Imagery and Types of Imagery

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Imagery and

Types of
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English Literature
An interesting story
“You know what guys. It was the season of spring, one of my favourite seasons. In
the spring I was walking in the garden and I felt the wetty grass at that time I was
eating chocolate too. The day was precious, I saw blue sky, white clouds, budding
leaves and various flowers. I heard the melodious sound of birds, they were
singing in harmony in the early morning. Then I smelt the beautiful fragrance of
roses. (Do you like the smell of rose? Rose is my favourite flower. Which one is
yours? Let me know in the comment.) and I also felt the freshness of the wind
against my cheeks. I touched flowers, they were soft and lovely.”

After reading the story.

What picture do you see in your
mind when you read this?
You probably imagined
Imagery (Spring Season, Wetty Grass )
Imagery (Blue sky with white clouds)
Imagery (Singing Birds)
Imagery (Roses)
So, throughout your imagination you using your senses create some
Yes, Images which are created in your mind through language, involving
all your senses is known as imagery.
Or in other words Imagery may be defined as the “Representation of
sense experience through language” In imagery, writers use Images to
create a “mental picture”
Types of Imagery
5 types of Imagery
1. Visual Imagery - what we see
2. Auditory - what we hear
3. Tactile - what we touch or feel
4. Gustatory - what we taste
5. Olfactory - what we smell
Types of Imagery
• I felt the wetty grass.
• I was eating chocolate.
• I saw blue sky, white clouds, budding leaves and various flowers.
• I heard the melodious sound of birds, they were singing in harmony
in the early morning.
• I smelt the beautiful fragrance of roses.
• I also felt the freshness of the wind against my cheeks.
• I touched flowers, they were soft and lovely.
Types of Imagery
Imagery and Types of Imagery
• Imagery may be defined as the representation of sense experience
through language
• There are 5 types of Imagery
Auditory - to hear
Olfactory- to smell
Gustatory- to taste
Tactile- to touch or to feel
Visual- to see
The End
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