Ch08 (1) Training and Development

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Chapter 8

Training and

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Learning Objectives
1. Summarize the training and development process.
2. Explain how to determine specific training and
development needs and objectives.
3. Summarize various training methods.
4. Describe alternative training and development
delivery systems.
5. Summarize training and development
implementation issues.

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-2

Learning Objectives (Cont.)
6. Explain the metrics for evaluating training and
7. Describe factors that influence training and
8. Summarize some human resource management
training initiatives.
9. Explain the concept of careers and career paths.
10.Identify career planning approaches.

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-3

Learning Objectives (Cont.)
11.Discuss career development and career
development methods.
12.Describe management development.
13.Define organization development (OD) and
describe various OD techniques.
14.Summarize the learning organization idea as a
strategic mind-set.
15.Identify some training issues in the global context.

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LO 1
Training and Development

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LO 1
Training and Development (T&D)

 Training: Provides learners with the

knowledge and skills needed for their
present jobs. Designed to improve
competencies and organizational
 Development: Involves learning that
goes beyond today’s job and has a more
long-term focus

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LO 1
Organization Development (OD)
 Planned and systematic attempts to change the
 Designed to develop more open, productive,
and compatible workplace despite differences in
personalities, cultures, or technologies
 Applies to entire system, such as a company or
 Intervention methods include survey feedback,
quality circles, and team building

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-7

LO 1
Learning Organization
 Recognizes the importance of continuous
performance-related T&D and takes appropriate
action; basic characteristics:
Provides supportive learning environment
Provides specific learning processes and
Leadership behavior in organization supports
and reinforces learning
 Learning programs aligned with strategic
corporate goals

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-8

LO 1 Training and Development (T&D) Process
External Environment
Internal Environment
Determine Specific T&D

Establish Specific T&D


Select T&D Method(s)

and Delivery System(s)

Implement T&D Programs

Evaluate T&D Programs

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Determining Specific Training and
LO 2

Development Needs
Must take a systematic approach to
addressing bona fide needs:
A training and development needs
assessment helps companies determine whether
training is necessary.
It may be determined by conducting analyses on
three levels:
Organizational analysis
Task analysis
Person analysis
Organizational analysis
Training needs assessment activity, which focuses on the firm’s
strategic mission, goals, and corporate plans are studied, along
with the results of strategic HR planning.

Task analysis
Focuses on the tasks required to achieve the firm’s purposes

Person analysis
Focuses on finding answers to questions such as Who needs to
be trained? What do they need to do differently from what they’re
doing today? What kind of knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs)
do employees need?

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LO 2
Establishing Specific Training and
Development Objectives

 Desired end results must be determined

 Clear and concise learning objectives
must be formulated
 Without them, designing meaningful T&D
programs would not be possible

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LO 2
Training Program: Employment
Training Area: Employment Compliance

Purpose To provide the supervisor with

1. Knowledge and value of consistent human resource practices

2. The intent of Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) legal


3. The skills to apply them

Objectives To be able to

1. Cite the supervisory areas affected by employment laws on discrimination

2. Identify acceptable and unacceptable actions

3. State how to get help on EEOC matters

4. Describe why we have disciplinary action and grievance procedures

5. Describe our disciplinary action and grievance procedures, including who is



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LO 3
T&D Methods

 Classroom method  Apprenticeship training

 E-learning  Team training
 Case study  Training (business)
 Behavior modeling games
 Role playing  In-basket training
 On-the-job training

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LO 3
Classroom Method

 Continues to be effective for many types

of employee training
 Conveys great deal of information in a
relatively short time
 Allows for real-time discussion
 Charisma or personality that the
instructor brings to class

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LO 3

 T&D method for online instruction

 Takes advantage of technology for
greater flexibility of instruction
 Often most convenient delivery method
for adult learners
 Major advantage is cost

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LO 3
Live Virtual Classroom

 Uses web-based platform to deliver live,

instructor-led training to geographically
dispersed learners
 Training can now be provided in blocks of
 Provides both cost savings and

