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Print and Electronic Messages

Mellouli Brahim
Dghoughi Adil
Written Messages. Advantages/ Disadvantages
Developing Written Business Messages
Developing Written Business Messages
Vocabulary Levels
Internet-Based Messages Used
in Business
Writing for the Web
Written Messages

–May be a permanent record

–May be reread and studied
–May be revised and edited
–May have legal value
Written Messages
–May be transmitted slowly

–May be viewed as more formal

–May not provide quick and thorough feedback due

to lack of nonverbal cues and distance between
sender and receiver
–May require storage
Developing Written Business
•Planning – before words are put on paper

•Drafting – creating the first version

•Finalizing – improving and correcting the draft to

create a final version
Planning the Message
•Analyze the communication situation.

•Establish primary and secondary purposes.

•Analyze the receiver.

•Select the type of message.
•Select an organizational plan.
•Outline the message content
Drafting the Message
•Apply the principles of business communication.

•Use the you-viewpoint.

•Focus on content.
•Do not worry about being perfect; this is not the
final version of the message
Finalizing the Message

•Revise the message.

•Edit the message.
•Proofread the message
1. Reading the message for content

2. Reading it again for correct spelling

Vocabulary Levels
•Analyze your receiver to determine the appropriate
vocabulary level.

•Use readability formulas and ratings to assist in

creating a document that will be understood by
the receiver
Internet-Based Messages Used
in Business
•Instant Messaging
•Websites and web pages
E-Mail Guidelines
•Determine appropriateness of e-mail for situation.

•Cover only one topic per message.

•Keep subject line and message brief.
•Position important information in the beginning
of the message.
•Follow the three-step writing process and grammar
and writing rules
Instant Messaging
•Provides flexibility in accessing remotely located

•Allows spontaneous interaction in real time

•Conveys only a thought or two at a time

•Projects a message with a casual but professional

•Contains entries about specific topics or areas of

•Logs real-time events

•Displays entries in reverse chronological order

•May contain hyperlinks

•May be used as a customer service tool

Websites and Web Pages
•Determine the purpose and audience.

•Develop the content.

•Design the site.

•Address technical issues.

•Develop the credibility of the site

Determining the Purpose and
Audience for a Website
•Why are you writing the document?

•What is the primary message?

•Who do you want to visit your website?

•How do you want visitors to your site to respond?

Writing for the Web
•Write for the skim-reader.

•Use plain English.

•Implement standards for web accessibility.

•Optimize search-ability of the website.

•Revise, edit, and proofread


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