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(Missionary Endeavour)


 Chairmanship is the art of leading out in decision-making. This is the art of presiding over
a meeting. A person who chairs a meeting is called the chairman or chair person in instance
were it is a lady. This chairman is usually assisted by the secretary whose duty is to record
and keep minutes of the meeting.

Qualities of a Christian Chairman

 1. Must be spiritual Gen 6:9 He / She must walk with God.
 2. Must be a man of Vision
 3. Must know his tools and area of deliberations.
 4. Must have the love for God, love for people and the Church.
 5. Must be humble not pompous boastful and arrogant.
 6. Must be patient
 7. Must not fear confrontations must be a man of courage. 8. Must be honest in all things a
man of integrity.
 8. Must be honest in all things a man of integrity.
What every Chairman ought to Know:

 a. Know his destination (John 14:6)

 b. Must allow one subject at a time.
 c. Must ensure full and free debate.
 d. Must know that every member has equal rights to the others.
 e. Must ensure that the will of the majority is carried out and the will of the
minority preserved.
Ladder of Proceedings
 1. Recognize the Chair - A desiring member to speak must recognize or seek
attention from the chair by lifting up his/her hand.
 2. Address the presiding officer- The member must address the chairman by
mentioning the title of the presiding officer, e.g. Mr. Chairman, Mr. President etc.
 3. Present the motion - The person on the floor must introduce the motion by
saying “ I move that or I propose that _____________”.
 4. Seconding the motion - This is when the chairperson asks for anyone agreeing
with the motion in order or it to be discussed. A seconder of a motion has a right
to change his mind and vote other wise.
 5. State the motion - The chairman here clarifies the motion to the house.
 6. Discuss- This is the stage were member’s air their views on the proposed
 7. Vote - At this stage every member is supposed to side for either of the motions
by raising hands, acclamation, secret ballot or any other acceptable means of
Recognize the Chair

Address the Presiding Officer

Present the Motion

Second the Motion

State the Motion

Discuss the Motion

Guidelines of Whom to Speak
 Preference must be given to the proposer of the motion
 A member who has not spoken has prior claim over one who has already
 A member who raises his hand first.
 Alternate between those for and against.

Order of Business
A list of items to be discussed in a meeting must be presented and adopted
immediately after the devotion and prayer. This list of items is called an agenda.

Below is a skeleton of an A.Y Executive agenda-:

1. Call the meeting to order
2. Opening song and prayer
3. Devotion
4. Season of Prayers
5. Roll Call
6. Adoption of Agenda
7. Approval of Previous minutes
8. Matters Arising
9. Reports
10. New Business e.g. Camp out
11. Announcements
12. Adjournment
13. Closing Prayer
Chairmanship Language:
1. Call to order – Attracting the attention of the house in order to begin business.
2. Calling question – Tell the chair to put a motion to a vote
3. Quorum – A minimum number required to make committee resolution legal.
4. Seconding – Conquering with the thought or idea of the proposed motion
5. Table the motion – This is suspending discussion due to insufficient information
on the motion
6. Adjourn – To end the meeting or break for a later time.
7. Gavel – This is a small wooden hammer used to call a meeting to order.
8. Majority – When more people side for the motion at voting.
9. Dilatory motion – Useless or meaningless motion.
Types of Motions
A motion is a piece of information or statement brought to the house, seconded
discussed and voted to be made legal. In this booklet we will look at 5 motions which

1. Main motion - Original motion raised by a member.

2. Subsidiary motion - Motion raised from the main motion e.g. motion to table the
matter under discussion.
3. Privileged motion – Is a motion, which does not need debate, second mend or
voting e.g. motion to adjourn.
4. Amendment - This is a change to an already existing motion.
5. Amendment to amendment - This is a change to an already amended motion
Types of Committees:
 Subcommittee – This is a short-term committee chosen to fulfill a specific goal.
This committee is made from the main committee, it is sometimes called an ad
hock committee e.g. Nominating Committee.

 Standing committee – It is a permanent committee with a long span e.g.

Constitution Committee.

NOTE: This honour is a requirement for master guide investiture.

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