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You are evaluating the effect of different types of fertilizers on plant growth. You plant 12 tomato plants
and divide them into three groups, where each group contains four plants. To the first group, you do not
add fertilizer and the plants are watered with plain water. The second and third groups are watered with
two different brands of fertilizer. After three weeks, you measure the growth of each plant in centimeters
and calculate the average growth for each type of fertilizer.

Can you identify the key parts of the scientific method from this
Independent variable
Dependent variable
Control group
Experimental groups
• Use the data above to make a suitable graph.
The effect of different brands of fertilizer on tomato plant growth over three weeks

Treatment Plant Number

1 2 3 4 Average

No treatment 10 12 8 9 9.75

Brand A 15 16 14 12 14.25

Brand B 22 25 21 27 23.75
Answer no.1
Can you identify the key parts of the scientific method from this
experiment? yes
Independent variable is the treatment of plants with different fertilizers
(no treatment , brand A ,brand B) because it is being changed or
controlled in a scientific experiment to test the effects on the dependant
Dependent variable is growth of plant in cm because it is being tested
and measured in a experiment.
Control group is the first group of plants, in which no fertilizer is added
and the plants are watered with plain water.
Experimental groups are the second and third groups that are watered
with two different brands of fertilizer A and B respectively.
COMBO GRAPH( column+Line) is as follows:
Plant Growth in Cm The Effect of Different Brands of Fertilizer on Tomato Plant Growth over Three Weeks
Plant Number 1

30 Plant Number 2
Plant Number 3
Plant Number 4
25 Plant Number Average




No treatment Brand A Brand B

Treatment with Fertilizers

Q:2 Draw a pie chart for the data below.

Sleep 6

School 6

Job 4

Entertainment 4

Meals 2

Homework 2
2 hours
Number of Hours of a Day Spent
Sleep on Activities
2 hours 6 hours

Entertainment 4 hours

Job School
4 hours 6 hours
Answer following questions for the graph below.
•What is the dependent variable
Quantity demanded per week is dependant variable because it is along y-axis.
Also dependant variables are measured numerical values, they have a defined scale on
an axis.
•Does the price per bushel always increase with demand?
No , it does not.

•What is the quantity demanded when the price is $5 per bushel?

10 Bushel

•What is the price per bushel when the quantity demanded is 80?
Draw an appropriate graph for the data below.
Mineral Element Content
(Percent Dry Weight)
Species Ca K Mg N P

Sunflower 1.7 3.5 0.7 1.5 0.08

Bean 1.5 1.2 0.6 1.5 0.05

Wheat 0.5 4.2 0.2 2.3 0.06

Barley 0.7 4.0 0.3 1.9 0.13

COMBO GRAPH( column+Line) is as follows:

Mineral Element Content of Different Species
12/31/1899 12/31/1899 01/01/1900 01/01/1900 01/02/1900 01/02/1900 01/03/1900
4.5 0.14 N
4 P
Mineral Element Content


(Percent Dry Weight) for P

(Percent Dry Weight)

Mineral Element Content


2.5 0.08

2 0.06

0 0
Sunflower Bean Wheat Barley

Different Plant Species

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