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you. List down
objects that
seems similar to
each other.
• Which objects belong together?
• How many numbers/elements are there in each set?
• Is there an object that belongs to more than one group? Which one?
• Based from the activity, answer the following questions:
• a. Did you group the objects correctly?
• b. How many sets elements are there in each set?
• c. Can you give your own examples of well-defined sets and null set?
• d. What is the importance of sets in daily life?
What is
Set is a
collection of
The items you
{ sock, shoes, shirt,
Types of Fingers

{ thumb, index,
middle, ring, pinky}
How about
yoU? Can you
give more
A set is a distinct collection of objects. The
objects are called elements.
Order does not matter. If a set
{1, 2, 3, 4} = {2, 3, 1, 4} contains the same elements as
another set, the sets are equal.
{1, 3, 2, 3, 5, 2} We never repeat elements in a set.
{1, 3, 2, 5}
{1, 2, 3, 5} In ascending order
This symbol means "is a subset of"
This is read "A is a subset
AB of B".
A = {1, 2, 3} B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Sets are denoted
by Capital letters SETS
Sets use “curly”
A = {1, 3, 2, 5}
n(A) = | A | = 4 The number of elements
in Set A is 4
3 A 7A 7 is not an element of A
3 is an element of A
•Sets are usually represented by a capital
letter (A, B, S, etc.)
•Elements are usually represented by an italic
lower-case letter (a, x, y, etc.)
•Easiest way to specify a set is to list all the
elements: A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
• Not always feasible for large or infinite sets

• Sets do not have duplicate elements
• Consider the set of vowels in the alphabet.
• It makes no sense to list them as {a, a, a, e, i, o, o, o, o,
o, u}
• What we really want is just {a, e, i, o, u}
• Consider the list of students in this class
• Again, it does not make sense to list somebody twice
• Note that a list is like a set, but order does matter
and duplicate elements are allowed
• We won’t be studying lists much in this class
Important set in Mathematics

1) Set of natural numbers = N = { 1,2,3,4,5,…}

2) Set of whole numbers = W = { 0,1,2,3,… }
3) Set of integers = Z = {…, -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3, … }
4) Set of rational numbers = Q = { 2 / 3 , -5 / 7, -10 /
-3,…} . The elements of this set is in p/q form.
5) Set of real numbers = R = { all whole numbers,
integers, rational and irrational numbers}
6) Set of all positive numbers = Z 
Empty Set: A set that
contains no elements. It is also
known as the Null Set. The
symbol is  or { }.
∈: Used to replace the words “is an element of.”
∉: Used to replace the words “is not an element of.
True or False:

3 ∈ {1, 2, 5, 9, 13} False

0 ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3} True
-5 ∉ {5, 10, 15, , } True
Do the following exercises. Write your
answers on the spaces provided:
1. Give 3 examples of well-defined sets
in real life situations.
2.Name two subsets of the set of whole
Recall: SETS
•A set is a collection of objects ,things or symbols which are
clearly defined .In the objects above the sets are;
•Set of school supplies 3. Set of things worn by girls
•Set of gadgets 4. Set of things worn by boys
The groups are called sets for as long as the objects in the
group share a characteristics and are thus, well defined. We
have four well-defined sets in the objects above.
•.The individual objects in a set are called the members or
elements of the set. Example: three of the elements in set 1
belong to a set of school supplies (ruler, ballpen, and
notebook ).Can you name elements of other sets? The
symbol is used to indicate that an object is an element or
member of the set.
Ask the students to find each set:
1.Odd numbers from 1 to 10
2.Multiples of three from 1 to 10
3. Even numbers from 1 to 20
Which of the following sets are well-
a.The set of all large numbers
b.The set of all multiples of 5
c.The set of good writers
d.The set of nice people in your class
Set Designations (3 types):
1. Word Descriptions
The set of even counting numbers
less than ten.
2. Roster/Listing method (Tabular method)
{2, 4, 6, 8}
3. Rule Method/Set Builder Notation
{x | x is an even counting number less than 10}
Set Designations (3 types):

1. Word Descriptions
The set of even counting
numbers less than ten.
Set Designations (3 types):
2. Rule method (set builder notation)
In this method , we specify the rule or property or statement.
A = { x | x has a property of p}
This is read as A is the set of elements x such that( | ) x has a property p.

