Techniques and Strategies in Communicating Learners' Needs, Progress and Achievement

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Revitalizing Educators’ Abilities and
Practices (REAP)

Buenavista National High School

February 8, 2021
Learning Facilitator Learning Facilitator Learning Facilitator
Master Teacher I Teacher III CABUNGCAL
Teacher I

Techniques and Strategies in
Communicating Learners’
Needs, Progress and
Achievement to Parents and
1. Enhance techniques and strategies in communicating
learners’ needs, progress and achievements to parents
and stakeholders.
2. Make a plan of techniques or strategies to be used in
addressing communication gap in the new normal.
3. Devise own technique/s or strategy/ies for
documenting and reporting learners’ needs, progress
and achievement.
Discussion Outline
• Part I – Preliminaries and Key Concepts in Communicating
Learners’ Needs, Progress and Achievement to Parents and
• Part II - Problems in Communication in the New Normal
• Part III - Techniques and Strategies in Communicating
Learners’ Needs, Progress and Achievement in the New
• Part IV - Devising One’s Own Techniques and Strategies in
Communicating Learners’ Needs, Progress and Achievement
Key Understanding
1. Communicating learners’ needs, progress and
achievement should be prompt and clear.
2. Communicating learners’ needs, progress and
achievement plays a key role in the
improvement of learners’ school and
academic status.

Take a look at how teachers communicate to key

Teacher Ana engages in a personal dialogue with a

parent and a learner regarding school status. At the
end of the dialogue she asks the parent to affix his or
her signature in the anecdotal record.

Teacher Jim presents the report card to the parent. He
also shows some performance activities in support of
the learner’s academic record.

Teacher Marela conducts home visitation to learners
with school and academic needs. She shows records of
school performance of the learner to the parents and
takes note on the details of their conversation for

Sir Bambi facilitates a stakeholders (teachers, parents,
community officials and industry partners) general
assembly/forum. He then reports on the performance
of the learners and some other pertinent information
about their school and academic status.

Questions to ponder

1. How did the teachers communicate learners’ needs,

progress and achievement to stakeholders particularly
2. As a teacher, have you done the same?
3. How do you assess the suitability of the modes of
communication that each of them chose ?

Questions to ponder

4. If you were in those situations, how would you facilitate

prompt and clear communication regarding learners’ needs,
progress and achievement?
5. In the new normal situation, could you still do the same?

Key Concepts
COMMUNICATION. This refers to various modes,
either directly or indirectly, for transferring relevant
information about learners’ need, progress and
achievement to stakeholders.
LEARNER NEEDS. This refers to the observable
behavior or attitude of a learner that the teacher must
address immediately.

Key Concepts
STAKEHOLDER. This refers to either internal (teachers, school
administrators and personnel) or external (parent, guardian,
community and industry partners) individuals or group of
individuals who participate or collaborate towards the attainment
of the school’s academic and institutional goals.

LEARNER PROGRESS. This refers to a trail of stages of

learner’s school and academic status.

Problems/Challenges in
Communicating Learners’
Needs, Progress and
Achievement in the New
Problems/Challenges in Communicating Learners’
Needs, Progress and Achievement in the New Normal
During the start of the school year, Teacher Marie relies on
Group Chats to give instructions and inform learners of their
performance and progress. Communication gap was evident in
that the learners’ perceive these messages differently due to
their different levels of interpretations.

Problems/Challenges in Communicating Learners’
Needs, Progress and Achievement in the New Normal
Teacher William couldn’t reach many students due to
poor internet connection or lack of gadgets.

Problems/Challenges in Communicating Learners’
Needs, Progress and Achievement in the New Normal
Ma’am Hazel could not establish rapport with the
parents and students because she feels that absence of
face to face interaction widens the distance of effective
communication between her and them.

Problems/Challenges in Communicating Learners’
Needs, Progress and Achievement in the New Normal
Sir Jonas could not readily seek assistance from
stakeholders such as LGUs or industries in terms of
transportation for delivery of modules because he can
not meet with them to talk personally while,
communicating with them through calls or online
messages would take a long time to have a response.

