LM 3.6 Simple Past Vs Present Perfect

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Good morning

Hello you….
How are you?
Look at the pictures below

Since march, I stayed and I have been stayed at home

studied at home for five months
What do you think we will
learn today?
transactional text

Simple past tense and present

perfect tense
Pay attention on this short dialogue

Nana : Hi… Nina, have you done with your math

Nina: OMG, I forgot to do it last night.
Nana : How come Nina?
Nina : last night, I went to my grandma’s house. How about
you Nana? Have you made yours?
Nana : oh I see, I have made it.
Nina : I’ll do it now in hurry
Based on the dialogue above, please answer
some questions below directly.
1. Who start the conversation?
2. What are they talking about?
3. Who has completed the task?
4. Why hasn’t Nina finished her homework?
Pay attention on these two dialogues

O Dialogue 1
A: “I heard that you lost your wallet
B: “Yes, I have lost my wallet yesterday, I can’t
find it”
A: “Where did you lose it?”
B: “I lost it around the town square”
O Dialogue 2
A: “Have you had your breakfast this morning?
B: “No, I haven’t. This morning, I went to
market first.
A: “Alright then, let’s go to canteen now”
B: “No, I have brought food from home”
Based on those two dialogues, classify each
expression on the following table.

Simple past tense Present perfect tense

Can you mention adverb of past time
beside this?
O Yesterday
O Last year
O Several days ago
O This morning
O ….
O ……
O …….
O …….
Complete this dialogue using a proper word or phrase.
Tari   : last week, I saw (see) you in the Gajah Mada street.
What did you do?
Sita   : I …….. (1. have/wait) for my sister around 30
Tari   : Where….. (2. do) you go?
Sita   : We…… (3. go) to bookstore to buy novel.
Tari   : where is your sister now?
Sita   : she ……. (4. have/ be) in London since three days
Tari   : what did she do there?
Sita   : she …… (5. visit) her friend who studying in
Tari   : Oh I see. Anyway I ……. (6.have/bring) this food for
Sita : thank you so much Tari
Tari : anytime.
In pair, please make a simple
dialogue about simple past tense
and present perfect tense .

With free topic

Thank you

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