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Listen to the five airport announcements and do the exercises to practice and

improve your listening skills.

Do this exercise before you listen. Write a number (1-6) to put these sentences in order .

 (............) Wait at the boarding gate

 (............) Go to the checking in desk.
 (............) Board the plane.
 (............) Go through immigration.
 (............) The plane takes off.
 (............) Arrive at the airport.
Check your understanding: gap fill

Do this exercise while you listen.

Complete the gaps with a word from in the box.

New York, Athens, Amsterdam, Rome, Tokyo

1. Speaker A: The plane is going to ….

2. Speaker B: The plane is going to ….
3. Speaker C: The plane is going to ….
4. Speaker D: The plane is going to ….
5. Speaker E: The plane is going to ….

Check your understanding: gap fill

Do this exercise while you listen. Complete the gaps

New York, Athens, Amsterdam, Rome, Tokyo

1. The 9.25 flight to Rome is delayed by…. hours.

2. Passengers going to Tokyo should go to boarding gate ….
3. Passengers going to Athens should go to boarding gate ….
4. The flight number of the plane going to Amsterdam is …..
5. It will leave from gate ….
6. The time in…. is 18.30.
7. The temperature in New York is …. º

Attention, please. It is directed that total solar eclipe, a rare and
wonderul natural phenomenon, will strike our region tomorrow.
To avoid possible bad effects of the phenomenon, the school will
be closed for one day. However, it doesn’t mean that you have to
avoid all outdoor activities. Most important, when you are
outside, prevent your self from looking at the sun directly,which
may be harmfull for your eyesight. If you want to look at the sun,
please wear special lenses, thank you.

1. What is the text called?

2. What is the purpose of the text?
3. Where do you possibly find the text?
4. Who do you think announce the text?
5. What is the best title of the text?
Announcement is an official notification about
something, whether written or spoken which
presented to the public.
Ways to make it?
Text Structure Opening (Title)
 To whom the announcement is for
 The purpose of announcement itself
 When the event will be held ( day, date , time )
 Where the event will take place
 Who makes the announcement
 Simple Present Tense
 Active (V1/to be am/is/are)
 Passive (am/is/are + V3)
 Simple Future
 Active (will+V1/be)
 Passive (will be + V3)
 Suffixes (forming noun from verb)
 Modal (must, can, should etc.)

Attention, please. It is directed that total solar eclipe, a rare and

wonderul natural phenomenon, will strike our region tomorrow. To
avoid possible bad effects of the phenomenon, the school will be
closed for one day. However, it doesn’t mean that you have to avoid
all outdoor activities. Most important, when you are outside, prevent
your self from looking at the sun directly,which may be harmfull for
your eyesight. If you want to look at the sun, please wear special
lenses, thank you.
We can form noun from verbs, for example by adding suffixes
such as –ion/ation,-al, -ment,-ance.
Verb + -ion/-ation Verb + -al Verb + -ment
Decide Decision Approve Approval Announce Announcement

Attend Attention Deny Denial Achieve Achievement

Permit Permission Refuse Refusal Enroll Enrollment
Form Formation Remove Removal assign assignment
Verb + -ance
Disturb Distubance
Enter Entrance
Annoy Annoyance
perform Appearance
appear Performance
Put the righ suffixes to form NOUN
expect move develop

Arrange relate admire

refresh Silent amuse

employ absent attract

replace important bury

explode dependant consider

collide Appoint differ

negate appear embarrass

Time to practice
1. The cream can protect us from the sunshine. The ... Lasts for three hours.
2. Does the course require a good command of English? Is the ... Stated explicitly?
3. I would like to enter the building. Would you show me where the ... Gate is?
4. We should limit the topic of our discussion. The....makes us more focused.
5. My sister always corrects me when I make mistakes. Her ... Helps me avoid similar mistakes.
6. We purpose that we sill have a bazzar. We hope the principal agrees with our .....
7. Wow, you make a lot of ....! How did you improve like that?
8. Have you reserved the seat already? The .... Should be two weeks beforehand, at the most.
9. You stated that we should never give up. The ....really motivates me.
For all students of Al Muslim Senior high, to celebrate the national hero’s day, students association
proudly presents the speech contest under the theme “the role of young generation to continue
heroes struggle ”. This event is aimed at fostering and nurturing students awarness to dedicate high
appreciation for Indonesian national heroes. The English speech contest will be held as details:
Date: November 11, 2020
Time: 8 - 11 am
  Place: Al Muslim school hall
The registration is open from November 1 to 9 with maximum 20 participants. They must make their
own speech in min 100 words with the theme related to provided theme.
Each class must send thier representative to join this event.
Best Regards,
Chief of Al Muslim Students’ association

For all students of Al Muslim Senior high, to celebrate the national hero’s day, students association proudly
presents the speech contest under the theme “the role of young generation to continue heroes struggle ”. This event is
aimed at fostering and nurturing students awarness to dedicate high appreciation for Indonesian national heroes.
The English speech contest will be held as details:
Date: November 11, 2020
Time: 8 - 11 am
  Place: Al Muslim school hall
           The registration is open from November 1 to 9 with maximum 20 participants. They must make their own
speech in min 100 words with the theme related to provided theme.
Each class must send thier representative to join this event.
Best Regards,
Chief of Al Muslim Students’ association
Answer the questions
based on the text

1. What is the announcement about?

2. What is the purpose of the text?
3. Why does the students association celebrate national heroes day?
4. What is the best title of the above announcement?
5. How long will the speech contest take place?
6. How long will the registration be available?
7. What is the requirement of the speech contest ?
8. Analyze the language features of the announcement above!
Simple present Simple future
Modal Suffixes
Compose an announcement based on the data
in the following table!

What Some compettitions

Whom Al muslim senior high school stdents
When Tuesday, November 18, 2020 at 09.00 a.m
Where Al Muslim yard
Why To celebrate Independence day
Who The board of student association

Time to act
Group work”Expressing compliment”
X social 1 X science
X social 2 X science 1
1. Andi, Nia
1. Vian, lintang
2. Atha, Talitha 1. Vicky, fachri 2. Dinda, refi
3. Betris, fira 2. Ica, salwa 1. A.Daffa, shaula
3. Adnan, nauval
4. Bima, naila 3. Hilwa, tata 4. Aisyah,riri
2. Syasya, nia
5. Catheryne, raya 4. Jojo, nalend 5. Aldiez, vita 3. Akhtar, aldo
6. Cindera, zakky 5. Luna, nafa 6. Birra, arda 4. Lia, reisa
7. Dariel, icah 6. Alfin, nana 7. Dimas, rendra 5. Mira, rasya
8. Hafiz, intan 7. Balya, adis, ussy 8. Gugun, bhisma 6. Rafif, rara
9. Dilla, ilham 7. Bagas, fian
10.Kevin, anam
11.Mandha, noya,
8. Laras, keanu
mervin 9. Dafa, nakia
10. Faiz, maraya
11.Gilang, afzaal

Any questions?


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