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by Ambigah d/o Sandran

by Ambigah d/o Sandran

H Utilisation of individuals to achieve organisational objectives

H Purpose - Ensure the people of the organization are being
effectively and efficiently contribute towards achieving
organizational goals.
H Individuals dealing with human resource matters face a
multitude challenges, can be from a constantly changing work- force
to ever present government regulations, a technological revolution and
the economy of the country itself and the world.

by Ambigah d/o Sandran

H The development & implementation of systems in an

organization designed to attract, develop and retain a high
performing workforce.

by Ambigah d/o Sandran

Historical Development of Human Resource Management

Tracing the roots of HRM
H During pre-historic times, there existed consistent methods for
selection of tribal leaders (Jones & Bartlett, 2014).
H From 2000BC to 1500BC, the Chinese used employee
screening techniques and while Greeks used an apprentice system
(History of Human Resource Management, 2010).
H These actions recognized the need to select and train
individuals for jobs.

by Ambigah d/o Sandran

Historical Development of Human Resource Management

Tracing the roots of HRM
H Early employee specialists were called personnel managers
(or personnel administrators), and this term is still in use in
various discourses.
H ‘Personnel management’ refers to a set of functions or
activities (e.g. recruitment, selection, training, salary administration,
industrial relations) often performed effectively but with little
relationship between the various
activities or with overall organizational objectives.

by Ambigah d/o Sandran

Historical Development of Human Resource Management

Stages in the Development of HRM
H In Australia, HRM has developed through the following general
a) Stage one (1900–1940s): administration stage
b) Stage two (1940s–mid-1970s): welfare and administration
c) Stage three (mid-1970s–late 1990s): human resource
management and strategic human resource management
(SHRM) stage
d) Stage four (Beyond 2000): SHRM into the future
by Ambigah d/o Sandran

Historical Background of Human Resource Management

by Ambigah d/o Sandran

1. Technology
 HR in information technology (IT), allows easy retrieval info about
individual employees.
 Thus, paperwork associated with HRM is greatly reduced
 Organisations must provide appropriate training to their employees
so that they will be able to cope with jobs that require higher and
greater levels of knowledge and skill (lifelong learning).
 Disadvantage: everything an employee does can be unobtrusively
watched by his employer, whereby lead to questions like whether
employees should have the right to privacy at work and if they do
have such right, how far do they extend?
by Ambigah d/o Sandran

2. Globalization
 Business organisation are not only competing with other business
organisations in the country but also with rivals from all over the world.
 Employers – pressured to ‘achieve more with less’.
 Managers – must find ways of increasing productivity or face having the
company close down.
 To strengthen their position in the market place, many companies are
merging with their rivals or acquiring new businesses (Merger and
 Mergers of companies – two groups integrated into one – difficult
challenges to HRM 9
by Ambigah d/o Sandran

2. Globalization
 As a result of efforts by employers to develop lean organisations,
workplace required to become more flexible.
 For example employers want:
I. To be able to hire workers on short tem contracts because of the
uncertainties they face in their business
II. To be able to dismiss workers as and when required without paying them
any retrenchment benefits
III. To be able to outsource work to other companies; e.g. Using workers in
other countries which are more cost effective than hiring local workers
directly to do the work
IV. To employ workers who are wiling and capable of being trained in a
number of different skills so that they can undertake a variety of tasks
without any problem
V. To compensate workers in such a way that when the company is doing well
financially, the workers will be paid more and conversely when the
company is facing financial difficulties the workers will be paid less
by Ambigah d/o Sandran

3. Education
 Aware of their employment rights
 Further strengthened by the easy access to the internet
 Source from government websites which clearly explain the rights of workers
 E.g. Malaysian Ministry of Human Resources –
 Loss of talented workers lead to disaster and super performance will always
be in short supply
 As a result, many employers are now introducing specific programmes to
mange the recruitment, development and retention of talented workers

by Ambigah d/o Sandran

3. Education
 Employees expectations concerning work life balance are also changing. In
developed countries, a growing number of workers are asking questions
such as:
I. how many hours per day should be spent at work and how many should be
considered out of bounds to employers?
II. Should employers contact employees while they are on holiday and expect
them to deal with work related problems whether by e-mail, telephone or
other electronic means?
III. Should workers be permitted lengthy absences, whether paid or unpaid, for
personal reason such as maternity leave, looking after children or dependent
parents who is ill or take on charity work or other activities that help the
employee fulfil his needs for self expression?