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LO 3
Case Study

 Trainees study the information provided

by the case
 Make decisions based on it
 Often used with instructor who serves as
 The goal of the case study method is to
provide trainees with the opportunity to
sharpen critical thinking skills
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LO 3
Behavior Modeling
 Trainees learn by copying or replicating
behaviors of others
 Shows managers how to handle various

 (Behavior modeling has been used to train supervisors in such tasks

as conducting performance reviews, correcting unacceptable
performance, delegating work, improving safety habits, handling
discrimination complaints, overcoming resistance to change,
orienting new employees, and mediating individuals or groups in

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LO 3
Behavior Modeling and Twittering
Twittering can be a way to augment
behavior modeling
A person who excels at a task sends out
frequent updates about what he or she is
Select exemplary performers to post
regularly, and pick those who should
follow their posts

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LO 3
 Participants respond to specific
problems they encounter in jobs by
acting out real-world situations
 Used to teach skills such as:
Grievance handling
Performance appraisal reviews
Conference leadership
Team problem solving

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-21

LO 3
Training Games
 Aid in group dynamic process
 Encourage learner involvement and
stimulate interest
 Provide focused, memorable learning
and a more enjoyable learning
atmosphere than traditional methods
 Retain 75% of the knowledge they
acquire when playing games

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-22

LO 3
Business Games
 Permit participants to assume roles such
as president, controller, or marketing vice
president of two or more similar
hypothetical organizations
 Compete against each other by
manipulating selected factors in a
particular business situation
 Participants make decisions affecting
such factors as price levels, production
volumes, andCopyright
inventory levels
© 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-23
LO 3
In-Basket Training

Participant is asked to establish priorities for

and then handle number of typical :
Business papers or
e-mail messages
Telephone messages

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LO 3
On-the-Job Training

 Informal T&D method

 Permits employee to learn job tasks by
actually performing them
 Most commonly used T&D method
 No problem transferring what has been
learned to the actual task

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LO 3
Apprenticeship Training

 Combines classroom instruction with on-

the-job training
 Traditionally used in skilled trade jobs
 Earns less than master craftsperson who
is instructor

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LO 3
Team Training
 Focuses on imparting knowledge and
skills on individuals who are expected to
work collectively toward meeting a
common objective
 Two types:
Team coordination training

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LO 4
Training & Development
Delivery Systems
 Corporate universities
 Colleges and universities
 Community colleges
 Online higher education
 Vestibule system
 Video media
 Simulators
 Social networking
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-28
LO 4
Corporate Universities
 Delivery system provided under umbrella
of organization
 Focused on creating organizational
 Proactive and strategic
 Recent years have seen decline of
corporate universities

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LO 4
Colleges and Universities

 Primary method for training professional,

technical, and management employees
 Corporate training programs often
partner with colleges and universities

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LO 4
Community Colleges

 Publicly funded higher education

 Deliver vocational training and associate
degree programs
 Rapid technological changes and
corporate restructuring have created new

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LO 4
Online Higher Education

 Educational opportunities include degree

and training programs
 Delivered either entirely or partially via
 Allows employees to attend class at
lunchtime, during day, or in evening
 Reduces or eliminates commute to
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-32
LO 4
Types of Online Higher Education

 Hybrid programs
 Online synchronized study
 Asynchronous learning
(students have a series of assignments that need to be
completed in a certain time frame)

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LO 4
Vestibule System

 Occurs away from production area

 Uses equipment that closely resembles
equipment actually used on the job
 Removes employee from pressure to
produce while learning
 Emphasis on learning skills required for

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Video media

 The use of video media such as DVDs

continues to be a popular T&D delivery

 These media are especially appealing to

small businesses that cannot afford more
expensive training methods

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LO 4

 Devices or programs that are located

away from the job site
 Replicate actual job demands
 Example: Flight simulators used to train

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LO 4
Informal Training through
Social Networking
 Today’s employees interact, learn, and
work in much different ways and styles
 (An increase in informal learning usage, which includes social
media, blogs, wikis, and discussion groups)

 Often takes place outside the corporate

training departments
 Constructivism: Teacher guides the
learner toward multiple learning sources,
rather than acting as the sole source of
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-37
LO 5
Implementing Human Resource
Development Programs
 Often difficult
 Many managers are action-oriented and
feel they are too busy to engage in T&D
 Qualified trainers must be available
 T&D requires a high degree of creativity

