Lecture1.Atomic Structure & Bonding

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Material Science and Engineering

Kontrak Kuliah
Atomic Structure
Atomic Bonding

Fahmi Mubarok, ST., MSc.
Metallurgy Laboratory
Mechanical Engineering Dept Jadwal kuliah :
ITS- Surabaya
Tiap hari Senin pukul 07.00 – 08.40 Ruang C-117
Material Science and Engineering Fahmi Mubarok, ST, MSc.

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Material Science and Engineering Fahmi Mubarok, ST, MSc.

© 2003 Brooks/Cole Publishing / Thomson Learning™

Material science is the investigation of the relationship among processing,

structure, properties, and performance of materials.
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Material Science and Engineering Fahmi Mubarok, ST, MSc.

© 2003 Brooks/Cole Publishing / Thomson Learning™

Application of the tetrahedron of materials science and engineering to
sheet steels for automotive chassis. Note that the microstructure-
synthesis and processing-composition are all interconnected and affect
the performance-to-cost ratio
I- 4
Kontrak Kuliah Fahmi Mubarok, ST, MSc.

Tujuan : Buku Pegangan :

Memahami hubungan antara struktur 1. Avner, Sidney H., Introduction to
mikro logam dengan sifat mekanik serta Physical Metallurgy, 2nd edition, Mc-
mekanisme penguatannya dan cara GrawHill, Tokyo, 1987.
memodifikasi sifat mekanik dari suatu 2. Callister, William D., Material Science
material and Engineering, an Introduction, 7ed.
John Wiley and Sons. 2007.
Topik : 3. CAHN, Robert, W., HAASEN, P,.
• Stuktur Atom dan Struktur Kristal Physical Metallurgy 4th Ed, Elsevier
• Ketidaksempurnaan Kristal dan Paduan Science B.V., 1996
Logam 4. Askeland, Donal R., Phule, Pradep P.,
• Mekanisme Deformasi dan Rekristalisasi The Science and Engineering of
Materials, 4th ed, Nelson Thomas Ltd.,
• Diagram Fasa Equilibrium
• Diagram Fasa Fe-Fe3C
• Transformasi Fasa Baja Evaluasi :
• Proses Perlakuan Panas Baja Ver. 1 Ver. 2
• Pengerasaan Permukaan Tugas dan Quiz : 20% 20%
UTS I : 40% 20%
UTS II : 40% 20%
UAS : - 40%

I- 5
Kontrak Tugas Fahmi Mubarok, ST, MSc.

• Tugas dikerjakan di kertas A4 dan tulis tangan

• Tugas dikumpulkan menjadi satu, urut
berdasarkan NRP (oleh penanggung jawab
tugas) dan diberi keterangan NRP berapa yang
tidak mengumpulkan
• Tugas dikumpulkan pada minggu berikutnya
sebelum mulai perkuliahan
• Tidak ada toleransi bagi KETERLAMBATAN

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Fahmi Mubarok, ST, MSc.

I- 7
Technological Relevance Fahmi Mubarok, ST, MSc.

The Structure of Materials:

Technological Relevance
• Nanotechnology
• Micro-electro-
mechanical (MEMS)
systems-Airbag sensors
• Nanostructures

Courtesy of: Askeland,,The Science and

Engineering of Materials, 4th ed

I- 8
Technological Relevance Fahmi Mubarok, ST, MSc.

Table 1.1 Levels of Structure

Level of Structure Example of Technologies

Atomic Structure Diamond – edge of

cutting tools

Atomic Arrangements: Lead-zirconium-titanate

Long-Range Order [Pb(Zrx Ti1-x )] or PZT –
(LRO) gas igniters

Atomic Arrangements: Amorphous silica - fiber

Short-Range Order optical communications
(SRO) industry

Courtesy of: Askeland,,The

Science and Engineering of
Materials, 4th ed

I- 9
Technological Relevance Fahmi Mubarok, ST, MSc.

Table 1.1 (Continued)

Level of Structure Example of Technologies

Nanostructure Nano-sized particles of

iron oxide – ferrofluids

Microstructure Mechanical strength of

metals and alloys

Macrostructure Paints for automobiles

for corrosion resistance

Courtesy of: Askeland,,The Science

and Engineering of Materials, 4th ed
I- 10
Atomic Structure Fahmi Mubarok, ST, MSc.

• Atom is the smallest component of an element having the

chemical properties of the element
• Atom consist of Nucleus (Proton & Neutron) which is encircle by
moving Electron

ATOM = NUKLEUS (Proton+Neutron) + ELECTRON

• Massa atom = massa proton + massa neutron
• Proton 

Callister, Material Science and Engineering, an Introduction, 7ed.

m = 1.67265 × 10−27 kg,
q = 1.67 × 10−19 C
• Electron 
m = 9.10953 × 10−31 kg,

q = - 1.67 × 10−19 C
• Neutron 
m = 1.67495 × 10−27 kg,
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Atomic Structure Fahmi Mubarok, ST, MSc.

