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Roles of Women in Community


(Community Development Org

• Women play a big role in the
sustainability of any community.
Unfortunately, for so many years their
importance has been overlooked.
However, that has been changing due to
the empowerment of women in the
community as part of the community
development process. Nowadays, more
and more people are starting to
appreciate that while they are often
tasked with just household roles, they
can do a lot more.
• Community Development Organization (CDO) -
is a professional not-for-profit tax-exempt
organization, and the key facilitator of
community development work in a defined
neighborhood. A CDO is a place-based
organization accountable to local stakeholders
(especially residents), who comprise the majority
of its Board. A CDO is distinguished from other
organizations by its role as the “sustained voice”
in the community it serves, working with other
partners. A CDO is a trusted neighborhood
institution with strong relationships that knows
stakeholders’ priorities and needs.
• The role of women in community
development as educators cannot be
doubted. They give the members of the
community the much needed basic
education starting at home when they
teach young children as the mothers
have more time with younger children,
to education in schools where they are
In today’s society, more and more women ar
e contributing to the family’s earnings. women
work in both formal and informal environment
s in order to earn daily bread for their families
. This participation of women can transform a
whole community. In today’s communities, w
omen are entrepreneurs so they give jobs to
others other than just being employed in both
the formal and informal sectors. Their role in
community development has therefore expan
ded to a great extent in recent times.
• Another role of women in community
development is that of caretakers and role
models. They are undoubtedly caretakers to
young children and often take the lead in helping
the family adapt to different changing
circumstances. Because of the fact that they are
tasked with caretaking of both children and even
the elderly, they play a big role in serving as role
models of these children. Every single thing they
do is seen by these little ones in the community.
• Due to their sensitive nature to the plight
of others and their ability to empathize as
opposed to just sympathizing, women
play a role in community development by
serving as volunteers. They often set aside
some of their time to give a helping hand
to the less fortunate in different ways.
They volunteer in schools, orphanages,
churches, farms, among other places
which leads to community development.
• In the past, leadership positions were
simply set aside for the men. Thankfully,
that has in recent years changed and now
women play a role in community
development serving in leadership
positions. Due to a woman’s attachment
to the family setting, they are able to
apply what they see in the home to the
areas in which they serve as leaders.
• They are more sensitive to
the people they govern or h
ead and pay more attention
to them. Because of this, t
hey are able to help people
more and bring about the mu
ch needed development in a
• Women also play a big role in fighting for
the rights of the members of the
community. Although in the past they were
viewed as weak, women have come a long
way in proving their strength in different
ways and on different platforms. Their
participation on the forefront when it
comes to fighting for equality in terms of
pay and opportunities leads to community
Thank You!!

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