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LO 6 Metrics for Evaluating Training
and Development

 Reactions
 Learning
 Behavior
 Organizational results
 Benchmarking

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LO 6
 (Refers to the extent to which trainees liked the training program
related to its usefulness, and quality of conduct)
 (it is an approach that provides a response and suggestions for
improvements, essentially)

 Measure level of customer satisfaction

 Overall experience could bias some reports
 Good way to quickly and inexpensively
obtain feedback

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LO 6
(Refers to the extent to which principles, facts, and techniques were
understood and retained in memory by the employee)

Determines what participants have learned

Pre-test/post-test control group design
 Differences in pretest and posttest results
between the groups are attributed to the training
A potential problem with this approach is
controlling for variables other than training that
might affect the outcome.
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-41
LO 6
 Tests give little insight into whether
participants will change their behavior
 Best demonstration of value is when
learning translates into lasting behavioral
 Transfer of training:

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LO 6
Organizational Results
 Asks whether training programs have
actually impacted company performance
 Example: Comparing accident rates
before and after training provides a
useful metric of success

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LO 6
from Training
 Example of an organizational results
training metric
 Highest level of determining training
effectiveness is return-on-investment (ROI)
from training
 CEOs want to see value in terms that they
can appreciate, such as business impact,
business alignment, and return-on-
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-44
LO 6
 Example of an organizational results training
 Process of monitoring and measuring firm’s
internal processes, such as operations, and
then comparing data with information from
companies that excel in those areas
 Focus on metrics, such as training costs,
ratio of training staff to employees, and
whether new or more traditional delivery
systems are used

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LO 6
International ISO 9001
Quality Assurance Training Standards
 Example of an organizational results training
 One International ISO 9001 quality assurance
standard states:
“Employees should receive the training and
have the knowledge necessary to do their
 Must maintain written records of employee
training to show that employees have been
properly trained
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-46
LO 7
Factors Influencing T&D

 Top management support

 Shortage of skilled workers
 Technological advances
 Global complexity
 Learning styles
 Other human resource functions

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-47

LO 7
Top Management Support
 Without it, T&D program will not succeed
 Most effective way to achieve success is for
executives to provide needed resources to
support T&D effort
 Training professionals are having to do more
with less

As Karen O’Lonard, principal analyst of Bersin &

Associates(Companies aren’t rolling out more training, but are trying
to get better results from existing programs)
LO 7
Shortage of Skilled Workers
 Major shortages of future skilled workers
 Employers are begging for skilled workers
 Training needs are changing
 Executives are increasingly demanding
additional skills

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LO 7
Technological Advances
 Change is occurring at an amazing speed
 Knowledge doubling every year
 No factor has influenced T&D more than

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LO 7
Global Complexity
 World is getting more complex
 Entire world provides opportunities and
 How will training change in this global
( Companies must be able to integrate global operations, respond to diverse
local/national needs within subsidiary operations, and implement
innovation rapidly around the world)

( Employers in both the European Common Market and some Pacific Rim
economies have long emphasized learning as a proactive tool for
responding to strategic change) 8-51
LO 7
Learning Styles
 No best way to learn that suits everyone
 Need to use a wide range of training methods
 Adults retain:
20% of what they read and hear
40% of what they see
50% of what they say
60% of what they do
90% of what they see, hear, say, and do

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-52

LO 7
Other HR Functions
 Other human resource functions can also
have crucial impact on T&D
 If recruitment-and-selection efforts or its
compensation package attract only marginally
qualified workers, firm will need extensive
T&D programs
(Hiring marginally qualified workers will likely have a significant impact on
the firm’s safety and health programs)

 Safety and health programs also affected

LO 8
HR Training Initiatives
 Orientation (onboarding)
 Ethics
 Compliance (e.g., Equal Employment
 Diversity
 Safety

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-54

LO 8
Orientation (Onboarding)

 Initial T&D effort designed for

 Goal is to inform them about company,
job, and workgroup
 Helps them decide whether or not to
stay at a company within their first 6

