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Life and Importance of Prophet

Sub Topic
Early Life of Prophet (PBUH)
Pre-Islamic Arabia
Era of Ignorance/Period of Illiteracy
 Polytheism/worship of multiple Gods
 No rights for women, slaves and weak.
 Daughters were a sign of dishonor, some were killed.
 Financial corruption, Gambling, drinking alcohol etc.
 Killing in the name of tribe, nation and race.
 Other social evils.
Grandfather:(Maternal) Grandfather: (Paternal)
Wahab Abdul Mutalib

Grandmother: (Maternal) Grandmother: (Paternal)

Birrah Fatimah

Mother: Father:
Aminah Abdullah

Prophet Muhammad
Birth: 570 AD (8th, 9th or 12th Rabi-ul-Awal)
Year of Elephants, Destruction of Abraha
Death of Father (Born Orphan)
Name and other rituals.
Early care by Mother and thuwaibah.
Culture of Arabs to send kids to wet nurses.
Halima Sadia received Prophet (PBUH)
Blessings observed by Halima Sadia.
Shaq-e-Sadr (Split of Chest)
Shaq-e-Sadr (Split of Chest)
Jibrail washed Prophet’s (PBUH) heart and
washed it with Zamzam.
Removed a black clot of blood and said:
 “This was the part of satan in you.”
Halima Sadia got scared and returned Prophet
(PBUH) to Makkah.
Journey to Yathrib
Custody of Abdul Muttalib
Custody of Abu Talib

Why Abdul Mutalib Prefered Abu Talib over
other uncles for Prophet’s (PBUH) custody?
1 Journey to Syria
Ruins of Bahira’s Monastery
Ruins of Bahira’s Monastery
“This is the Master of all
Humans. God will send him with
a message that will be mercy for
all beings.”
- Bahira
“I was also there in Abdullah bin Juda’s
home when the oath was affirmed. In
my opinion, that oath is more pleasant
than owning red-haired camels. If I am
summoned to it during the Islamic era,
I will accept it.”
- Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
“The Truthful and Honest has come.
We are bound to accept his verdict.”
- Quraysh

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