Examples :

1) Given : A = { 2,4,6,8,10,12}
Solution :
In set A all the elements are even natural number up to 12.So this is the rule for the set A

So set builder notation will be

A = { x | x is an even natural number, x ≤ 12}
Set Designations (3 types):
2. Rule method (set builder notation)
2) B = { 4,5,6,7}
Solution :
In set B all the elements are natural numbers between 3
and 8. This is the rule.
So set builder notation will be

B ={ x | x is a natural number, 3 < x < 8}

Or B = { x | x ∈N, 3 < x < 8}.
Set Designations (3 types):
3. Roster/Listing method (Tabular method)
In this form, we enumerate or list all the element.

Examples :
1) A is a set of whole numbers less than 6.
A = { 0,1,2,3,4,5}
2) C is the set of letters in the word excellent .
C = { e, x, c, l, n, t }
Cardinal Number
The cardinal number of set V is the number of distinct element in
it and is denoted by n(V).

For example
The vowels in the word DIFFERENTIATE are I, E, E, I, A and E. If
we represent the set of vowels in the word DIFFERENTIATE in
roster form we have :

P = { I, E, A}

Thus, even thought there are 6 vowels in the word, there are only 3
distinct elements in the set V.
So, cardinal-number n(P) = 3.
Examples :
1) What is the cardinal-number of set A of the composite numbers between 10 and 20?
Solution :
A = { 12,14,15,16,18}
As there are 5 elements in set A.
n(A) = 5.

2) If set C = { x | x is neither a prime nor a composite number}.Find n(C)

Solution :
C = { x | x is neither a prime nor a composite number}
C = {1}
∴ n(C) = 1

3) If J = { 101, 103, 105,107,109}. Find n(J).

Solution :
J = { 101, 103, 105,107,109}
n(J) = 5
4) If B ={ x| x is a letter in the word PENINSULA}. Find n(B).
Solution :
B ={ x| x is a letter in the word PENINSULA}
B = { P, E, N, I, S, U, L, A}
n(B) = 8

5) If E = { a,f,k,p,u,z }. Find n(E).

solution :
E = { a,f,k,p,u,z }
n(E) = 6

6) If Q= { x| 3 < x < 4}. Find n(Q).

Solution :
Q= { x| x ∉ N3 < x < 4}
As there is no element between 3 and 4.
n(Q) = 0
n(Q) = Φ
Sets of Numbers and Cardinality
Cardinal Number or Cardinality:
The number of distinct elements in a set.

n(A): n of A; represents the cardinal number of a set.

K = {2, 4, 8, 16} n(K) = 4

∅ n(∅) = 0
R = {1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5} n(R) = 5
P = {∅} n(P) = 1
Types of  Sets
1) Singleton sets: A set which contains only one
element is known as Singleton set .
Examples :
1) If P = { x | x is a prime number 10 and 12 } then P = {11}
As we observe that there is only one element in set P.
n(P) = 1
so set P is a singleton set.

2) If A = { x| x ∉ 3 < x < 5 } then

A = { x| x ∉ 3 < x < 5 }
A = { 4}
As the set A contains only one element so set A is a singleton set.
2) Finite sets : The sets in which number of
elements are limited and can be counted, such
sets are called finite sets.
Example :
If A= { x | x is a prime number, x<10 } then A=
{ 2,3,5,7}
Here then there are only 4 elements which satisfies
the given condition.
Thus, set A is a finite set.
3) Infinite sets : The sets in which number
of elements are unlimited and can not be
counted, such sets are called infinite sets .

Example :
set C = { 10,20,30,40,50,60,…}
As the number of elements in set C are infinity
Thus, set C is an infinite set.
4) Empty set : A set which has no
element in it and is denoted by φ
( Greek letter ‘phi’) Thus n(φ) = 0

It is also known as null set or void set .

Example :
set A ={ 18 < x < 19}
So between 18 and 19 there is no element.
Thus, set A is an empty set.
Pairs of  Sets
Equal sets
Two sets are said to be equal, if they contain
the same elements.
1) A = { 1, 2, 3 } and B = { 1, 2, 3 }
As the two sets contain the same elements so set A and set B
are equal sets
It is denoted as A = B
Equivalent sets
Two sets are equivalent if and only if, a one to one
correspondence exists between them

As set A and set B are equivalent sets.
It is denoted as A ↔ B
2) A = { x | x ∈ N, x ∠ 5 } and B = { x | x is a letter word DEAR}
A = { x | x ∈ N, x ∠ 5 }
A = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }
B = { D, E, A, R}
N(A) = n(B)
Overlapping Sets
If two sets A and B have some elements in common then
they are called overlapping sets.


1) A = { 2, 3, 4} and B = {3, 4, 5}

In set A and set B there are two common elements 3 and

Set A and set B are overlapping sets
Subset and its types
Set A is a subset of B, if every element of set
A is also an element of set B.

