Lecture2 - Sources of Farm Power

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Farm Machinery

Lecture 2:-
sources of farm power
02/14/2021 ch2 - sources of farm power 1
sources of farm power
There are different sources of farm power available in the world which are

classified as:

1.Human power 2. Animal power

3. Mechanical power ( tractors, power tillers, oil engines)

4. Electrical power

5. Renewble energy (solar energy, wind energy, biogas )

02/14/2021 ch2 - sources of farm power 2

sources of farm power
Human power
 Human power is the main source for operating small implements
and tools at the farm.

 Stationary work like chaff cutting, lifting, water, threshing,

winnowing etc are also done by manual labour.

 An average man can develop maximum power of about 0.1 hp for

doing farm work.

02/14/2021 ch2 - sources of farm power 3

sources of farm power
Ploughing a land

02/14/2021 ch2 - sources of farm power 4

sources of farm power
Human power source operations

02/14/2021 ch2 - sources of farm power 5

sources of farm power
 The most important source of power on the farm all over the world
and particularly is animal.

 It is estimated that nearly 80 per cent of the total draft power used
in agriculture throughout the world is still provided by animals,
although the number of agricultural tractors has become double after
every ten years since 1930.

02/14/2021 ch2 - sources of farm power 6

sources of farm power
Animal power
 Power developed by an average pair of bullocks about 1 hp for
usual farm work.

 Bullocks are employed for all types farm work in all seasons.
Besides bullocks, other animals like camels, buffaloes, horses,
donkeys, mules and elephants are also used at some places.

 The average force a draft animal can exert is nearly one-tenth of its
body weight.

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sources of farm power
Animal power operations

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sources of farm power
Mechanical power
 Broadly speaking, mechanical power includes stationary oil
engines, tractors , power tillers and self propelled combines.
combustion engine is a good device for converting liquid fuel into
useful work(mechanical work). These engines are two

(1) spark ignition engines (petrol or kerosene engine)

(2) compression ignition engines (diesel engines)

02/14/2021 ch2 - sources of farm power 9

sources of farm power
 Diesel engines are used for operating irrigation pumps, flour
mills, oil ghanis, cotton gins, chaff cutter, sugarcane crusher,
threshers, winnowers etc.

02/14/2021 ch2 - sources of farm power 10

sources of farm power


Engine + pump


02/14/2021 ch2 - sources of farm power 11

sources of farm power
Different types of tractors

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sources of farm power
Power tillers

02/14/2021 ch2 - sources of farm power 13

sources of farm power


 Electrical power is used mostly in the form of electrical motors on

the farms.

 Motor is a very useful machine for farmers.

 It is clean, quest and smooth running.

 Its maintenance and operation needs less attention and care.

02/14/2021 ch2 - sources of farm power 14

sources of farm power

The operating cost remains almost constant throughout

its life.

Electrical power is used for water pumping, diary industry, cold

storage, farm product processing, fruit industry and many similar

Electric motors

02/14/2021 ch2 - sources of farm power 15


Merit Demerit

Human Power

1. Easily available. 1. Costliest power compared to all other forms of

2. Used for all types of work. 2. Very low efficiency.
3. Requires full maintenance when not in use.

4. Affected by weather condition and seasons.

02/14/2021 ch2 - sources of farm power 16

Merit Demerit

Animal Power

1. Easily available. 1. Not very efficient.

2. Used for all types of work. 2. Seasons and weather affect the efficiency.

3. Low initial investment. 3. Cannot work at a stretch.

4. Supplies manures to the field and 4. Requires full maintenance when not in use.
fuels to farmers.

5. Lives on farm products. 5. Creates unhealthy and dirty atmosphere near the

6. Very slow in doing work.

02/14/2021 ch2 - sources of farm power 17


Merit Demerit

Mechanical Power
1. Efficiency is high. 1. Initial capital investment high.

2. Not affected by weather. 2. Fuel is costly.

3. Cannot run at a stretch. 3. Repairs and maintenance needs technical knowledge.

4. Requires less space.

5. Cheaper form of power.

02/14/2021 ch2 - sources of farm power 18


Merit Demerit

Electrical Power

1. Very cheap form of power. 1. Initial capital investment high.

2. High efficiency. 2. Requires good amount of technical


3. Can work at a stretch. 3. If handled carelessly, it causes great


4. Maintenance and operating cost is very


5. