SQL Commands

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Define each COMMAND
element of the table uniquely .

Each column has minimum of three attribute

they are –
data type
Syntax :-
create table table_name(col 1 data type,……,col n
data type);
This command is used to add new rows of data to the table .
Syntax :-
Insert into table_name (col 1,col 2,….col n)
values(value 1,value 2,…..,value n);
If we adding all the values for all column of the table we need net
specify the column name.
Syntax :-
Insert into table_name values(value 1,value 2,…., value n);
Update command
This command is used to modify the existing row in the table .
syntax :-
Update table_name set column 1=value 1
column 2=value 2
…column n=value n
[where condition];
Ex. Update student set address=‘pune’
where roll-on=1;

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