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Terapan 1 (KD2)
Persamaan Diferensial
Miftahul Anwar
Pokok Bahasan
1. Determine the gradient of a straight-line graph
2. Evaluate from first principles the gradient at a point
on a quadratic curve
3. Differentiate powers of x and polynomial
4. Evaluate second derivatives and use tables of stand
ard derivatives
5. Differentiate products and quotients of expressions
6. Differentiate using the chain rule for a ‘function of
a function’
The gradient of a straight-line graph
Diferensial (Turunan)
Diferensial digunakan dalam perhitungan yang berhubungan
1. Laju perubahan,
2. Kecepatan dan percepatan, dan
3. Maksimum dan minimum
Gradien suatu Kurva
Contoh: f(x)=x2
Prinsip Diferensial
Prinsip Diferensial
Derivatives of power of x
General Rule
Make the algebraic equation from
those two points. Calculate the
gradient from the equation.
Second Derivative
Standard Derivative
Differentiation of Products of Function
The Answers
Differentiation of a Quotient of Two Function
The Answers
The Answers


2. Tentukan diferensial dari

3. Tentukan diferensial dari

4. Buktikan bahwa diferensial dari y = sin x, adalah cos x

Quiz Answer

2. Tentukan diferensial dari

3. Tentukan diferensial dari

4. Buktikan bahwa diferensial dari y = sin x, adalah cos x

Differentiation of a Function of a Function
PR Turunan

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