• X = Element
• Z = Atomic Number
Jumlah proton dalam nucleus
• A = Atomic Mass / Mass Number
The number of nucleons (protons and
neutrons) in an atomic nucleus
• C = Carbon
• Z = 6  6 protons & 6 electrons
• A = 12  protons + neutrons = 12
 neutrons = 6
Isotope : any of the several different forms of
an element each having different atomic mass
(mass number)
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Periodic Table Fahmi Mubarok, ST, MSc.

Callister, Material Science and Engineering, an Introduction, 7ed.


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Atomic Structure Fahmi Mubarok, ST, MSc.

From periodic table

6 Atomic Number

C Atomic Weight (amu)

• Atomic Weight : weighted average of the atomic masses of
the atoms naturally occurring isotopes. Atomic weight of
carbon is 12.0107 amu.
• The atomic mass unit (amu) sebagai satuan berat atom,
sebagai standar adalah 1/12 berat atom 12 C =1.66 x 10-24 gr
= 1 amu (berisi 6 proton (Z=6) dan 6 neutron (N=6)
• Berat atom sering dinyatakan per mol (gr/mol)
• Satu mol menyatakan jumlah partikel yang yang mempunyai
massa dalam gram dan dinyatakan dengan Avogadro
number, N = 6.023 x 1023
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Atomic Structure Fahmi Mubarok, ST, MSc.

A mole is the amount of substance of a system which contains as

many elementary entities as there are atoms in 12 grams of

• Massa 1 atom C-12 = 1.99268 x 10-23 gr

• Dalam 12 gr C-12 terdapat

= 6.0220406 x 10-23 atom

Contoh 1.1
Hitung nomor atom pada 100 gr perak.
The number of silver atoms is =
(100 g )(6.023  10 23 atoms mol ) = 5.58  1023
(107.868 g mol )
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Atomic Bonding Fahmi Mubarok, ST, MSc.

Primary Interatomic Bonds

• Ionic Bonding
• Covalent Bonding
• Metallic Bonding
Secondary Bonding
• Fluctuating Induced Dipole Bonds
Van der Waals
• Polar Molecule Dipole Bonds Bonding
• Hydrogen Bonds

I- 16
Atomic Bonding Fahmi Mubarok, ST, MSc.

Primary Interatomic Bonds

• Ionic Bonding :
Strong Coulomb interaction among negative atoms (have an extra
electron each) and positive atoms (lost an electron).

Example: NaCl

© 2003 Brooks/Cole Publishing / Thomson Learning™

Ionic bonds: very strong, nondirectional


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Atomic Bonding Fahmi Mubarok, ST, MSc.

Primary Interatomic Bonds

• Covalent Bonding :
In covalent bonding, electrons are shared between the molecules,
to saturate the valency

Example: Cl2

Callister, Material Science and Engineering, an Introduction, 7ed.


I- 18
Atomic Bonding Fahmi Mubarok, ST, MSc.

Primary Interatomic Bonds

• Metallic Bonding :
Valence electrons are detached from atoms, and spread in an
'electron sea' that "glues" the ions together

© 2003 Brooks/Cole Publishing / Thomson Learning™

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Atomic Bonding Fahmi Mubarok, ST, MSc.

Secondary Bonding
• Fluctuating Induced Dipole Bonds :
An electric dipole can be created in electrically symmetric
molecules/atoms by fluctuations of electron density distribution.
Fluctuating electric field in one atom A is felt by the electrons of
an adjacent atom, and induce a dipole momentum in this atom.
This bond due to fluctuating induced dipoles is the weakest. Ex:
inert gases, H2, Cl2, N2, CH4.

a. b. c.
Neutral Polarized Polarized atom/molecule induces
atom/molecule atom/molecule has a adjacent atom/molecule to become a
net dipole moment dipole that is then weakly attracted
© 2003 Brooks/Cole Publishing / Thomson Learning™

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Atomic Bonding Fahmi Mubarok, ST, MSc.

Secondary Bonding
• Polar Molecule Dipole Bonds :
Permanent dipole moments exist in some molecules (called polar
molecules) due to the asymmetrical arrangement of positively and
negatively regions. Bonds between adjacent polar molecules –
permanent dipole bonds – are stronger than Fluctuating Induced
Dipole Bonds. Ex: HCl, aseton.

a. b.
Arrangements of polar molecule dipole bond

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Atomic Bonding Fahmi Mubarok, ST, MSc.

Secondary Bonding
• Hydrogen Bonds :
Hydrogen Bonds exist in some molecules that has hydrogen atoms
and strong moment dipoles (H-O, H-F and H-N). Hydrogen bonds
are strongest among secondary bonds.

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Atomic Bonding Fahmi Mubarok, ST, MSc.

Examples of bonding in Materials:

• Metal = Metallic bonding
• Ceramic = Ionic/Covalent bonding
• Polymer = Covalent and Secondary bonding
• Semiconductor = Covalent or Covalent/Ionic bonding

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Levels of Atomic Arrangements in Materials
Types of Atomic Order in Materials
Unit Cells
Crystal Systems
Metallic Crystal Structure
Dosen: Polymorphism and Allotropy
Fahmi Mubarok, ST., MSc.
Metallurgy Laboratory
Crystallographic Directions and Planes
Mechanical Engineering Dept Jadwal kuliah :
ITS- Surabaya
Tiap hari Senin pukul 07.00 – 08.40 Ruang C-117

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