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Macro Economics (Assignment 2)


Guided By: Prepared By:

Prof. Mala Sane Deep Prabha Dash (PRN: 19020475007)
Chayan Bhattacharya (PRN: 19020475006)
Mainak Biswas (PRN: 19020475011)
History of USSR
 The Russian Revolution of 1917 ended the
Russian empire. This was followed by Russian
Civil War which finally resulted in the formation
of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in

 The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

had a total of 15 republics before its
disintegration in 1991.

1. Armenia 6. Kazakhstan 11. Russia

2. Azerbaijan 7. Kyrgyzstan 12. Tajikistan
3. Belarus 8. Latvia 13. Turkmenistan
4. Estonia 9. Lithuania 14. Ukraine
5. Georgia 10. Moldova 15. Uzbekistan
Problems with USSR

1. 4.
• Bureaucratic and authoritarian • One Party System (communist) –
system. unaccountable to the people.

2. 5.
• Lack of Democracy. • Dominance of Russia; neglect of
the interests of other republics.
3. 6.
• Lack of freedom of speech. • High expenditure on defense, low
on infrastructure and technology.
Disintegration of the USSR : Major Events

• Crisis in the Socialist bloc

– People in many east European countries started

protest against their own governments and USSR.

– Without the right intervention from USSR at the

right time, communist governments in the
second world collapsed one after the other.
Disintegration of the USSR : Major Events

• The fall of Berlin Wall

– Germany was divided after the second world

war – among the socialist USSR and the
capitalist western regimes.

– The fall of Berlin led to a series of events

including the disintegration of the USSR.
Disintegration of the USSR : Major Events

• Economic and political reforms in USSR

– Gorbachev identified the economic and political problems of USSR,

and started a series of reforms, with the intention to revive economy.

– This was a deviation from the communist policies, and was more
closely associated with the market economy. 

– Many communist leaders in USSR opposed reforms initiated by

Gorbachev.  They encouraged a coup in 1991.
Disintegration of the USSR : Major Events

• Coup

– August 1991 – “hard-line” Communists take over of

– Last-ditch effort to save USSR
– Country went into an uproar; massive protests
– Soldiers themselves rebelled – “can’t fire on our
– Coup collapsed after 3 days
Disintegration of the USSR : Major Events

• Opposition against the coup

– Boris Yelsin who won popular election in Russian Republic,

protested against the coup and central control of USSR.

– Freedom for republics became the slogan. 

– Boris Yeltsin and the pluralist movement advocated

democratization and rapid economic reforms while the hard-line
Communist elite wanted to thwart Gorbachev’s reform agenda.
Disintegration of the USSR : Major Events

• Power shift from Soviet center to republics

– Republics like Russia, Ukraine, Belarus emerged


– They declared that the soviet union was

Factors which led to the disintegration of the USSR

1.Economic Weakness
• The weakness of the economy was the major cause of dissatisfaction
among the people in USSR.

• Huge shortage of consumer items.

• Reason for economics weakness

– Huge military spending.
– Maintenance of satellite states in Easter Europe.
– Maintenance of the Central Asian Republics within the USSR.
Factors which led to the disintegration of the USSR

2. Political Un-accountability
– The communist party regime (single party rule) for around 70 years turned

– There was widespread corruption, nepotism and lack of transparency. 

– Gorbachev’s decision to allow elections with a multi-party system and create a

presidency for the Soviet Union began a slow process of democratization that
eventually destabilized Communist control and contributed to the collapse of the
Soviet Union.
Factors which led to the disintegration of the USSR

Why did Communism Fail in the USSR?

• Economic Stagnation – the system was no longer productive

• The Party's inability to adapt or reform – officials were stubbornly

committed to something that wasn't working anymore

• Military Spending – nearly bankrupted the nation

• USSR spent 20% of GNP on military, USA 6%

• Political Corruption – officials lined their own pockets at the expense of the
Factors which led to the disintegration of the USSR

3. Gorbachev’s reforms
• Once people started to enjoy freedom under Micheal
Gorbachev’s reforms, they demanded more.

• The demand grew into a big force which turned

difficult to control.

• The people wanted to catch up with the west quickly.

Gorbachev’s reforms
Introduced two-tiered policy of reform to meet the needs of the Russian state.

Policy #1: Glasnost

Policy #2: Perestroika
About Mikhail Gorbachev's efforts to reform the Soviet Union
Factors which led to the disintegration of the USSR

4. Rise of nationalism
• Rise of nationalism among countries like Russia, Baltic
republics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), Ukraine, Georgia etc is
the most important and immediate cause of disintegration of
the USSR.

• The national feeling was strong among the more prosperous

areas in USSR and not in Central Asian republics.
Consequences of the disintegration of the USSR
The fall of second world.

The period marked the end of many communist regimes in response to mass

End of cold war: End of arms race, end of ideological confrontations.

Change in power equations: Unipolar world, capitalist ideology, IMF, World Bank etc.

Emergence of new countries and new alliances – Eg: Baltic countries aligned with

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