Conditional Sentence

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The second conditional sentence
o to talk about unreal condition
o to give advice

1. If outside were safe from Covid 19 thread, I would go window shopping with my classmate.
Fact: outside is not safe from Covid 19 thread, so I will not go window shopping with my classmate
2. If Covid 19 didn’t infect our country, I would never do virtual learning.
Fact : Covid 19 infects our country, so I do virtual learning
3. If I dedicated my best effort, I would totally win the prestigious global debate competition 
Fact : I don’t dedicate my best effort, so I lose the prestigious global debate competition 
4. If you were not hers, you would be mine.
Fact : you are hers, so you are not mine.
5. If you kept your promise to be faithful, I won't leave you.
Fact : you break your promise, so I leave you
6. If I were you, I would not decline his job offer.
Find out the fact
1. If you paid more attention in meetings, you'd know what was going on
2. If you stopped smoking, you would feel a lot better pretty quickly.
3. If I worked in a factory. I wouldn’t have much time to study.
4. If you did a paper round, you would earn a little extra money.
5. If the car were in better condition, we would make a long trip now
6. If he could speak French, he would get the job in Singapore.
7. If you took the 7:40 flight, you would not have to change at Heathrow.
8. If we caught the nine o'clock train we would get there on time.
Check your understanding!
1. If I realized that Tim is a bad driver, I … my car
A. wouldn’t lend him C. will not lend him E. hadn’t lend him
B. didn’t lend him D. wouldn’t have lent him
2. Son : “Mom, I feel like staying away from school today”
Mom : “I wouldn’t if I were you” We may conclude that mother …
A. thinks that he should go to school D. thinks it is good idea
B. thinks they should both go to school E. would like him to do what he wants
C. Wants him to stay home
3. If the car were in better condition, we would make a long trip now
It may be concluded that we ….
A. had stayed at home C. had done a long trip E. stay at home
B. are enjoying the trip D. enjoyed the trip
4. If there were traffic light in this intersection, there wouldn't be so many accidents.
We can conclude that....
A. the only accidents occur at the intersection D. this is a dangerous intersection
B. despite the traffic light accidents happen E. the traffic light often doesn't work
C. drivers were always very careful at this intersection
The third conditional sentence
o To talk about past unreal (a past condition that cannot be fulfilled, because the actio
n in the if-clause didn't happen.
o Regret

1. If I hadn’t missed the train, I would not have been late for the meeting.
Fact: I missed the train, so I was late for the mmeting
2. If I had known your coming, I would have met you in the airport.
Fact : I didn’t know your coming, so I didn’t meet you in the airport
3. If he had been careful, he wouldn't have got that terrible accident.
Fact : He was careless, so he got that terrible accident. 
4. IIf the weather had been better last weekend, we would have gone to the beach.
Fact : the weather was bad last weekend, so we did not go to the beach.
5. If they had taken him to hospital earlier, he wouldn't have died
Fact : they toke him to hospital late, so he died
Summary form of Conditional sentence Type II and III

Conditional sentence II Conditional sentence III

If simple past Past future If past perfect Past future perfect

(V2/were) (would + V1) (had+V3/been) (would+have+V3)

Fact Fact
Simple present Simple future/Simple present simple past simple past/past future

(V1/am,is,are) (will + V1) / (V1/am,is,are) (V2/were) (V2/were) / (would + V1)

Find out the fact
1. If you hadn't lied to me before, I would have believed you.
2. If you had come to the meeting yesterday, you would have met Jane.
3. If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.
4. If our team had won the match, they would have moved up in the league.
5. If Betty had written more applications, she would have got an apprenticeship
6. If she had noticed the red traffic light, she would have stopped .
Check your understanding!
1. Hayati : Bonny is very disappointed.
Hanafi : It's his own fault. If he had come on time, he would have got the job.
From the dialogue we may conclude that....
A. Bony got the job. D. Hanafi came on time.
B. Bony came late. E. Hanafi got the job.
C. Hanafi missed the opportunity.
2. If the manager had anticipated the problems, the company would not have lost a great amount.
We may conclude that….
A. the manager will anticipate the problems D. the company did not lose a great amount
B. the manager had afforded to handle the problems E. the manager neglected the problems
C. the company got a great amount
 3. Many people could have been rescued from the land-slide if immediate help had arrived
From the sentence we know that….
A. a rescue team came immediately to help the victims D. the land-slide did not harm anyone
B. a lot of people died because of the land-slide E. it was just a minor land-slide
C. many people rescued themselves from the land-slide

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