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Writing an Exposition


1. define exposition;
2. identify the different types of exposition,
its structural elements, and language
features; and
3. write an exposition or discussion on a
familiar issue to include key structural
elements and language features.
What is expository text?
Expository writing is a mode of writing in
which the purpose of the author is to
inform, explain, describe, or define his or
her subject to the reader.
Examples of expository texts are
textbooks, encyclopedias, scientific
books/journals, atlases, directions, guides,
biographies, newspapers.

Common Expository Text
Chronological or
Cause and Effect
Comparison and
the author described a topic by listing or
enumerating characteristics, features, attributes,
and examples. It may also involve definition and/
or classification / categorization of concepts

Chronological or Sequential
lists items or events in numerical or
chronological sequence, either explicit or
implied. It may also include the description of key
events in chronological order as might be found
in a history text or it could involve a series of
related steps in a process such as might be
found in a recipe or instruction manual.

presents ideas, events in time, or facts as
causes and the resulting effect(s) or facts
that happen as a result of an event. In
short, this text structure discusses
problems or events and their results or

Compare and Contrast
information is presented by detailing
how two or more events, concepts, or things
are alike and/or different.

the author presents a problem and one or
more solutions to the problem. In this type of
text, the author tries to persuade readers
that a problem exists or an issue exists and
must be dealt with in a specific manner.

Language Features of Exposition

Signal words are used in

expositions to make transitions
between ideas possible. They
also facilitate coherence and
a smooth flow of ideas. Here
are some signal words of each
type of exposition:
With the given
paragraphs , break
down the key
information using
appropriate graphic
Read each paragraph
carefully. Encircle the
cue words used. On the
blank, write the text
There are many likenesses between
my two brothers. Glenn is my eldest
brother whereas Eric is younger than
me. Just like Glenn, Eric also attended
the same college. However, they
belong to different departments. Glen
studied engineering while Eric studied
nursing. Now, Glenn and Eric are both
married to their high school
Drug abuse causes multiple problems
for countries and communities. The
medical and psychological effects are
obvious. Due to drugs, addicts cannot
function as normal members of society.
They neglect or abuse their families.
Consequently, they eventually require
expensive treatment or hospitalization.
School has increased in its difficulty over the
years. Initially, in kindergarten was all I had
to do was finger paint, crafts, and daily
naptimes. Then during my elementary years,
math went from adding and subtracting to
multiplication and division. After that came
junior high with its more advanced math,
which also strengthened my independent
study skills. Recently high school has been
the most difficult – my responsibilities have
gone from naptime to chemistry equations.
1. Quiz 2.4 – Writing Exposition

2. Expository essay
Choose a text structure (description, chronological, cause & effect,
comparison & contrast, or problem-solution) and talk about any of the given
topics below. Write your ideas first in a graphic organizer, then compose a
5 – 8 sentence paragraph that tells something about your chosen topic.
Use cue words in your work. Be guided by the rubric.
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