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FRICTION is the resistance of
motion when one object rubs
against another.
Static electricity is the imbalance of
positive or negative charges between
objects. If two objects have opposite
charges, they’ll pull towards each other.
Objects that have the same charge will
repel each other
B. the resistance of motion
1. Electricity is made when … are moving.
C. Objects that have the same charge will repel each other
A. Atoms
D. the imbalance of positive or negative charges between
B. Electrons
C. Charge
D. Electricity
2. Everything in the world around us is made of … .
E. Protons
F. Particles
G. Neutrons
H. Atoms
3. These particles called…
I. Protons, Particles, Atoms
J. Objects, Atoms, Electricity
K. Electron, Protons, Neutrons
L. Magnetics, Protons, Neutrons
4. When the two objects are rubbed together they create … .
M. Frictions
N. Protons
O. Neutrons
P. Atoms
5. Static electricity is…
Q. If two objects have opposite charges
Some kinds of atoms lose their electrons more easily than
others, and these materials conduct electricity better than those
whose electrons are not lost as easily. Copper is a well-known
example of such a material. This is why we use copper wires to
carry or conduct electricity in a circuit.
Charged particles are inside the copper wires, but we need something to push
these particles around the circuit. This is where the cell comes in. We use the
term ‘cell’ rather than ‘battery’ in this course. Strictly speaking, a battery is a
collection of cells. The cell contains chemicals which react with each other and
give off chemical energy. This energy provides the ‘push’ to move the charged
particles around the circuit.

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