MWD Final

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1392 sqm of parking
area at basement
• The elevated station is on the western banks of the Buckingham Canal. The platform length is 280
meters (920 ft). The station building consists of 1,392 square meters (14,980 sq ft) of parking area
in its basement.



1350 sqm of parking
area at basement
• The elevated station is built on the western banks of Buckingham Canal. The length of the
platform is 280 m . The station building consists of 1,350 sq m of parking area in its basement.


A mural initiated on the occasion of World AIDS Day at Chennai’s Indira Nagar Railway Station.

The longest panoramic mural in India spreads the message of shared humanity – of how people suffering / having recovered
From AIDS deserve an equal place in the society.
• “We Are” does so by portraying several diverse faces of both AIDS patients and those that do not suffer from it,
to reinforce the notion that there are no physical determinants to the mural.
• The Symbolic Gesture served to strengthen the idea that people are much more than their diseases.
High Contra
st between
the eastern
and western
sides of ou
r proposed
Traffic volume study is a dynamic study, which
establishes fluctuation in flow and the
distribution of traffic in a road.

The traffic flow measured were expressed in

PCU (Passenger car unit)

In Indian conditions, because of the
heterogeneity of traffic, there is always a snail
pace movement of the traffic flow.

The traffic projection is taken as per the growth

of vehicles plying along these routes.
The speed and delay study was conducted using
the floating car method to identify the journey
speed, running speed, and delay occurred
during peak and off peak hour.

The study stretch for the adjacent table is

2.1 km long.


In urban areas a significant proportion of trips
up to 1-2 km in length is performed on foot.
Hence pedestrian movement survey is used for
planning pedestrian facilities such as sidewalks,
cross walks, sub-ways, and over bridge and
pedestrian signal.
Pedestrian survey was carried out at the Thiruvanmiyur L B Road Fork to know the pedestrian volume.
Pedestrian count was made for a duration of about 12 hours starting from 8.00Am to 8.00PM.
The traffic flow pattern evidently indicates that Thiruvanmiyur L B Road Fork handles huge volume of traffic in
the morning and evening peak periods.

The total vehicles in the peak hour, more than 15,000 vehicles utilizes the junction.

The straight traffic in the junction is the highest, calling for urgent action to reduce the delay arising out of semi
automatic signal system and police operated system at the junction.

The turning movements in all directions are equally predominant.

The present system of semi-automatic signal induces a minimum delay of 3.5 minutes and it is more than 4
minutes some times, when the volume of traffic along north south direction is more.

Since 80% to 90% of the vehicles are fast moving vehicles, vehicular delay at the junction need to be reduced
significantly in order to ensure smooth flow of traffic.

At the current level of traffic movements, the junction should be taken for immediate geometric improvements
and also redesigning of the traffic signals.

The road width has not undergone corresponding increase, to cope with the traffic.

Formed as Drought Relief work in 1806.

Intercepts all the East flowing drains
Constant Bed level

Major Drains falling in Buckingham Canal : Kodungaiyur Drain,

Captain Cotton Canal Otteri Nullah, and other Minor Drains between
Cooum and Adyar Acts as a barrier for arresting sea water intrusion.

Disrupted by Solid waste and anaerobic growth in sewage

25 m wide waterway restricted in many places to 10m due to MRTS
stations and pile caps of MRTS pillars.
Century old arch bridges across the canal prevent free flood flow (El
ephant gate, Ice house, Kutcheri Road, Adams Road).
The encroachment and low maintenance o
f these wetlands, the rivers and many canal
s (including the Buckingham Canal) strongl
y reduced the drainage capacity of the city
and made natural inundation suddenly an
economic and human problem.
Many of the drainage canals are clogged by
solid waste.
The banks of waterbodies and tanks are po
lluted by litter, waterbodies are used as se
werage and industrial plus building activitie
s dump their waste flows into the water sys
Most of the sewers still flow into the surfac
e water bodies and the sceptic tanks are be
ing emptied there as well.
The pond- and canal system and the rivers i
n Chennai suffer badly from pollution. Mor
e specifically, Buckingham Canal receives 6
0% of the untreated sewerage surplus
Pollution control and waste management

Many areas along the canal stretch are treated as garbage dumps. These are cleaned up with the help of
local community members & NGOs and the freed up pockets of land are used to develop infrastructure lik
e public toilets. STP for the local EWS communities, plastic waste recycling facilities, urban green p
ockets/green infrastructure.
Garbage traps are installed in several locations along the canal to keep solid waste pollution in chec
k and to locate its source.
Functions of Rivers and Drainages during Last Half Century Water Issues to be addressed

• Storm water & Flood conveyance during monsoon period • Water management for urban and rural areas (water
use, sewerage, pollution)
• Conveying untreated sullage, sewage and industrial effluents
• Water as a habitat / ecohydrology
• Dumping place for all sorts of solid wastes
• Place for Slums by encroachments • Water quality
• Inlets into Rivers and Drainages in CMA • De-centralized water treatment
• 512 micro drains falling into rivers & drainages • Creation of infrastructures in slums
• 84% infalls are sewage & 11% storm water drainage. • Virtual water cycles
• 27% infalls received by Cooum
• Ground water storage and rehabilitation of aquifers
• 29% infalls received by Buckingham Canal
• Restoration of Water Bodies
• 19% infalls received by Adayar River

Indianapolis Waterfront

A short four decades ago it was a d

ecrepit riverfront and an abandoned
industrial canal. Today it is a vib
rant mix of commercial, cultural, a
nd institutional destinations.

This urban park reconnects downtown

Indianapolis with the river is also
an open space armature around which
new development has occurred.

The design for the seven mile-long

river corridor includes continuous
green ribbons of walking and bicycl
e trails along both banks of the ri
ver that link the downtown with exi
sting recreational corridors to the
north and south of the city center.
The park was made by cutting and layerin
g to create views of the river from as man
y points in the city as possible.

The terrain on the bank of canal are desig

ned in a sloping angle to optimise the vie
w of canal from a farther distance.

Limestone cladding , metal trelliswork and

pergolas and vine plantings create texture
d living edges to spaces within the park.

The project exemplifies how urban open s

paces can be a key factor in civic regener
ation and social sustainability.

The park has attracted both the public an

d private sectors to invest in park and adj
acent area.

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