vibrations or oscillations of a simple pendulum.
Force Vibration
Vibrations caused by applying repeated nature of force to an object is known as force vibration. Vibration of
an engine is an example of forced vibrations.

Undamped Vibration
Vibrations in which no resistance/friction/damping effect is experienced are known as undamped vibrations
i.e. no energy is lost. It is only an ideal situation. In reality there is always some amount of damping involved
as fluid friction or dry friction. Note that these vibrations can ideally continue forever.
Damped Vibration
Vibrations in which damping/friction effect is involved are known as damped vibrations. These vibrations
eventually diminishes with time. Neglecting damping can simplify the analysis.
Nonlinear & Linear Vibrations
If any element of a vibratory system (spring, mass or damper) behaves nonlinearly wrt the space variables
than the DE of the system will become nonlinear and the vibrations will be nonlinear, otherwise they will be
called linear vibrations. All vibrations tend to become nonlinear with increasing amplitude.
Deterministic & Random Vibrations
If the excitation (input) acting on the vibratory system can be conveniently known at any time, the resulting
vibrations will be deterministic. If the excitation can not be predicted with time than the vibrations will be
random. Random vibrations can result from earthquake, winds and road roughness. Random vibrations are
dealt with statistical methods.
Procedure of Vibration Analysis
There are four basic steps for any kind of vibration analysis:
1) Mathematical modeling. (mass-spring-damper model, 1DOF, 2DOF etc)
2) Deriving the governing equations of motions (Newton’s second law or Energy method).
3) Solution of governing equations. (Math)
4) Interpretation of results. (appropriate engineering design & measures)

Example -1

1 DOF Model
Schematic of Forging Machine (both masses are
combined and only
soil is considered as
2 DOF Model an elastic
(elastic connection b/w connection)
the masses is taken into
Figure 1

Example -2
Simplest 1DOF In this case mass of rider, Figure 1
vehicle and wheels are all
combined. The
stiffness/elasticity of
rider, struts and tires are
combined and the
damping of the rider and
struts are combined.

Most Separated the
complex rider mass
model and
connected to
mass via
stiffness and
Masses of both wheels are modeled separately, while the mass of rider +
vehicle is connected to wheels via stiffness and damping of struts.
Done in class
* No unique
solution exist for
these problems.

Done in class

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