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-55

LO 8
Purposes of Orientation
 Employment situation
 Company policies and rules
 Compensation and benefits
 Corporate culture
 Team membership
 Employee development
 Socialization
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-56
LO 9
 General course person chooses to pursue
throughout working life
 Sequence of work-related positions an
individual has occupied
 Today there are few relatively static jobs

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-57

LO 9
Career Path
 Flexible line of movement through which
person may travel during
work life
 Various career paths, some of which are
traditional and others that have developed
as the employment relationship has

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-58

LO 9
Types of Career Paths
 Traditional career path
 Network career path
 Lateral skill path
 Dual career path
 Adding value to your career
 Demotion
 Free agents (being one’s own boss)

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-59

LO 9
Traditional Career Path
 Employee progresses vertically in
organization from one specific job to the
 The assumption is that each preceding
job is essential preparation for the next-
higher-level job
 Not as viable a career path option today

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-60

LO 9
Network Career Path
 Both vertical job sequence and horizontal
 Experience interchangeable at certain
 Broad experience at one level needed
before promotion to next level

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-61

LO 9
Lateral Skill Path
 Involves lateral moves within company
 Employee becomes revitalized and finds
new challenges
 No pay or promotion involved
 Offers opportunities to develop new skills

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-62

LO 9
Dual Career Path
 To deal with the problem of technically
trained employees who had no desire to
move into management through the normal
upward mobility procedure
 Recognizes that technical specialists
contribute expertise without having to
become managers
 Often established to encourage and motivate
 The dual system has been a trademark in higher education, where
individuals can move through the ranks of instructor, assistant professor,
associate professor, and professor without having to go into 8-63
LO 9 Adding Value to Retain
Present Job
 What makes a person valuable in today’s work
environment is the knowledge and experience he or
she brings to a job
 The better an employee’s qualifications, the greater
the opportunities he or she has with the present firm
and in the job market
 A person must discover what companies need, then
develop the skills necessary to meet these needs as
defined by the marketplace
 Individuals should always be doing something that
contributes significant, positive change to the
organization 8-64
LO 9
 Is the process of moving a worker to a lower level of
duties and responsibilities, which typically involves a
reduction in pay
 More realistic option today, due to limited promotional
opportunities and fast pace of technological change
may make demotion a legitimate career option
 Some people get into a position only to find their skills
were better suited to their old job. Sometimes they
decide they do not want to have as much
responsibility because of things going on in their
personal lives
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-65
LO 9
Free Agents

Take charge of all or part of career by being

own boss or working for others in ways that
fit particular needs or wants

Many became free agents because of

company downsizing and have no desire or
would have difficulty reentering the corporate
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-66
LO 10

Career Planning
 Ongoing process whereby an individual:
Sets career goals
Identifies means to achieve them
 Does not necessarily entail promotions
 Flexible process with multiple
contingencies for life’s work
 Should evaluate abilities and interests
 Self-assessment and formal methods
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-67
LO 10
Career Planning Approaches
The Self-Assessment
 Process of learning about oneself
 Helps avoid mistakes
 Not a singular event
 A continuous process
 Individual responsibility

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-68

LO 10

Strength/Weakness Balance Sheet

 Self-evaluation process developed by
Benjamin Franklin
 Assists people in becoming aware of
strengths and weaknesses
 Individual lists perceived strengths and
 Perception of weakness often becomes a
self-fulfilling prophecy
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-69
LO 10
Strength/Weakness Balance Sheet (Cont.)

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LO 10

Likes and Dislikes Survey

 Assists individuals in recognizing restrictions
they place on themselves
 Identifies desirable and undesirable job

 Counselor Julie Jansen said, “It’s important

in identifying what you want to do, what your
skills are, and what you don’t—and do—like
about your current occupation
LO 10

Likes and Dislikes Survey (Cont.)

