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Chapter 15: Health Assessment

and Physical Examination

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Purposes of Physical
 Gather baseline data
 Supplement, confirm, or refute data
 Confirm and identify nursing diagnoses
 Make clinical judgments
 Evaluate the outcomes of care

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Cultural Sensitivity
 Cultural differences influence a patient’s
 Recognition of cultural diversity helps to
respect the patient
 Consider a patient’s
 Health beliefs
 Use of alternative therapies
 Nutritional habits
 Family relationships
 Use of personal space

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 The use of vision and hearing to distinguish
normal from abnormal findings
 Use adequate lighting
 Position and expose body parts
 Inspect for size, shape, color, symmetry, position,
and abnormalities
 Side to side comparison
 Pay attention to detail

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 Involves using the hands
 Examine accessible body parts
 Palpate skin
 Temperature, moisture, texture, turgor,
tenderness, and thickness
 Palpate abdomen
 Tenderness, distention, or masses

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 Tapping the body with fingertips to produce a
 Character of sound
 Determines location, size, and density of
 Depends on the density of tissues
 Abnormal sounds can be mass, air, or fluid

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 Listening to sounds produced by the body
 Assess sounds heard in the heart, lungs, and
gastrointestinal systems
 Requires the use of a stethoscope
 Characteristics include
 Frequency
 Loudness
 Quality
 Duration

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 To identify nature and source of body odors
 Helps to detect abnormalities
 Used in conjunction with other measurements

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Preparation for
Environment Equipment

Physical Preparation Positioning

Psychological Preparation Assessment of Age-Group

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General Survey
 Begins when you first meet a patient
 Begins with review of primary health pattern
 The survey provides information regarding
 Characteristic of illness
 Hygiene
 Skin condition
 Body image
 Emotional state
 Developmental status

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General Appearance
and Behavior
Gender and Race Age

Signs of Distress Body Type

Posture Gait

Body Movements Hygiene and Grooming

Dress Body Odor

Affect and Mood Speech

Patient Abuse Subculture Abuse

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 Assessment
 Nursing history
 Color
 Moisture
 Temperature
 Texture
 Turgor
 Vascularity
 Edema
 Lesions

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Hair and Scalp
 Use inspection
 Assess
 Distribution
 Thickness
 Texture
 Lubrication

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 Inspection and palpation
 Condition of nails reflects
 General health
 Nutritional status
 Occupations
 Level of self-care

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Head and Neck
 Inspection and palpation
 Assess
 Headache, dizziness, seizures, poor vision, loss
of consciousness
 Head size, shape contour of head and skull
 Facial symmetry

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 Visual acuity
 Ability to see small details

 Visual fields
 Test of peripheral vision

 External and internal eye structures

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Nose and Sinuses
 Inspection and palpation
 Assess for exposure to
 Dust
 Pollutants
 Allergies
 Nasal obstruction
 Trauma
 Discharge, postnasal drip
 Headaches

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Mouth and Pharynx
 Assesses overall health
 Determine oral hygiene needs
 Develop therapies for dehydration
 Assess oral trauma
 Assess for airway trauma

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 Neck muscles
 Lymph nodes
 Carotid arteries
 Jugular veins
 Thyroid gland
 Trachea

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Thorax and Lungs
 Review of ventilatory and respiratory
functions of lungs
 Landmarks help to locate structures
 Inspection, palpation, and auscultation
 Orthopnea
 Dyspnea
 Adventitious breath sounds
 Normal breath sounds

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 Compare assessment of heart function with
findings from vascular assessment
 Heart function is correlated with physiological
 Use inspection, palpation, and auscultation
 Pulsations
 Palpate apical pulse
 Auscultate heart sounds

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Copyright © 2011, 2007 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Some material previously published. Slide 22
Vascular System
 Measure blood pressure

 Assess integrity of peripheral vascular system

 Use inspection, palpation, and auscultation

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Copyright © 2011, 2007 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Some material previously published. Slide 24
 Examine both female and male breasts
 Take a health history
 Use inspection and palpation

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 Use landmarks to map out the abdominal
 Assess both anterior and posterior
 Examine the liver, stomach kidneys, bladder,
and GI tract
 Conduct a nursing history
 Use inspection, auscultation, and palpation

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Copyright © 2011, 2007 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Some material previously published. Slide 27
Female Genitalia
 Examination of the genitalia includes external
and internal sex organs
 Must provide privacy
 Need to understand cultural sensitivity
 Conduct a nursing history
 Use inspection and palpation

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Male Genitalia
 Assess the integrity of external genitalia,
inguinal ring, and canal
 Conduct a nursing history
 Use inspection and palpation

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Rectum and Anus
 Perform after genital examination
 Explain all steps to patient
 Provide privacy
 Conduct a nursing history
 Use inspection and palpation

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Musculoskeletal System
 Visualize the anatomy of bone, muscle, and
joint placement
 Conduct a nursing history
 Use inspection and palpation
 Assess
 Range of joint motion
 Muscle strength and tone

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Copyright © 2011, 2007 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Some material previously published. Slide 32
Neurological System
 Conduct a nursing history
 Assess
 Language
 Intellectual function
 Cranial nerve function
 Sensory nerve function
 Motor function

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Copyright © 2011, 2007 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Some material previously published. Slide 34
Practice Questions
 1. When meeting a patient for the first time, it is
important to establish a baseline assessment that will
enable a nurse to refer back to which of the
 A. Physiological outcomes of care
 B. The normal range of physical findings
 C. A pattern of findings identified when the patient is
first assessed
 D. Clinical judgments made about a patient’s
changing health status

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Practice Questions (continued)
 2. A patient complains of thirst and
headache. The patient appears emaciated.
On initial examination you find that the skin
does not return to normal shape. This finding
is consistent with what condition?
 A. Pallor
 B. Edema
 C. Erythema
 D. Poor skin turgor

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Practice Questions (continued)
 3. A patient is admitted with pneumonia.
When auscultating the patient’s chest, you
hear low-pitched, continuous sounds over the
bronchi. These sounds are identified as
which of the following?
 A. Crackles
 B. Rhonchi
 C. Wheezes
 D. Pleural Rub

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Practice Questions (continued)
 4. When conducting an abdominal
assessment, what is the first skill a nurse puts
to use?
 A. Auscultation
 B. Inspection
 C. Palpation
 D. Percussion

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