Problems/Challenges in Communicating Learners’
Needs, Progress and Achievement in the New Normal
Teacher Jaime noticed the drastic change in the performance
of John. From being having accomplished and submitted all of
his modular activities in the first grading period, he suddenly
stopped returning his answer sheets and does not perform any
performance task. Teacher Jaime wants to help John but he
doesn’t have any means of communicating with John’s parents
because they didn’t leave contact number or any means of
reaching them.
Questions to ponder

1. As a teacher, what challenges in communicating learners’

needs, progress and achievement have been illustrated? Did
you encounter the same? How have you coped with these
2. What can you do to enhance your techniques and strategies
in communicating learners’ needs, progress and achievement
in the new normal?

Techniques and Strategies in
Communicating Learners’ Needs,
Progress and Achievement to
Parents and Stakeholders in the
New Normal
Techniques and Strategies in Communicating Learners’ Needs, Progress
and Achievement to Parents and Stakeholders in the New Normal
1. Personal dialogue with parents. In conducting a personal
dialogue, probable stakeholders may include parents/guardians,
teachers, school administrators, industry partners and learners.
Personal dialogue is suited to concerns related but not limited to
learners’ grades, learners’ interpersonal behavior, school and
academic counseling/coaching and learners’ personal
concerns/matters such as relationships, pregnancy, behavioral
delinquencies, psychosocial trauma, etc. Observe minimum health
protocols in conducting this strategy.
Techniques and Strategies in Communicating Learners’ Needs, Progress
and Achievement to Parents and Stakeholders in the New Normal

2. Using social media. Knowing that many in their

communities are more tuned in to social media than the
Web, we should maintain a variety of sources to transmit
information: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, as well as a
YouTube channel if possible. These media are best suited for
communicating learners’ achievements like recognition
programs, awarding ceremonies and the likes.

Techniques and Strategies in Communicating Learners’ Needs, Progress
and Achievement to Parents and Stakeholders in the New Normal

3. Utilizing phone calls and text messages. Almost

everybody has a cell phone. This could be the most
readily available and convenient mode of
communication. Phone calls and text messaging are
suited to almost all positive or negative concerns of
the learners.

Techniques and Strategies in Communicating Learners’ Needs, Progress
and Achievement to Parents and Stakeholders in the New Normal

4. Sending e-mails. When sending e-mails, your possible

stakeholders are the following: teachers, school
administrators, parent/guardians, school personnel staff,
industry partners and community officials.
The learners’ concerns may include but not limited to,
classroom school activities/programs, class schedules,
curricular and/or co-curricular participation, and learners’
progress status.
Techniques and Strategies in Communicating Learners’ Needs, Progress
and Achievement to Parents and Stakeholders in the New Normal

5. School Board Meetings via video conferencing. This

include parents, LGUs, community and industry partners.
This may be a good avenue in communicating concerns
about sponsorships, funding and budgetary support on
construction and repairs of school buildings, preparation,
printing and purchase of learner materials.

Techniques and Strategies in Communicating Learners’ Needs, Progress
and Achievement to Parents and Stakeholders in the New Normal
6. Extending virtual office hours. This means an increase in the
availability of the teacher to keep the lines of communication open.
Virtual office hours may be an extension of time that no longer
happen in campus or between normal school hours. The teacher
may set and publish his/her time schedule and make sure to be
available each week during those days and times with access to a
phone. A word of caution though, don’t overdo it. Just because a
virtual message pleading for help pops up at 3am does not mean
you have to answer it.
Techniques and Strategies in Communicating Learners’ Needs, Progress
and Achievement to Parents and Stakeholders in the New Normal
7. Home visitation – During home visitation, the usual stakeholders are
parents or guardians together with the learners. Conducting home visitation
could be our final resort in communicating concerns like learners’
absenteeism on virtual classes, academic performance, and personal matters
such as, health issues, and family problems which affect learners’ behavior
and performance. Home visits— either virtually or safely in-person signifies
a level of commitment and leadership that goes a long way towards helping
schools maintain communications, as well as a strong school climate, even
when the school building is closed.

Techniques and Strategies in Communicating Learners’ Needs, Progress
and Achievement to Parents and Stakeholders in the New Normal
The following are other suggested techniques and strategies you can use in
facilitating stakeholder communication:

1. Using a School website

2. Utilizing Learning information systems/Learning management systems
3. Making student focused videos
4. Calling for small group consultations
5. Holding a virtual homeroom meeting
6. Publishing newsletters
7. Airing podcasts/radio broadcasts/TV broadcasts

Devising One’s Own Techniques
and Strategies in
Communicating Learners’
Needs, Progress and
Devising One’s Own Techniques and Strategies in
Communicating Learners’ Needs, Progress and
All efforts exerted by our teachers are highly appreciated. In the
conduct of prompt and clear communication of learners’ needs,
progress and achievement to key stakeholders, here are some
important things to consider:

