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Environmental Issues The harmful effects of

The Deadly Reason human activity on the

biophysical environment.
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Major Problems

Natural Water Biodiversity Pollution and
Change: Global
Disasters Quality and Loss Impact of
Availability Energy

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Major Solutions

Sustainable Planting Conservation

Goals and

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Management and Policies
Senior Lecturer I-B, CAS
Environmental Management
What is Environmental Management? Why it is necessary?
• Environmental management is required • Considering the welfare of future
for development without destruction or generations, proper decisions regarding
overuse of natural resources and to reduce the use of environment are necessary
pollution and degradation of nature.

• Environmental management is not easy to define.

As Barrow (2005) has acknowledged, it can refer
to a goal or vision, to attempts to steer a process,
to the application of a set of tools, to a
philosophical exercise seeking to establish new
perspectives towards the environment and human
societies, and to much more besides.

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Environmental Management: it’s Characteristics and Objectives
Time has now come when our policy makers as well
The characteristic features of the as society should aim to protect, conserve and
environmental management are: regulate the development in such a way that it will
not create any adverse effect on ecosystem and needs
1. It deals with a world affected by of the people can also be fulfilled.
humans; Throughout the world, particularly in
2. It supports sustainable development; developing countries, these are an urgent
need for the management of the total
3. It demands a multidisciplinary approach; environment.
4. It has to integrate different development In the first instance environ- mental
viewpoints; management must do three things:
5. It concerns with short-term and long- (i) Identify goals;
term planning as well as from local to
global scale; and (ii) Establish whether these can be met, and
6. It seeks to integrate natural and social (iii) Develop and implement means to do
science, policy making and planning. what it deems possible. 
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Environmental Management: it’s Characteristics and Objectives
A simple scheme for environmental Thus, environmental management is an approach which
management has been depicted by integrates ecology, policy making, planning and social
environmentalists: development.
Its main objectives include:
1. To prevent and solve environmental problems;
2. To establish limits;
3. To develop research institutions and monitoring systems;
4. To warn threats and identify opportunities;
5. To suggest measures for resource conservation;
6. To develop a strategy for the improvement of quality of
7. To suggest long-term and short-term policies for
sustainable development; and
8. To identify new technology for sustainable development.
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Environmental Management
Who is responsible for EM?
Environmental managers are a diverse From another point of view, environmental
group of people including: management may be defined as a process
• Academics concerned with human-environment
interactions which seeks to identify:
• Policy-makers
o what are environmentally desirable
• Non-governmental organisation (NGO) outcomes
o what are the physical, economic, social,
• Company employees cultural, political and technological
• Civil servants and a wide range of constraints to achieving those outcomes
individuals or groups who make o what are the most feasible options for
decisions about the use of natural achieving those outcomes
resources (such as fishers, farmers and
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Management and the
Legislative Control in the
Philippines Today
Brief Summary

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As with other Southeast Asian nations, the
Philippines is experiencing rapid population
growth in its urban and rural areas.
The air is being polluted, rivers and inland
waters in urban areas are suffering water
pollution, waste products are increasing in
volume and creating environmental pollution
resulting from their disposal, and natural
environments are increasingly under threat.
These are the environmental problems the
country is confronting and their resolution is
a pressing task.

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Legislation equivalent to the Philippines Basic Environment Law
It deals with environmental issues in general Under the administration of President
are the Presidential Decree 1151: the Aquino, who took office in 1986, a
Philippine Environmental Policy, and the new constitution was adopted and
Presidential Decree 1152, the Philippine environmental rights became part of
Environmental Code, both adopted under constitutional rights. In this regard, the basic
the Marcos regime in 1977. principles enshrined in the Presidential
However, these environmental laws had Decrees 1151 and 1152 were upheld.
shortcomings: for example, multiple With respect to the environmental
executive bodies were designated to be in administrative system, the DENR was
charge of one specific problem, creating put in sole charge, and the
reduplication and necessitating coordination environmental laws are now undergoing
among bodies concerned. Also, shortage of review in the form of legislation being
personnel, equipment, and financial passed through the national assembly, with
resources meant difficulty in implementing many bills having been presented and
these laws. debated since 1992. Your Logo or Name Here 12
Government Environmental Policies and Organization
Department of Environment and National The 6 important bureaus are:
Resources (DENR)
• Forest Management Bureau
• It took charge of all environmental
administration. • Mines and Geosciences Bureau
• It is a body that has the integrated and • Environmental Management
strengthened authority of the former
Department of Natural Resources and the Bureau
Ministry of House Settlements. • Ecosystems Research and
• Its task is to make policy decisions on
environment and natural resources and to
Development Bureau
balance development activities with
environmental management, with the aim to
• Protected Areas and Wildlife
achieve sustainable development. Bureau
• The DENR consists of 8 staff offices, 6 staff • Lands Management Bureau.
bureaus, 4 attached agencies and 13 regional
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offices in the administrative districts.
Philippine Environmental Policy (enacted on June 6, 1977)

Presidential Decree 1151 Presidential Decree 1152

• It defines the continuing policy of • It defines the management policy
the state to develop and maintain a objectives and strategies for water,
better quality of life for present and air, natural resources, land and
future generations by recognizing waste management by prescribing
the right of every Filipino to a the enforcement of environmental
healthy environment. quality standards.
• It was also the first environmental
law to introduce the concept of
Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA) in the country.

