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1.Block Diagram
2.Description and circuit diagram

Implementing these modules on FPGA

*Ultrasound Block
*IR Transmitter
*IR Receiver

Radar VGA
module Display

Left Orientation and Path
Motor Motor IR IR block
Right control Receiver Transmitter
Motor Block Wifi

Block Diagram
Ultrasound Block:
This block consists of a ultrasonic module (HC-SR04 IC). This IC consists of four pins Vcc, Trigger, Echo, GND.
This covers a range of 2cm-400cm with a ranging accuracy of 3mm.

The basic principle that the IC works is the IO trigger for at least 10us high level signal then the module
automatically sends eight 40kHz and detect whether there is a pulse signal back using Echo pin. If the signal
back, through high level , time of high output IO duration is the time from sending ultrasonic to returning.

Test distance = (high level time*velocity of sound (340M/S) / 2

Timing diagram of HC-SR04 IC: Ultrasonic sensor has 4 pins:
5V Supply
Trigger Pulse Input
Echo Pulse Output
0V Ground

Working Voltage - DC 5 V
Working Current - 15mA
Working Frequency - 40Hz
Max Range - 4m
Min Range - 2cm
Measuring Angle - 15 degree
Trigger Input Signal - 10uS TTL pulse
Echo Output Signal - Input TTL lever signal and the range in
UCF File for Ultrasonic Sensor
Output for implementation of ultrasonic sensor in FPGA(Nexys 4 DDR)
Output for implementation of ultrasonic sensor in FPGA(Nexys 4 DDR)
IR Transmitter:
The IR Transmitting Block will be a very simple block that encode and send the command from the
Orientation and Path Calculation Block. This command will be sent over my custom protocol to the “Rover” for

The 7 bit piece of information corresponds to the distance the “Rover” needs to travel in order to reach the
target. The information is sent LSB to MSB and the distance is always sent first.

The IR Transmitting Block will store the data to be sent in a shift register and simply shift out the data in the
correct order.

Operating voltage : 5V
Current : 30-60mA
Power consumption : 90mW

IR Transmitter emits 38KHz infrared light.

UCF File for IR Transmitter
Circuit connection for IR Transmitter
IR Receiver:
The IR Receiver Block will operate identically to the block designed as it will simply read in the message
from the IR signal and store it into a 7 bit distance register.

Supply Voltage: 2.7V to 5.5V
Supply Current : 1.5mA
Operating Temperature: -25°C to 85°C
Frequency: 37.9KHZ
Receiving Angle: 90°
Receiving Distance: 18m
Circuit connection for IR Transmitter and Receiver
The individual modules are implemented on FPGA and the results were observed.

References :
[1].Brian Plancher, ‘’FPGA Radar Guidance’’ Dec 2015.

Future work:
The hardware will be designed and the necessary improvements will be made such that the product
can be utilised in an efficient way.

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