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-72

LO 10
Formal Assessment
 Formal assessment: The use of established
external approaches to facilitate evaluation of
an issue at hand
 To identify career interests based on values
and personality
 Perhaps the most well-known example is the
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. This
assessment tool contains dozens of questions
that elicit an individual’s preferences for how
they would behave in different situations
LO 10

Myers-Briggs Type Inventory

Describes four preferences for how a person
would behave in different situations:
Decision making
(Preferences to consider the effect of a decision on personal
feelings as well as on others (Feeling) stand in contrast to a
preference to make objective decisions)

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-74

LO 11

Career Development
 Formal approach used by organization to
ensure people with proper qualifications and
experiences are available when needed
 Beverly Kaye, coauthor of Love ’Em or Lose ‘Em: Getting
Good People to Stay, studied the top 20 reasons employees
remain with their company and discovered that career
development opportunities was number one on the list. It was
even more important than receiving greater pay.

 With career development, the organization identifies paths

and activities for individual employees as they develop.
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 Career planning rests with the employee.
However, career development must
closely parallel individual career planning if
a firm is to retain its best and brightest

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 7-76

LO 11
Career Development Objectives
 Effective development of available talent
 Self-appraisal opportunities for employees
considering new or nontraditional career
 Development of career paths that cut
across divisions and geographic locations
 Demonstration of tangible commitment to
developing diverse work environment
LO 11

Career Development Objectives

 Satisfaction of employees’ specific

development needs
 Improvement of performance
 Increased employee loyalty, motivation,
and retention
 Method of determining training and
development needs

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-78

LO 11

Career Development Methods

 Manager/employee self-service
(Many companies are providing managers with the online ability to
assist employees in planning their career paths and developing
required competencies)

 Discussion with knowledgeable individuals

(The superior and subordinate employees may jointly agree on what
career development activities are best)

 Company material
 Performance appraisal system
 Workshops
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-79
LO 12
Management Development

 Upgrading skills and knowledge needed

in current and future managerial
 Managers keep up with latest
developments in their fields while
managing ever-changing workforce in
dynamic environment
 First-line supervisors, middle managers,
and executives may all participate
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-80
LO 12
 Approach to advising, coaching, and
 Creating practical relationship to enhance:
Individual career
Personal and professional growth and
 Mentor can be located anywhere
 Relationship can be formal or informal

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LO 12

 Often considered responsibility of

immediate boss or supervisor
 Coach provides assistance much like a
mentor would
 Customized employee development

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LO 12
Reverse Mentoring
 Process through which older employees
learn from younger employees
 Existence of these two diverse groups
has led to reverse mentoring

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LO 13
Organization Development (OD)
(as noted earlier)

 Planned and systematic attempts to change the

 Designed to develop more open, productive,
and compatible workplace despite differences in
personalities, cultures, or technologies
 Applies to entire system, such as a company or
 Intervention methods include survey feedback,
quality circles, and team building

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-84

LO 13
Survey Feedback
 Process of collecting data from
organizational unit through use of
questionnaires, interviews, and other
objective data
 Can be used to create working
environments that lead to better working
relationships, greater productivity, and
increased profitability

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-85

LO 13
Survey Feedback Steps
 Members of organization involved in
planning survey
 All members of organizational unit
participate in survey
 OD consultant usually analyzes data and
tabulates results
 Data feedback
 Feedback meetings

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-86

LO 13
Quality Circles

Groups of employees who voluntarily meet

regularly with supervisors to:
Discuss problems
Investigate causes
Recommend solutions

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LO 12
Team Building
 Conscious effort to develop effective
 Uses self-directed teams
 Small group of employees responsible for
entire work process
 Members work together to improve their
 Effective team building can be the most
efficient way to boost morale, employee
retention, and company profitability.
LO 14
Learning Organization as a
Strategic Mindset
 Recognizes the importance of continuous
performance-related T&D and takes appropriate
action; basic characteristics:
 Provides supportive learning environment
 Provides specific learning processes and practices
 Leadership behavior in organization supports and
reinforces learning
 Learning programs aligned with strategic
corporate goals

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd 8-89

LO 15
Training in the Global Context
 Training approaches differ around the
 Apprenticeship model is more prevalent in
Europe, particularly Germany, than in the
United States
 Language and cultural differences play an
important role (e.g., literal translations not
always evident in two different languages)
 (HR professionals must take the time to learn about the cultural
differences and to consult experts who can help create training
programs that will enable trainees to learn what the company
requires them to learn)

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