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Introduction To

Programming Fundamental

Nice to meet you.
Name: Amna Amjid
BS-Software Engineering 1st Semester
The Universty Of Haripur

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Why we learn arrays and why it is
important in programming?

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How Computer Store

12/11/2020 Programming Fundamental

Data Structure

12/11/2020 Programming Fundamental

Background Types of arrays
01 Who,why and when arrays 05 Explain types with examples
come in programming. in C++

Intoduction of Comparision with

arrays structure & pointer
02 Defination,concept of arrays 06 through chart
and why do we need arrays.


Objective of arrays Application of array
03 Short importance of arrays 07 Some of major adv and

Array& programming Conclusion

04 Create& declare arrays in C+ 08 summary of all topic

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12/11/2020 Programming Fundamental
01 Backround

John von Neumann wrote the first array-sorting

program (merge sort) in 1945, during the building
of the first stored-program computer.

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01 Backround

Why arrays comes in programming ?

12/11/2020 Programming Fundamental

02 Indroduction to arrays

An array as a collection of variables of a similar

data type.
Instead of declaring each variable and assigning it
a value individually, you can declare one variable
(the array) and add the values of the various
variables to it.

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Concept Diagram

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Understand Syntax of Arrays

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02 Why arrays come in
programming ?

Arrays are best for storing multiple values in a

single variable.
Arrays are better at processing many values easily
and quickly.
Sorting and searching the values is easier in arrays.

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03 Scope & Objective

The computer itself is nothing but a collection of

arrays of switches.

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03 Scope & Objective

A byte is an array of 8 binary bits.

An integer (in many languages) is an array of 4
A string is an array of characters (can be one or
two bytes per character depending on encoding).

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04 Arrays & Programming

Suppose we need to store the marks of 50 students

in a class and calculate the average marks.
Declaring 50 separate variables will do the job but
no programmer would like to do so. And here
comes the array in action.

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04 But how we use arrays in

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04 Creating an Array in C+
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
int balance[3] = { 300, 200, 100 };
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
cout << "value of i: " << balance[i] << endl;
return 0;

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Accessing an Array Element

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05 Types of arrays

One dimensional Array

Multi-dimensional Array
Pointer to an Array

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05 One-Dimensional Array

This is an array in which the data items are

arranged linearly in one dimension only. It is
commonly called a 1-D array.

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05 Syntax:

The array-name is the name of the array.

The size is the number of items to be stored in the

datatype array-name[size] ;

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05 Example

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
int age[5] = { 19, 18, 21, 20, 17 };
for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++)
cout <<age[x]<<"\n";
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05 Two-Dimensional Array
A 2D array stores data in a list with 1-D array. It is
a matrix with rows and columns.

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05 Syntax:

The array-name is the name of the array.

The size is the number of items to be stored in the
To declare a 2D array, use the following syntax:

type array-Name [ x ][ y ];

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05 Example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int a[3][2] = { {0, 2}, {1, 4}, {3, 7} };
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
for (int j=0; j<2; j++)
cout << "a[" <<i<< "][" <<j<< "]: ";
cout << a[i][j] << endl;
}return 0;
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05 Three-Dimensional Array
A 3D array is an array of arrays. Each element in a
3D array is identified by a set of 3 indexes. To
access the elements of a 3D array, we use three for

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05 Syntax:

The array-name is the name of the array.

The size is the number of items to be stored in the
To declare a 3D array, use the following syntax:

type array-Name [ x ][ y ][z];

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05 Example

using namespace std;
int main()
int a[2][3][2] = {{{4, 8},{2, 4},{1, 6}}, {{3,
6},{5, 4},{9, 3}}};
cout << "a[0][1][0] = " << a[0][1][0] <<
cout << "a[0][1][1] = " << a[0][1][1] <<
return 0;
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06 Comparision with Pointers
Arrays Pointers
 Stores the value of the variable  Store the address of the another
of homogeneous datatype. variable of same datatype as the
pointer variable's datatype.
 A normal array stores values of
variable and pointer array stores  Pointers are specially designed
the address of variables. to store the address of variables.

 An array can store the number

of elements, mentioned in the  A pointer variable can store the
size of array variable. address of only one variable at a
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Comparision with Structure
Arrays Structure
• An array is a collection of • A structure is a collection of
variables of same data type. variables of different data
• Array elements are stored in
contiguous memory • Structure elements may not
location. be stored in a contiguous
memory location.
• Array elements are accessed
by their index number. • Structure elements are
accessed by their names.
• Array declaration and
element accessing operator • Structure element accessing
is "[ ]" (square bracket). operator is "." (Dot
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07 Advantages & Disadvantages

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Arrays represent multiple data items

of the same type using a single name.

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In arrays, the elements can be

accessed randomly by using the
index number.

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Arrays allocate memory in

contiguous memory locations for all
its elements.

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The number of elements to be stored

in an array should be known in

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Insertion and deletion are quite

difficult in an array

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Allocating more memory than the

requirement leads to wastage of
memory space
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• Maintains multiple
variable names using a
single name. Arrays
help to maintain large
data under a single
variable name. This
avoid the confusion of
using multiple variables.

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• Arrays can be used for

sorting data elements.
Different sorting
techniques like Bubble
sort, Insertion sort,
Selection sort etc use
arrays to store and sort
elements easily.

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“Data dominates. If you've chosen
the right data structures and
organized things well, the
algorithms will almost always be
self-evident. Data structures, not
algorithms, are central to
Rob Pike
12/11/2020 Programming Fundamental
Thank You!
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12/11/2020 Programming Fundamental

Credits & Copyrights

Photos – many thanks to:

Free font used:
Times New Roman

• Refrences

12/11/2020 Programming Fundamental

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