Prepared By: Maria Elena S. Guy-Ab

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Prepared by:

Maria Elena S. Guy-ab

• Wellness is a state of optimal well-being that is
oriented towards maximizing an individual’s

• Wellness is an active process of becoming aware

of and making choices towards a healthy and
fulfilling life.

• Wellness is more than being free from illness, it is

a dynamic process of change and growth.
• Wellness is the optimal health and vitality,
 physical
 intellectual
 emotional
 social
 spiritual
 Occupational well-being.
• Health is a state of complete, physical, mental, social
well-being and not merely the absence of diseases or
Why wellness matters?

 Wellness matters because everything we do

and every emotion we feel relates to our well-
being. In turn, our well-being directly affects
our actions and emotions. It’s an ongoing
circle. Therefore, it is important for everyone
to achieve optimal wellness in order to subdue
stress, reduce the risk of illness and ensure
positive interactions.
Dimensions of
 Emotional Wellness
- requires understanding emotions and coping
with problems that arise in everyday life.

 maintain a sense of humor

 recognize feelings
 strive to meet emotional needs
 responsible for behavior
 Intellectual Wellness
- involves having a mind open to new ideas and
concepts. If you are intellectually healthy, you seek
new experiences and challenges.

 communicate effectively
 see more than one side of an issue
 keep abreast of global issues
 good time-management skills
 Spiritual Wellness
- is the state of harmony with yourself and
others. It is the ability to balance inner needs
with the demands of the rest of the world.

 examine personal values and beliefs

 search for meanings about life
 appreciate natural forces
 Occupational Wellness
- being able to enjoy what you are doing to earn
living and contribute to society.

 feel sense of accomplishment of work

 balance work and other aspects of life
 find satisfaction in being creative and
 seek challenges at work
 Social Wellness
- refers to the ability to perform social roles
effectively, comfortably and without harming

 develop relationships
 enjoy being with others
 communicate effectively to others
 Physical Wellness
- is a healthy body maintained by eating right,
exercising regularly, avoiding harmful habits,
making informed and responsible decisions about
health, seeking medical care when needed and
participating in activities that help prevent illness.

 exercise regularly
 well-balanced diet
 participate in safe, responsible sexual behavior
 maintain positive, health-promoting lifestyle
Behaviors That Contribute to Wellness
Be physically active
Choose a healthy diet
Maintain a healthy body weight
Manage stress effectively
Avoid use of tobacco and use alcohol wisely
Protect yourself from disease and injury

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