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This is the beginning of my life journey

“Every next level of your life
will demand a different you.”
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Assalamualaikum. My name is Faridah binti Mohamad Yaakob. A short name
right? But it was the beautiful name with the deepening means. Faridah stands
for “the only one that is special”. Ok forget it. I’m shy to elaborate it in details.
On September 25, 2002 at exactly 10.15 a.m. I was born in a Hospital Teluk
Intan Hilir Perak, Perak and stayed at Selangor since childhood until now. Yeah,
maybe I can be called as a ‘Anak Jati Selangor’. My primary school was SK
and SRA Sungai Limau and it was the best ever school for me. I beat no one
can compete my lovely school. I’m just joking and don’t take it serious.
Meanwhile, SAM Tengku Ampuan Jemaah was my secondary school and I
have been studied there for 5 years thus it actually shows that I’m a loyal
person. Accounting was my favorite course because I have been dreamed to
be Islamic Finance in the future. Now, I pursue my education at CFS IIUM
Gambang, Pahang and take ECONS program in order to catch my ambition
successfully. During the leisure time, I love cycling by the rice field to rejuvenate
myself as well as release all the tension that have burdened me a whole day.
Don’t too focus on completing an abundant assignments or other tasks, as a
human we need have a rest and enjoying what we love and like in this life
despite we said the we are able but not for our body. Next, I was stayed in the
village atmosphere since childhood, thus village cuisine became the main menu
that captivated my appetite. I do not deny the deliciousness of other foods, but
if I have been asked to choose either fast food or village cuisine, of course
village cuisine is number one in my heart.
2 O
Prayer is an essential part of being a Muslim. It is also one of the fifth pillars of Islam and more
specific, the second pillars of Islam after admission of the Unity and Prophethood. On the other
hand, prayer can be defined as the act of offering prayers to Allah. Literally translated, prayer is a
call or supplication and is generally considered the act of worshipping Allah. Besides, it is also
having a linguistic connection by establishing a prayer for the strengthening that connection with
God. Therefore, prayer is obligation upon all Muslim above mature age regardless of skin colour,
poor and rich, as long as we are considered as a Muslim, prayer is obligatory upon us. Allah said in
the Quran in Surah An-Nisa (4:103)

‫ِين ِك ٰ َتبًا م َّْوقُو ًتا‬

َ ‫ت َعلَى ْٱلم ُْؤ ِمن‬
ْ ‫إِنَّ ٱلصَّ لَ ٰو َة َكا َن‬
Indeed, prayer has been decreed upon the believers a decree of specified times

When we look in other perspective or positive view, prayer is actually to ensure Muslim to maintain
their faith and devotion to Allah. In addition, prayer is a pillar of religion, so whoever establishes it,
indeed he has established religion and whoever leaves it, then indeed he has demolished religion.
Based on the hadith, prayer plays a fundamental role has been divider between Muslim and Kafir.
Leaving the five daily prayers on purpose is the greatest sin & those who leave it will get punishment
and wrath of Allah and also get humiliation in this world and hereafter.
By performing an act of worship which is prayer, Muslim can attain Ihsan. For example, establish a
prayer five times a day is an obligatory. However, to beautify this form of submission, we could
perform the prayer with full of Khusyu’ , to worship Allah as we sees Him for, verily, even though we
don’t see Him, Allah surely see us. No one can accomplish it until he perform his act of worship in a
state deeply submersed in awareness of Allah’s observation of him, being cognisant that Allah is
looking at him. Someone must at least sense within himself that Allah is watching over him. This is
the only way we would be able to perform our worship in the state of Ihsan and protect it, and fulfil
what is sought from Him in the most complete fashion.

The most essential about prayer is, by performing it we actually seeking the Divine Protection. As a
human that also entitled as a best creature, we are not immunity from doing mistake and sin which
is end up we become the slave in our own desires. Therefore, by doing prayer, it remind us to the
presence of Allah constantly thus it turn shields for us from committing those evils and shameful
deeds. Therefore, it will lead to the True Human Freedom where by worshipping absolutely to Allah,
it frees us from being enslaved by other creations. This is because, we worship Allah alone and
become the servant for Allah only, not for others.
When first time I know that the organization of CFS’s Masjid had organized the usrah session for all
CFS students, I believe that this is the valuable chance for me to keep motivated me in order to
strive in attaining Allah’s pleasure. As we already know, as a vicegerent as well as the slave of Allah,
the ultimate goal in our live of course to seek ]]]‫ مرضاة هللا‬because at the end of the day, we will return
to Allah. Even though I had been studied at the religion school in a secondary school, but as a
Muslim we had encouraged and recommended to gain any knowledge in order to strengthen the
faith as well as maintaining it from being decreasing and thus will lead to be a slave for our desire.
By joining usrah, I learnt an abundant and new knowledge like Ihsan, ‘adab’ towards parents,
neighbours and also when having an online learning and not to forget the eschatology knowledge. I
take one topic which is Ihsan as an example that usrah guiding me to be the better person. In Ihsan,
it means that doing things excellently and beautifully and also establishing what is good and
beautiful in life. Therefore, in ourselves need to have the quality of being good and beautiful like
pleasantness, desirability and beauty. This characteristics of Ihsan not only towards other creation
but also when worshipping and glorify Allah. When I learnt about Ihsan, I struggle to beautify my
actions especially when worshipping Allah. I know it is to hard to worship Allah with the sense of
]]]‫مرا]قبة هللا‬, but I put all of my effort to attain this level of Ihsan despite it maybe consume a long time. I
also try to consistent in performing act of worship correctly by fulfilling its conditional, the element of
sunnan required in it with the proper etiquette. Usrah totally change my life 360 degree where before
this I didn’t know how to beautify my action either towards creation or worshipping Allah.
As I stepped into the CFS IIUM Gambang, I felt like butterfly in my stomach not only because
I will live far away form my parents but at the same I realize that I will bear a great
responsibilities either as a child, student and also as a Muslim. The journey to this
institutional education not a stones throw away from my house and took almost 6 hours to
arrive there. I know that this is a tiring journey for my parents and thus it motivated me to
strive for infinite excellence. Of course my target, same like other students in CFS which is to
get 4 flat in each semester. But it is not easy as ABC, too many difficulties I need to face in
order to balance between the assignments and also activities that had organized by the
association. However, this did not break my spirit to achieve my ambitions and get an
excellent result as a present for my parents. This is the only way to return the favor of my
parents that taking care of me since childhood until now. Instead of struggling to success in
life, I will not forget and ignore the responsibilities towards Allah as His slave. Prayer on time
have been my prioritized despite having an abundant tasks and assignments that need to
complete it. Based on my experience, when we perform prayer on time, we will feel that
actually we have an adequate time to do anything. As a Muslim also, I try to spread the
positive vibe and encourage others to do a good deeds as well as advising each other when
someone commit a mistake. We play an essential role not only as a slave of Allah but also as
His vicegerent in delivering the dakwah to the entire Muslim. When we put Allah as our
ultimate, Insya Allah, He will make it easy for us to accomplish any tasks or problems.

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