It is denoted by A ⊆ B
It is read as A is a sub-set of B or A is
contained in B.
• For A ⊆ B , every element of A must be in
B. The empty set is a subset of all sets (including
Recall that all sets are subsets of themselves
All sets are subsets of the universal set
Properties of Sub-set

• For A ⊄ B there must be at least one element in A which

is not in B.
• Every set is a sub-set of itself. A ⊆ A
• Φ is a sub-set of every set. Φ ⊆ A
• Number of sub-sets of a set A, containing ‘n’ elements is
given by 2n
• If A⊂B and B ⊂C then A⊂C (Transitivity)
• If A ⊂B and B ⊂A then A = B
For example :
1) A = { 2,4,6} and B = { x | x is even natural number }
Solution :
A = { 2, 4, 6}
B = { x | x is even natural number }
B= { 2,4,6,8,10,…}

As every element of set A are in set B

So, A ⊆ B ( A is a sub-set of B)
But B is not a sub-set of A.
2) A = { x| x is a vowel in the word CONFIGURATION } and B = { a,e,i, o,u}

Solution :
A = { x| x is a vowel in the word CONFIGURATION }
A = { o, i, a, u}
B = { a, e, i , o, u}

As all elements of set A are in set B.

∴ A ⊆ B.
3) Write the number of sub-sets of set A = { 4,5,6,7}
Solution :
A = { 4,5,6,7}
Number of elements of A = n = 4
Number of sub-sets is given by the formula = 2 n
So , number of sub-sets of set A = 2 4
= 16.
Super set
If set A is a sub-set of B, then B is called superset of A. It is
denoted by ⊃ .
B ⊃ A and read as B is a super set of A .

For example :
1) A = { 1, 2} , B = { 1, 2, 3 } then A ⊆ B or B ⊃ A [ B
contains A ]
So, B is called the superset of A.
2) B = { squares } and D = { Rectangles }
So , B ⊂ D or D ⊃ B.
As A square is always a rectangle.
Proper sub-set
Set A is a proper subset of set B, if every element of set A is an element of set B, and at leas
one element of B is not an element of A. It is denoted by ⊂
B ⊃ C means : B is a super set of C or B contains C.
• A is not a proper sub-set of itself.
• Number of proper sub-sets of set A, containing ‘n’ elements is 2 n - 1 .
• Φ is not a proper sub-set of itself.

For example :
If N = { set of natural numbers}
W = { set of whole numbers}
Z = { set of integers }
Q = { set of rational numbers }
R = { set of real numbers }
then N ⊆ W ⊆ Z ⊆ Q ⊆ R .
Power Set
The set of all subsets of a set A is the power set of the set A.
It is denoted by P(A).
As it is set of all subsets so it is given by the formula 2 n .
Examples :
1) If A = { 1, 2} then write the power set of A.
Solution :
A = {1, 2}
Number of elements = 2
So, number of power sets will be 2 2 = 4.
A = P (A) = { {1}, {2}, {1,2}, { } }
2) If B = { 4,8,12} then write the power set of B.
Solution :
B= {4,8, 12}
Number of elements = 3
So, number of power sets will be 2 3 = 8.
A = P (A) = { {4}, {8}, {12},{4,8},{8,12}, {4,12},{4,8,12}, { } }
Universal Sets
• The universal set is the set of all things pertinent to a
given discussion and is designated by the symbol U
U = {all students at Brandeis}
Some Subsets:
A = {all Computer Technology students}
B = {freshmen students}
C = {sophomore students}
Find the Subsets
• What are all the subsets of {3, 4, 5}
{} or Ø

{3}, {4}, {5}

{3,4}, {3,5}, {4,5}

If a set doesn't contain any elements it is called the empty set or the null set.
It is denoted by  or { }.
NOT {} 
It is agreed that the empty set is a subset of all other sets so:

 A
A where A is any set.
List all of the subsets of {1, 2, 3}.
 {1} {2} {3} {1, 2} {1, 3} {2, 3} {1, 2, 3}

Notice the empty set is NOT in set brackets.

Number of Possible Subsets Total Number of
Elements in Set Possible Subsets

1. {A} {A}   2

2. {A , B} {A , B} {A} {B}   4

3. {A , B , C} {A , B , C} {A , B} {A , C} 8
{B , C} {A} {B} {C}
4. {A , B , C, D} {A , B , C , D} {A , B , C}
{A , B , D} {A , C , D} ?
{B , C , D} {A , B} {A , C}
{A , D} {A , B} …… {D} 

The number of possible subsets of a set of size n is ? n
What is set?
Answer the following:
• Give 5 examples of a set that can you see in your surroundings.
Thank you!!!

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