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Rate of Reaction


 Rate of a Reaction is a measure of the change in the concentration

of the reactants or products with time.
How do we measure the rate of the reaction?

 Volume of Gas with a Gas Syringe

 Decrease in Mass (if involves a gas that escapes)
How do we measure the rate of the reaction?

 Change in Colour or pH
 Appearance of A Precipitate
The Collision Theory

 In a chemical reaction, there is bond forming and bond breaking.

 In order for reaction to take place, the following must take place:
1. Must collide
2. Must collide with sufficient energy – activation energy
3. Must collide at the correct orientation

When all three conditions occur, you have effective collision. It is ONLY
effective collision that results in the reaction taking place.
Factors influencing Rate of Reaction –

 The higher the concentration, the faster the reaction.

 When the concentration is increased, there is a greater number of reacting particles per
unit volume of solution .
 More reacting particles mean more frequent collisions.
 Therefore, increasing the chance of effective collision.
Describing Rate Curves

 At the beginning the gradient is the steepest which

represents the highest rate of reaction. Here the
concentration is the highest and thus the frequency
of collision between the particles are also the highest.
 Over time, the gradient becomes shallower as the
concentration of the reactants decrease, and
collisions become less frequent.
 Eventually, the curve goes horizontal, here the reaction
is COMPLETE and has stopped. This occurs when
one reactant has been used up and there are no more
left to react.
Factors influencing Rate of Reaction – Temperature

 The higher the temp., the faster the rate of

 When the temperature increases, the particles gain
kinetic energy.
 As a result:
 The particles move faster and collide more
 More particles collide with enough activation
energy for reaction to take place.
The increase in frequency of collision and
activation energy results in a greater chance of
effective collision .
Factors influencing Rate
of Reaction – Surface

 The smaller the particle size of the reactant, the

faster the reaction will take place.
 Small solid particles have a greater surface
area than large particles of the same mass.
 A smaller particle size means that more of the
solid reactant is exposed to the other reactant.
 As a result, the particles collide more frequently,
increasing the chances of effective collision.
Factors influencing Rate of Reaction - Catalyst

 When a catalyst is added it usually speeds up a

 A catalyst is a chemical the alters the rate of the
reaction without undergoing any permanent
chemical change.
 The catalyst speeds up the reaction by providing an
alternative pathway that requires a lower activation
energy than the normal pathway .
 As a result more particles collide with the
activation energy, increasing the chances of
effective collision.

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