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How to write a Scientific Paper (Part-

2: Chart, Tables, Graphs)

Your experiment’s result
 Sampaikan hasil utama yang didukung oleh data terpilih.

 Pilih cara menyampaikan hasil yang tepat (tabel, grafik batang, grafik garis,

 Penulisan hasil disusun secara logis dimulai dari yang paling penting ke
yang kurang penting, atau dari yang sederhana ke yang kompleks.
 Deskripsikan hasil (tabel/gambar), tidak menginterpretasikan hasil, serta
menggunakan kalimat yang ringkas.

 Hasil harus dapat berdiri sendiri

 Data yang sama tidak boleh ditampilkan 2 kali

 Jika bukan hasil penelitian sendiri sertakan sumber

Steps to describe figures

 Start by saying exactly (simply) what the figure shows

 Next, summarize the single most important thing from the figure  trends
that you can see
Describe figure in more detail  use variety of language to describe trends,
proportions, fractions, percentage, etc.
Comparing the information between groups shown. Use expressions like
while…, however …
 Conclusion: summarize (highlight) the bigger picture and mention the
most significant information.
Useful introductory expressions:

 The graph shows / indicates / depicts / illustrates

 From the graph it is clear
 It can be seen from the graph
 As can be seen from the graph,
 As is shown / illustrated by the graph,
 Example: The graph shows the percentage of children using supplements
in a place over a year.
Useful time expressions:
  over the next... / for the following... (for the following two months... over
the next six months...)
 from ... to / between ... and (from June to August... between June and
 during (during the first three months...)
 Throughout (the 1980s) ….
 …. after that …..
Match the right graph




Let’s practise
 Make a group of three
 Discuss and determine the description of the graph given
 Step for describing graph/figure

- Introduction expression
- Mention the most important thing
- Describe figure in more detail or make comparation
- Summarize
 Present and submit your work
Figure 1.
Figure 2.

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