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A Comparison Of Sleep Quality Between

Pre-clinic And Clinical Students Faculty

Of Medicine During Online Learning
Asyifa Nurani 1102015037
Bagus Dian Pranata 1102013052
Nabila Nur Fidiyah 1102015153
Salsabil Almas Khairana 1102015213
Siti Hartina Rahmawati Hasna 1102015224

dr. Yusnita, M. Kes, DiplDK
Introduction: Sleep is essential for a humanbeing. Medical students are very
prone to experiencing poor sleep quality because of the many tasks that they
had completed. In the pandemic era, students are required to adjust to the
online learning system. The aims was to analyze the sleep quality between pre-
clinic and clinical students..

Method: Comparative descriptive, cross-sectional

study. Consecutive sampling method with a total
sample of 98 students. Data  the Pittsburgh Sleep
Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire. Statistical analysis
 chi-square test..

Result: 32 preclinic (71,1%) and 42 clinical (79,2%) students with poor

sleep quality category. P value=0,486  statistically unsignificance.

Conclusion: There were no difference of sleep quality between

preclinic and clinical students during online learning.

Keywords: Sleep Quality, Medical Students, Online learning

Related to this

INTRODUCTION pandemic era all

student had to study
by Online learning •
Basicaly students tend to get Online learning
system. All of things system makes the
sleeping problem. It happened should be designed
because of lot of tasks to do as a situations became
as online system. hard  Irregular
student. One of those is an And those should be time schedule for
academic assigment. conducted at home. pre clinic such as
Sleep is essential for a PBL class, anatomy,
human being. The hystology
Student • Those things
quality of sleep affects conducted in rest
the physical and time
psychological individual Human daily • The lecturer limited
COVID-19 time .
aspects. needs; rest
sleep Pandemic • Clinical students are
ordered to develop
their skills with
dummy patient. So
Pre-Clinical and the online system
Clinical Stage have Pre-Clinical and make preclinic and
Learning clinical student have
different learning Clinical Stage
System so much un-
system. common.

Medical Student

01. Study Design 02. Sampling 05. Data Analysis

•Comparative descriptive •Consecutive sampling
•Cross-sectional •98 respondents •Univariate and Bivariate analysis
•SPSS ver. 24 with chi-square
03.Population 04. Data Instrument
All pre-clinic and clinical Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index
medical student YARSI (PSQI) questionnaire

Table 1. Respondent Characteristic

Respondent Characteristics (N)
Academic Stage
Clinical 53 54.1
Pre-Clinical 45 45.9
Total 98 100.0

2012 1 1.0
2013 1 1.0
2014 4 4.1
2015 35 35.7
2016 19 19.4
2017 21 21.4
2018 17 17.3
Total 98 100.0

Table 1. Respondent Characteristic

Respondent Characteristics (N) (%)
Male 17 17.3
Female 81 82.7
Total 98 100.0
<20 17 17.3
20-25 80 81.6
>25 1 1.0
Total 98 100.0

Table 2. Frequency Distribution Sleep Quality of pre-clinic students


Explanation (N)
Good 13 28.9
Poor 32 71.1
Total 45 100.0

Table 3. Frequency Distribution Sleep Quality of clinical students


Explanation (N) Percentage (%)

Good 11 20.8

Poor 42 79.2

Total 53 100.0

Table 4. Tabulated Results Based on Comparison of Sleep Quality

    Sleep Quality  
    Good Poor Total P value
Education Clinic 11 42 53
Phase 20.8% 79.2% 100.0%
Pre-clinic 13 32 45 0.486
28.9% 71.1% 100.0%
Total 24 74 98
24.5% 75.5% 100.0%
Based on the characteristic in Table 1. the
sample that we have in this study, 53
The majority of age in this study is
preclinical and 45 clinical students show
between 20-25 in range.
the majority of them \are a women

Same as Feda et al (2019) study, the
majority of student in faculty of medicine In line with Sulaiman (2016) study, said
UPN Yogya are a women, 108 out of 162 that the age of preclinical students and
students. Also in Valero et al (2016) study, clinical students is between 19-25
shows tha the women has a worse quality (95.1%) in range.
of sleep than the man.
In the first and second year students in the study, a
tendency for sleep quality to be worse during
lockdown even though the activities and assignments
In the result, we can see in table 2, it they undertook were less than before the lockdown
shows that 71.1% of preclinical (Cristina,2020)
students have a bad quality of sleep.

Pre-clinical students have poor sleep quality because an

individual's environment. In this study, compared to
individuals who were on the skills exam and who were
not. Individuals who are in the exam period tend to
experience decreased quality of sleep because they
focus on preparing for the exam (Falloon et al, 2019)
Also in clinical students, this study shows 79,2 % of them have a
bad quality of sleep.

Medical students in America, where the majority of clinical

students who are forced to undergo education online experience
decreased performance and sleep disturbances due to frequent
exposure to electronic screens. This is done by the institution so
that their skills are honed through small discussions and case
simulations which are all carried out online (Rose,2020)
Based on the table 4, we found the number of respondents who had poor sleep quality
during online learning was not much different, with percentage 71.1% among pre-
clinic students and 79.2% among clinical students.

National Sleep Foundation's

Research of of Sutriano et al (2017)
which found more medical students statement which says that 59% of
slept less than 5 hours at night. adults aged 18-29 describe
themselves as owls at night. So that
at that age, someone prefers to stay
up longer at night to do assignments.

Habits before bedtime •

Factors that Sleep patterns (Nap time) • According to research
can affect the by Hermawati (2010), it
quality of
Activity •
was found that light
sleep Environment • affects sleep quality
Types of activities that pre-clinical and clinical
students undertake during online system learning are
Activity likely to be the same compared to pre-pandemic

(research • Assessment activities
conducted by • Support activities
Rukmini 2016)

Clinical • Case management

(According to • Taking clinical actions
Hardisman 2010) • Various tutoring provided
Research by
(Bararah, 2010) said
Sleep Individuals who have a that there is a
tendency for waking
Pattern longer nap pattern will affect
functions in the
the quality of sleep at night brain to switch
between day and

This is related to research conducted by Indrawati

(2012), where individuals who carry out activities such
Habits as listening to music, accessing the internet, chatting on
cellphones, reading books without relaxing before
going to sleep will cause the quality of sleep to

Most of the Pre-clinical students sleep

01 quality were poor (71,1%).

Most of the Clinical students sleep quality

02 were poor (79,2%).

The statistical result showed no difference between the

03 sleep quality of pre-clinical and clinical medical
students during online learning system.

This study was expected to be the basic data for further research to examine the
risk factors that cause a decrease in the quality of sleep in students during online
learning beside the education phase. We hope this result may help medical
students being optimal during online learning and may help. to draw up an
intervention plan.

• Researchers would like to thank the students who

helped with this research and Department of Public
Health Faculty of Medicine, YARSI University.

• The questionnaire used in this study is less sensitive

to research subjects.

• The questionnaire identify sleep quality in the general

population and not specific to medical students.
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