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Definition, meaning and Role of

Islamic ideology
• The word “ideology” is composed of two Greek
words “ideo” and “logos”. It literally means
“the science or study of ideas”.
• An ideology is a set of beliefs and values
attributed to a person or group of persons,
especially ... In this work, the
term ideology is defined in terms of a system
of presentations that explicitly or implicitly
claim to absolute truth.
• Importance of an Ideology
• Ideology is important in following aspects;
• Ideology is a motivating force for a nation, which is striving hard to bring stability and
homogeneity to its nationhood.
• It provides the cement-binding base to the scattered groups in society and brings them closer
to each other on a common platform.
• Ideologies impel their adherents to follow a joint line of action for the accomplishment of
their goal. 4. Ideologies give shape to the revolutions and give birth to new cultures and
• Ideologies stress on their adherents to insist on the realization of their ideas through the total
transformation of society.
• An ideology offers an interpretation of the past, and an explanation of the present and a
vision of the future.
• Thus the ideologies contain a set of proposals about human nature and society. These
proposals explicitly manifest human conditions, approaches, and understanding of social and
political order and provide and the basis for the accomplishment of a desired social system.
Ideology of Pakistan
• Meaning and definitions of Pakistan Ideology are explained as
• The ideology of Pakistan is actual implementation of Islamic
• To maintain and arouse the national dignity and struggles for unity
among Muslim Ummah and Islamic rule is, in fact, Ideology of
• Two-Nation Theory by Islamic Philosophy in the political and cultural
background of Sub-continent is called the ideology of Pakistan.
• The ideology of Pakistan is actually Islamic ideology.
• The idea of Muslims, attaining Pakistan was infected Ideology of
Ideology and Islam

• Islam increasingly occupies a special place in school curricula, and

states seek to control what is said in mosques. Catechism-like
pamphlets and essays, often in question-and-answer format and
popular language, offer believers quick, encapsulated formulations
of belief and practice. Religious activists encourage Muslims to be
able to explain why they pray and fast. Such organization reflects a
conscious systemization of doctrine and practice, so that masses,
rather than specialists, are able to formulate and answer questions
about faith. The result is empowerment of Muslims and the
creation of new patterns of religious authority free from reliance
on traditionally educated religious elites.
• The concern with ideology in Islam stems from the
recognition that other ideologies have been applied in
social and political contexts. Islamists charge that Islam
should play a central role in the social and political arenas,
noting that the Islamic ideology upheld in many countries
is not a reflection of genuine Islam, but rather principles
that secure the interests of the ruling class. The formal
ideologies of reformists and Islamists in particular have
offered interpretations of Islam that appeal primarily to
modern, educated elites, so that urban values have been
incorporated into formalized doctrine and practice.
Role of Ideology

The concept of ideology is based on Islam which is a

fundamental part of outlining the policy in every field of
Muslims life. Islam gives systematic cover to the life of
Muslims in all kind conditions or situations of practical life
with safety boundaries. It rely for support and use with
“on” and upon” for social, behavioral, political, religious
and all socially professional basic principals of atmosphere.
Islamic system is build on Quran pak and Ahadees of Holy
prophet (p.b.u.h)
• Faith
Religion is based on a conception of God which is the
creation of man’s own imagination. To understand the
Essence of God; and to know what He is, is beyond the
scope of human intellect. What we can understand,
however, are His laws which pertain to our development.
The laws have been preserved in the Holy Quran. Those
who follow them develop and go ahead: those who
contravene them are deprived of growth like the seed
which happens to be buried under hard soil.
•  Human freedom.
No individual shall enforce his will on another; all will obey voluntarily the
revealed laws of Allah through the agency of an Islamic State which undertakes
to enforce those laws.
Says the Holy Quran:
"No one whom Allah has given a code of law and authority to enforce the law
and whom He has favored with Revelation. shall tell people ‘Obey me’ and not
Allah, but will say that through obedience to the Book, which you read and
study. You should help nourish one another." (3:78)
Free is he who hasn’t to toe another’s line but obeys, out of his own free will,
laws of Allah and such of man-made laws as conform to those laws.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "God has revealed to me
that you must be humble, so that no one oppresses another and boasts over
another." - Sunan of Abu-Dawood, Hadith 2294
• · Co-operation.
Man shall live a life of cooperation with fellow men and not a secluded
The Quranic injunction is
"Co-operate in what will add to life’s richness and help safeguard God’s
laws, and co-operate not in slackening or going beyond those laws" (5/2).
Co-operation will, however, be in matters which help man’s development.
Willing cooperation by one helps him integrate his Personality; working
under duress disintegrates it. Unhealthy social order not only condones
duress but encourages it by applying the lever of want. Islamic Social
Order, on the other hand, makes itself responsible to see that no citizen is
stranded by non-fulfillment of wants and is thereby exposed to duress.
• Brotherhood of the human race is a charming idea. But it
cannot be achieved by verbal professions of high
sounding slogans, in the name of tolerance and religious
amity. The effective method for establishing universal
brotherhood of man is that a social order should be
created on the basis of universal principles, that it should
adopt those principles in practical life and that it should
then become a living nucleus for gathering people around
and realizing the dream of oneness of humanity. This
dynamic social nucleus will generate centrifugal forces out
of freedom of will and its achievements. 
• Humanity is one
Says the Holy Quran:
"That which benefits humanity as a whole, endures on
this earth. (13/17).
To bring about universal brotherhood of man mere
expressions of good-will, amity and tolerance won’t do; it
requires a dynamic social order, built on the basis of
Permanent Values to realize it. And the first and the
foremost objective which the Quranic Social Order or an
Islamic State has in view, is the interest of the entire
humanity and molding it into one in-divisible whole.
Character building and moral development
• Education should aim at the balanced growth of the total personality of
man through training of the human spirit, intellect, rational self, feelings
and senses. The training imparted to a Muslim must be such that faith is
infused into the whole of his/her personality and creates in him/her an
emotional attachment to Islam and enables him to follow the Qur ‘an and
Sunnah and be governed by Islamic system of values willingly and joyfully
so that he/she may proceed to the realization of his/her status as
Khalifatullah to whom Allah has promised the authority of the universe.”
We need to prepare the younger generation having leadership quality and
not to be the followers of alien ideologies but to play the role of
torchbearer by their excellence in knowledge, character, and positive
• Every Muslim parent is advised to raise his or her children well and
• Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said whoever is not kind to
young people is not one of us and the best teaching that a parent can
give a child is the teaching of good manners and character.
• The Muslim child absorbs the Islamic values from its parents, teachers,
peers, friends and the environment, including the care-givers
• Nip it in the bud is the best advice. Otherwise once the Muslim child
develops undesirable habits and unethical values, it becomes extremely
difficult to reform the child into a good Muslim.

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