MAKE IT CLEAR. In communicating with stakeholders especially to

parents and guardians, we make sure that they have a clear
understanding of the situation.
Devising One’s Own Techniques and Strategies in
Communicating Learners’ Needs, Progress and
MAKE IT PROMPT. We communicate learners’
progress and achievements accordingly through a
regular quarterly parents’ meeting or group
consultation with different stakeholders. However, we
may also consult with them as soon as we see the
need for it.
Devising One’s Own Techniques and Strategies in
Communicating Learners’ Needs, Progress and
CONFIDENTIALITY MATTERS. There are many strategies
and techniques of communication in the new normal as
discussed earlier. We may choose from among these
depending on the confidentiality of the information that
we want to communicate and on the situation of the
stakeholder who we need to communicate with.

Devising One’s Own Techniques and Strategies in
Communicating Learners’ Needs, Progress and


track and follow-up on the needs, progress and
achievement that we communicate with key stakeholders,
we may devise tools which we can feasibly use specially in
the new normal situation.

Devising One’s Own Techniques and Strategies in
Communicating Learners’ Needs, Progress and


track and follow-up on the needs, progress and
achievement that we communicate with key stakeholders,
we may devise tools which we can feasibly use specially in
the new normal situation.

Sample Communication Tool

Sample Communication Tool

Devising One’s Own Techniques and Strategies in
Communicating Learners’ Needs, Progress and
In devising and selecting the most appropriate strategy in
communication with stakeholders, we may take note of
the following parameters of consideration.

Information confidentiality. The nature and content of the

information – is it a personal concern of the learner or is it
a matter of public interest that is to be shared?
Devising One’s Own Techniques and Strategies in
Communicating Learners’ Needs, Progress and
Content of information, such as academic difficulties or
behavioral delinquencies, can be highly personal. Such
information must be in a mode of communication that will
preserve the integrity of the learners. Learners’ progress
update and achievement can be communicated to the
general public especially for stakeholders such as
community or industry partners.
Devising One’s Own Techniques and Strategies in
Communicating Learners’ Needs, Progress and
Stakeholder accessibility – the communication preference
of the stakeholder – is the stakeholder an individual or a
An appropriate strategy of communication can be
characterized by sensitivity to the preferences of the
stakeholders. Individual stakeholder may have a different
preference on the mode of communication as compared
Devising One’s Own Techniques and Strategies in
Communicating Learners’ Needs, Progress and
to the preferences of stakeholders that are collectively
considered as a group. Individual stakeholders can easily
be accessed while group stakeholders may have
requirements since they follow some organizational

Devising One’s Own Techniques and Strategies in
Communicating Learners’ Needs, Progress and
Learners’ concern – the learners’ details of concern – is it about
the learners’ needs, the learners’ progress or the learners’
achievement? Any mode of communication is possible in
addressing learners’ concern. However, in communicating the
learners’ needs, progress or achievement, other considerations
have to be highlighted in such a way that information
confidentiality is protected, stakeholder accessibility is recognized
and teacher accountability is preserved.
Devising One’s Own Techniques and Strategies in
Communicating Learners’ Needs, Progress and
Teacher’s accountability– the purpose of the teacher in
communicating the information – is it an academic concern or is it
about the learners welfare? The teacher has the responsibility on
the information he/she communicates to stakeholders and the
possible consequences that there may be. Hence the teacher has
to be clear about the purpose of communicating any information
to stakeholders.

After you’ve explored the different concepts of communication to
stakeholders, you are now ready to apply your learning based on
the discussion.

Make a communication strategy plan to address the learners’

problem, progress or achievement in the First Grading Period.

Fill out the matrix given.

Communication Strategies Plan
What to Strategy/ Description of Target Time Frame Remarks
communicate? Techniques Strategy/Technique Stakeholder (When will you (Accomplished,
(Learners’ (What (Describe briefly) (Individual, implement your Not
Needs, Learners’ strategy or Group) plan?) Accomplished)
Progress, technique are
Learners’ you going to
Achievement) use?)
Learner’s Need Utilize phone I will call the parents Individual February 24, Accomplished
(No grades in five calls and text or send SMS about 2021
subjects) messaging the concern of
his/her child

“Communicate. Even when it is
uncomfortable or uneasy. You’ll
never know what difference you
will make.”

Thank you!


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