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Hazrat Umar Ibn Al Khattab

Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW)

“Were a prophet to come after me, he would have been

Administration in Islam
Hazrat Umar(RA)’s Administration
 22nd of Jamadi-uth-Thani 13 Hijri – 26 Dhul Hijjah 23 Hijri
His Own Image

Super Powers
(Persian Empire & Byzantine Empire)


Basic Principles of Hazrat Umar’s Reign

 Self Accountability

 No Private Business for Government


Same LAW for all

Self Accountability
1.Old Woman
2.Hazrat Umar (RA)’s Son

No Private Business for Government


Same LAW for all

1.Amar Bin Aas (RA)’s Son
Important Conquests of Hazrat Umar(RA)’s Reign

Conquest of Damascus  The Battle of Qaadisiyah

Conquest of Saida, Irqah Conquest of the Persian

and Beirut (Lebanon today) capital 

Campaigns in Iraq Conquest of Jerusalem

The Conquest of The Conquest of Egypt

2/3 of Byzantie
Comparison with the Caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)

Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) Hazrat Umar (RA)

Pact in Jerusalem

o The inhabitants' life, property and churches were given

o Islam was not to be forced on them

o The inhabitants were to pay the “Jizya" or poll tax

o The Greeks were to be turned out of the City

Reforms of Hazrat Umar(RA) during his Administration

Formal Bayt ul Mal

Trading Reforms

Taxes Reforms


Other Institutions

Provincial Administration

Division into Provinces.

The following were, the provinces and their governors in 23 A.H., i.e.
near the end of Hadrat Umar's Caliphate.

1. Hijaz with Makah as its capital; Nafi' bin Abu Harith.

2. Syria with Damascus as its capital;Mu'awiyah bin Abu Sufyan.
3. Iran with Basrah as its capital; Abu Musa al-Ash'ari.
4. Iraq with Kufa as its capital; -Mughirah bin Shu'bah.
5. Egypt with Futat as its capital;Amr bin al-'As.
6. Palestine with sJerusalem as its capital; 'Alqamah bin Majaz.
7. Jazirah (i.e. Mesopotamia) with Hims (Hems) as its controlling capital;
Governor -- 'Umair bin Sa'd.
8. The central province of Arabia with Medina as its capital.
Hierarchy of Administration

STATE Caliph


Model of Administration



Katib ud Sahib ul Sahib ul Sahib Bait ul

Katib Mal Qadi
Diwan Kharaj Ahdath
Katib Chief Secretary.
Katib-ud-Diwan Military Secretary.
Sahib-ul-Kharaj Revenue Collector.
Sahib-ul-Ahdath Police Chief.
Sahib-Bait-ul-Mal,   Treasury Officer.
Qadi Chief Judge.

Military Department

Tax Departments

Education Department

Police Department

Financial Department
Military Department

Different Ranks

Cant Areas

Fixed Salaries

Check Posts (Conquered Cities)

Appointment of Head of Military

Military in Different Cities

Taxes In Hazrat Umar’s
 (Indemnity or Defense Tax)
Diwan al Kharaj
Non Muslims

 Tax) Diwan al-Zakah

 Tax); Diwan al Kharaj

 (Special land Tax);
Taxes In Hazrat Umar’s
War Booty –Ghanima
(Income from the conquered places)
-Diwan al-Jund

10 percent or 5%

Tax on Land Mines and Treasure Troves 5%

Ushoor & Reekaz (Diwan al Bareed & Diwan al Khatm)

Education Department


Salaries for Teachers

Educational Developments all over the State

Police Department
First one to introduce Police Force


Fixed Salaries
Financial Departments


Bayt ul Mall


Collection of revenue

Salaries for Financial Department Employees

Construction Canals

Populated Cities

He was also the first to make use of the whip for
corporal punishment and set up a prison.

 He introduced a system of collecting direct information

concerning the State.

He established a secret intelligence service. 

He had wells bored, built houses

Fixed a daily payment for the destitute among the

Christians and the Jews. 

Hijri Calendar
Fixed Salaries for Men involved in voluntary
Census system,
 Measuring of the land and keeping its record
 He was first to allow traders of rival countries
to enter Muslim territories for the purpose of
Formal Taraweeh Prayers
Shurah (Advisory Council)

 Higher Advisory
Military Council

General Advisory Council
Tax Deptartments

3 rd
Advisory Department
Education Council
Between The Higher & General Advisory Council
Police Deparmtment

Financial Department
Higher Advisory Council
 Important Decisions of the State

 Permanent Members
Military Department
Hadrat Uthman, Ali, 'Abdur Rahman bin Auf, Mu'adh bin Jabal,
Ubayy bin Ka'b, Zaid bin Thabit, Talha and Zubair (RaziAllah Anho).
Tax Deptartments
General Advisory Council
Education Department
General Matters

Ansar & Muhajireens
The Companions who participated in the battle of Badr were given
priority in this "Shura.In this "Shura" were also included the chiefs
various clansDepartment
and tribes.
3rd Advisory Council
 Ranked between the other two Shuras
Some selected Companions among the Muhajirin and Ansar
Matter of Special Interest
Military Department
The Way to call the Shura:
Tax Deptartments
As-Salatu Jami'ah," in the Prophet's Masjid
Education Department

Police Deparmtment

Financial Department
Saying of Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) about Hazrat Umar (RA)

"Amongst the nations before your time, there have been inspired
people (who were not Prophets), and if there is one amongst my
Ummah, he is Umar".
- (Bukhari and Muslim)

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