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The Philippine Environmental Policy and Code
• It laid the groundwork for subsequent environmental management
undertakings in the country, were further reinforced by the 1987
Philippine Constitution.

• The Constitution mandates the protection of the right of the people

to a balanced and healthful ecology as one of its major Policy

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The Philippine Environmental Code
• Thus, in 1996, Congress initiated the revision of the Philippine
Environmental Code with the intent of having a holistic national
program on environmental management.

• Based on the Pollution Control and Waste Management Laws

posted in

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Republic Act 8749 Department Administrative Order
“An Act Providing For A Comprehensive No. 2020-14
Air Pollution Control Policy And For
Other Purposes” wherein this Act shall be “Establishing the Provisional National
known as the "Philippine Clean Air Act Ambient Air Quality Guideline Values for
Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5)”
of 1999“
It describes the following AQI Breakpoints
It describes the requirements for a that are less than and beyond the level of
comprehensive air pollution control Particulate Matter 2.5 and their cautionary
and management program in the statements for the general public
country. Your Logo or Name Here 17
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Presidential Decree 1067
PHILIPPINES • Use of water for municipal purposes is
It describes that available water in the the utilization of water for supplying the
country may be appropriated for the water requirements of a community,
following descending purposes and whether by piped or bulk distribution for
domestic and other uses, direct
uses: consumption, the drawer or abstractor of
• Use of water for domestic purposes is which being the national government, its
the utilization of water directly drawn subsidiary agencies, local government
from a source by a household for units, private persons, cooperatives or
drinking, washing, bathing, cooking, corporations. Your Logo or Name Here 19
watering of gardens or animals and other
• Use of water for fisheries is the utilization of
Presidential Decree 1067 water for the propagation and culture of fish as a
commercial enterprise or any other aqua-culture
PHILIPPINES • Use of water for livestock raising is the
utilization of water for large herds or flocks of
It describes that available water in the animals raised as a commercial enterprise.
country may be appropriated for the • Use of water for industrial purposes is the
following descending purposes and utilization of water in factories, industrial plants
and mines including the use of water as an
uses: ingredient of a finished product.
• Use of water for irrigation is the • Use of water for recreational purposes is the
utilization of water for producing utilization of water for swimming pools, bath
agricultural crops houses, boating, water skiing, golf courses and
other similar facilities in resorts and other places
• Use of water for power generation is the of recreation. Your Logo or Name Here 20
utilization of water for producing
PHILIPPINE CLEAN WATER ACT • It was signed on March 22, 2004.
OF 2004
The law aims to protect the country's water
• The Act imposes stringent measures to
bodies from pollution from land-based
sources (industries and commercial prevent further pollution of the country’s
establishments, agriculture and water resources and provides for the
community/household activities). collection of pollution charges in the form
of fees from industries discharging
It provides for comprehensive and integrated wastewaters. The discharge fees are
strategy to prevent and minimize pollution computed based on the volume and
through a multi-sectoral and participatory concentration of effluents.
approach involving all the stakeholders. Your Logo or Name Here 21
All garbages, filth and other waste
matters, shall be placed in the proper
receptacles for the disposition thereof by
garbage collectors.
Declared under the administration of Pres.

It provides the provision of existing laws to Any person, who shall litter or throw
garbage, filth, or other waste matters, in
the contrary notwithstanding, all citizens and
public places, such as roads, canals
residents of the Philippines and all other
esteros or parks, shall suffer an
establishments of any kinds, shall undertake
imprisonment and fines.
the cleaning of their own surroundings, their
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yards and gardens, as well as the canals,
Enacted on July 24, 2000
In partnership with stakeholders, the law The law ensures proper segregation,
aims to adopt a systematic, comprehensive collection, storage, treatment and disposal
and ecological solid waste management of solid waste through the formulation
program that shall ensure the protection of and adaptation of best eco-waste products.
public health and environment.

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It likewise prohibits the entry, even in
The law aims to regulate restrict or prohibit transit, of hazardous and nuclear wastes
the importation, manufacture, processing, and their disposal into the Philippine
sale, distribution, use and disposal of territorial limits for whatever purpose; and
chemical substances and mixtures the present to provide advancement and facilitate
unreasonable risk to human health. research and studies on toxic chemicals.

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OF 1978
EIA is a planning and management tool
that will help government, decision
The Environment Impact Assessment System makers, the proponents and the affected
was formally established in 1978 with the community address the negative
enactment of Presidential Decree no. 1586 to consequences or risks on the environment.
facilitate the attainment and maintenance of The process assures implementation of
rational and orderly balance between socio- environment-friendly projects.
economic development and environmental
protection. Your Logo or Name Here 25
OF 1978
EIA is a planning and management tool
that will help government, decision
The Environment Impact Assessment System makers, the proponents and the affected
was formally established in 1978 with the community address the negative
enactment of Presidential Decree no. 1586 to consequences or risks on the environment.
facilitate the attainment and maintenance of The process assures implementation of
rational and orderly balance between socio- environment-friendly projects.
economic development and environmental
protection. Your Logo or Name Here 26
For air, water and waste management, the
challenge, really, is to maintain the new
regulations and it require substantial
investments, not only in pollution prevention,
but in the entire environmental management
program implementation as well.
Thank You!

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