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Session 5
Do you think gender is
a development issue?
According to The World’s Women 2015-
United Nations:
• More than 1 in 4 women aged 20-24
in developing regions are married
before they turn 18.
• 3 in 4 one parent household are lone
mothers with children
• Girls are less likely to exercise than
• Illiteracy rates are highest among
older people and higher among
women than men
• Women work longer hours than men
when unpaid work is accounted for
• Globally, about 75% of all men and 50% of
all women participate in the labor force
• Less than 4% of CEOs in the world’s
largest 500 corporations are women
• 1 in 3 women have experienced
physical/sexual violence at some point in
their lives
Objectives :
At the end of this period, we
will be able to:
• Understand the concepts of
sex, gender, gender roles and
other key concepts related to
Gender and Development
Identify gender-bias
practices in the classroom
• Integrate gender-fair
Gender and sex are
sometimes used to mean
the same thing.
Though gender and sex are two
different concepts with different
Women give birth
to babies men don’t
Care of babies is the
responsibility of
Only women can
breastfeed babies
Men are less
sensitive than
Women are scared of
working outside their
homes at night
Men’s voices break at
puberty women’s
Women are
emotional and men
are rational
Care of babies is
the responsibility of
Only women can
breastfeed babies
Men have
Women are scared of
working outside their
homes at night
Most scientists
are men
Cooking comes
naturally to
Women give birth to Care of babies is the
babies men don’t responsibility of women
Only women can Men are less sensitive than
breastfeed babies women
Men have moustache Women are scared of
Men’s voices break at working outside their homes
puberty women’s don’t at night
  Women are emotional and
men are rational
Most scientists are men 
Biologically determined Cooking comes naturally to
Universal for all human women  
beings Constructed by society
Unchanging Multi-faceted differs within
Inborn and between cultures
Dynamic, changes over time
Sex- Identifies the biological differences
between men and women, such as women
can give birth, and men provide sperm. Sex
roles are universal.
Gender- Identifies the social relations
between men and women. It refers to the
relationship between men and women, boys
and girls, and how this is socially
constructed. Gender roles are dynamic and
change over time.
(The Impossible
 Division of labour- Women and girls
concentrate on reproductive chores while
boys and men dominate the productive
and political roles
Decision-making men
decide family life including
the life and wellbeing of a
The women’s roles are interior
and private while men’s roles
are external and visible/public.
Gender role is the behaviors, attitudes
values, beliefs and so on that a particular
cultural group considers appropriate for
males and females on the basis of their
biological sex. Gender roles and
expectations are learned.
Gender socialization is the
process of learning the social
expectations and attitudes
associated with one's sex.
Manipulation refers to how a child is
handed. Boys are taken to be strong and
girls are given more feminine designation
of being pretty. Such experiences on one’s
physique matters in shaping the self-image
and personality of boys and girls.
The second phase canalization involves
the familiarization of boys and girls
with certain objects, which later shapes
their perceptions, aspirations and
Verbal appellation likes “strong” for
boys and “beautiful” for girls help them
construct different identities. It is always
strength versus beauty.
The fourth process activity exposure
pertains to different kinds activities,
boys and girls are exposed to. Girls are
asked for help by their mothers and boys
usually accompany their fathers outside
the house.
Gender Sensitivity
 Is a frame of mind
 A set of attitude
 The way we approach whatever we do in our intimate
relationships, in our work, in our everyday transactions
with the outside world
 Not a war of the sexes
 Not anti-male
 Recognition that in practically all cultures women have
a lower status than men
Agents of Gender Socialization
 Family
 Peer Group
 Media
 Government
 Church
 School
Some biased behaviors in the classroom
* Males are also more likely to call out or act out,
demanding and receiving teacher attention.
* Segregated seating patterns reinforce unequal
teacher attention.
* Boys are more likely to be called up to the front of
the room to do demonstrations (for
example a science demonstration)
* Boys are more likely to be disciplined than girls, even
when the misbehavior is identical
* Girls are more likely to be praised for the appearance
and neatness of their work
* Females often stereotyped into clerical role because of
neat notes
* Teachers are more likely to offer boys specific
feedback on their work – including praise, criticism and
Gender sensitivity encompasses
the ability to acknowledge and
highlight existing gender
differences, issues and
inequalities and incorporate these
into strategies and actions.
As stated in RA 9710, the instructional goal is
“ to ensure the promotion and protection of
the dignity and self-worth of both sexes by
integrating and or infusing core messages and
related values on gender-fair education in the
 Who do I call on when hands are
raised in class: boys or girls? Do I
address them in the same manner?
 Do I equally scold both genders when
problems and issues arise in the
 Do I distribute classroom duties
equally or do I contribute to the
stigma that girls should clean and
boys should deal with technical
 Do I ask higher level questions of
each gender?
 Do I have the same expectations of all
of my students?
 Do I provide equal amounts of help,
feedback, encouragement and praise?
 Do I use examples of both
genders when teaching a
lesson? Is the text I use
contributing to gender biased
Pledge of
Sa landas ng buhay, tinatanggap namin
ang isang katotohanan
Katotohanang ang mga tao ay nilalang na
pantay pantay ng Dakilang Manlilikha
Mga nilalang na may taglay na tanging
talino, kakayahan at
Damdaming magmahal at gumalang sa
kapwa tao.
Naninindigan kami na:
itataguyod ang pantay na karapatan
ng mga babae at lalaki
pagtataguyod ng gender equality
Wawakasan ang mga biases, stereotyping,
prejudices, mga nakagisnang paniniwala at
mga nakagawiang pagturing sa mga babae at
Kasiyahan nawa kami ng Maykapal.

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