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on text
Muhammad Mursyid Shabir(2001273)

M Nico Aditya Bangsawan (2001274)

Generic Structure
What is an Explanation Text?
Explanation text is a text which tells processes relating to
forming of natural,scientific,and cultural fenomenal.

Explanation text is similar to procedure text however they are

quite different where a procedure tells how to do a proccess
whereas explanation text tells how a proccess happened
Difference between
explanation and procedure text
Explanation Procedure
text text
• Describe how to
• Describe how certain make something
phenomenon or which is close to our
event happens daily activity
• Form in the mode of • Formed in the mode
description of instruction
Types of Explanations

Those that Those that

explains how explains why
things are things are
( a kite works) (ex. why volcanoes erupt)
Purpose of Explanation text

To give an account of To give knowledge to

some phenomenon the reader about a
certain phenomenon

To know 'why' and 'how' Explains how thing

about the forming of a become the way they
phenomena are,or how to analyze
how something works
Generic Structure
The closing
The general
information about Explanati statement of the
on topic (this is
the topic

General The sequence of

events about the Closing
Statement topic.
The Characteristics of
Explanation text
1. it uses simple present tense
2. it has Action verbs (do,make,create,etc.)
3. it uses Passive voices
4. it uses Noun phrases
5. it uses Technical Terms
Flooding is a disaster which commonly happens in large and densely populated cities. In
Indonesia, the floods hit Jakarta very often and cause many victims. Then, do you know
the process of how flood happens? Pay attention to the following explanation.

The process of natural flooding is preceded by rain which falls to the surface of the earth.
Then the rain water is absorbed by the ground surface and flows to the lower place.
Once that condition happens, evaporation and the water appear to the surface of the
land. Flooding can be disastrous for humans when floods happen in an area that people
live because the water carries along objects like houses, bridges, cars, furniture and
even people.

On the other hand, the process of non natural flooding is usually caused by bad habits of
humans who do not care about the environment, such as littering that can make water
flow clogged. This makes the water deposited in landfills which gradually becomes more
common. When water reservoirs can no longer hold water discharge, the water then
overflows out theland and cause flooding.
Scientists know we need sleep, but it is not easy to find that what exactly make us
sleepy. Hers is some explanation.
The brain cells called astrocytes fuel the urge to sleep by releasing adenosine, a
chemical known to have sleep-inducing effects that can be inhibited by caffeine.
The longer a person or animal is awake, the stronger the urge to sleep becomes. This is
known as sleep pressure. Prior studies pointed to adenosine as a trigger for sleep
pressure. The chemical accumulates in the brain during waking hours, eventually helping
to stimulate the unique patterns of brain activity that occur during sleep.
Thank you

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