by Ambigah d/o Sandran

4. Workforce diversity
 Baby boomers (1940 – 1964)
 Generation X (1965 – 1979) Dates are only
 Generation Y (1980s) or generation approximations

 Characteristics of generation Y:
- Ambitious; 81% expect to be promoted within 2 years or they will
move jobs
- Seek for development; 90% will stay longer with their employer if they
received appropriate training and development opportunities.
- Value leadership which empowers, consults and partners.
- change jobs frequently; more than 63% stay less than 2 years per employer

by Ambigah d/o Sandran

by Ambigah d/o Sandran


Process through which an

organisation ensures that it always
has the proper number of the
employees with the appropriate
skills in the right jobs at the right
time to achieve organisational

by Ambigah d/o Sandran

Major functions consisting
training , development,
individual career planning and
development and performance
management and appraisal.

by Ambigah d/o Sandran

Goal oriented process

directed toward ensuring that
organisational processes are
o place to maximise the
productivity of employees,
teams and ultimately the

by Ambigah d/o Sandran

Direct Financial Indirect Financial Compensation

All financial rewards that are not
Pay that a person receives included in direct financial
in the form of wages, salary, compensation.
commissions and bonuses.
Nonfinancial compensation

Satisfaction that a person receives from

the job itself or from the psychological
and/or physical environment in which the
person works.

by Ambigah d/o Sandran


Protection of employees
from injuries caused by

Safety and work related accidents



Employee’s freedom from

physical or emotional illness

by Ambigah d/o Sandran

• Businesses that required by law to

recognise a union and bargain with it in
good faith if the firm’s employees want the
union to represent them.
• promotions, demotion, termination and

Employee and
Labour Relations

by Ambigah d/o Sandran

Size of The Company Responsibility of HR

Small Heads Of Department/
All Managers
Medium sized Administration Department
Large sized Human Resource Department
Very large sized HR Department,
Training Department And
Industrial Relation Department

by Ambigah d/o Sandran

main function:
 Welfare managers - Keep records of
- Assist in administering
 Personnel managers various benefits, e.g.
leave applications
 Human resource managers

 Human capital managers

by Ambigah d/o Sandran

Factor Personnel Management HRM

Time and planning Short term, reactive, ad Long term, proactive,
perspective hoc , marginal strategic, integrated
Psychological Compliance Commitment
Employee relations Pluralist, collective, low Unitarist, individual, high
perspective trust trust
Preferred Bureaucratic/ Organic, devolved,
structure/system mechanistic, centralized, flexible roles
formal/defined roles
Roles Specialized/professional Largely integrated into
line management
Evaluation Cost minimization Maximum utilization
(human asset accounting)

by Ambigah d/o Sandran

1. Recruit suitable workers

2. Train workers

3. Develop compensation & benefit systems

4. Help workers to keep themselves free from illnesses and


5. Help workers to engage themselves and be committed

6. Design disciplinary systems

7. Ensure legality

8. Maintain staff records

by Ambigah d/o Sandran

What are the careers in HR?


by Ambigah d/o Sandran

Good Communication skills

High ethical standards Able to bring change to people

IT savvy
Able to understand the business context

Numerate and able to analyze data

by Ambigah d/o Sandran

• Human resource management is steadily becoming recognised

as essential for organisational success.
• Human resource management is the development and
implementation of systems in an organisation design to attract,
develop and retain a high performing workforce.
• The human resource management function has developed since
the early days of the industrial revolution through the 20th century
until today.

by Ambigah d/o Sandran

• Not all the organisations have a dedicated human resource (HR)

management department in which case either the office of the
chief executive will be responsible for the function or each and
every manager will be expected to carry our the necessary HR
work himself.
• The Ministry of Human Resource recommends to parliament
changes to employment laws when necessary and enforces the
current laws.

by Ambigah d/o Sandran

Term Definition

Baby boomers The generation born between 1946 and 1964.

Generation X The generation born between 1965 and 1979.

Generation Y The generation born since the 1980s also known

as generation.

Human resource Utilisation of individuals to achieve organisational

management (HRM) objectives

Organisation A group of people who work together to achieve

common goals


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