8 Perennialism

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‫یہ نظریہ کہ تصور صداقت تصور حقیقت علم‬

‫اور اقدار اٹل ہیں‬
• Perennialism is the oldest and conservative
educational philosophy is rooted in realism
• Concept of perennialism.
• Perennialism relies on the past.
• Universal knowledge and cherished values of
• A view of unchanging nature of the universe
,human nature,truth,virtue,beauty and so on.
• Perennialism is a teacher-centered
educational philosophy that focuses on
everlasting ideas and universal truths. To
clarify,  Perennialism suggests that the focus of
education should be the ideas that have lasted
for centuries believing the ideas are as
relevant and meaningful today as when they
were written.
•  This educational philosophy aims to prepare
students for life by developing their
intellectual and moral qualities through
emphasizing knowledge and the meaning of
knowledge, servings to enhance student’s
critical thinking skills in their search for
individual freedoms, human rights and
responsibilities through nature.
Perennialism and education
• As Robert, a long time advocate of
perennialism noted; the function of man as
man is the same in every society.
• The aim of educational system is the same in
every age and in every society where such
system can exist it is to improve man.
• Common characteristics of a perennialist
curriculum is a subject centered lessons,
organized body of knowledge, and a focuses
on developing the thinking skills of students.
Lecture, question, and answer are common
instructional methods. There is no difference
among students and everyone learns the
same thing at the same speed.  The “three Rs”
are one form of this type of curriculum.
Perennialism and aims of education
• The aim of education is the modification of human
• Self realization

• Character training is also important as a means of

developing ones moral and spiritual being.
• Individual freedom
• Human rights
• Responsible citizen
• he aim of Perennialism in Education is to
develop power of thought, internalize truths
that are universal and constant and to ensure
that students acquire understanding about the
great ideas of Western civilization. This is the
most conservative, traditional, and flexible
Perennialism and teacher
• An authority in the field whose kwoledge is
• A master of subject and discipline and must be
able to guide discussion
• A teacher should a good listener
• A teacher should be a good judge
Perennialism and curriculum
– It draws heavily on defined discipline or logically
organized bodies of content what proponents call
liberal education with emphasis on language,
literature, mathematics , arts and science.
– English literature
– World Geography
Basic Principles of Perenialism:
• Education should be same for everyone and
•  Focuses on the Development of Rational
Powers of Man:
•  Imparts knowledge of Eternal Truth which is
unchanging and Universal:
• Education is to acquaint the Students with the
Cultural Heritage
• Education is not an Imitation of Life but a
Preparation of Life:
• Students should be taught Great Works of
Literature and Rich Philosophies:
• Disagree the Role of School to Inject
Democracy in Pupil’s Mind:
• Supports Liberal Education:
Perennialism and method of teaching
• Socratic method; lecture method
• Demonstration
• discussion
• In the learning process, the teacher plays a
secondary role as in perennialism. It is pupils who
play a primary role. Since the child has natural
capacity, he should learn by himself. Therefore,
self-learning, self-activity and self-discovery
methods are suggested by perennialists.
• The pupil is active and potent and without
interruption he can learn effectively. He can
explore the vast ocean of knowledge by
himself without the help of anybody. They say
since all pupils have the same natural powers,
the methods of education should be same for

• It is desired that pupils should cultivate

universal, moral and intellectual values in
them. Perennialists emphasized self-
discipline which cannot be imposed
externally. Each student should try to cultivate
a sense of discipline by developing interest in
literary, artistic, political and religious works.
Discipline cannot be clamped rather is to be
evolved by the pupils themselves.

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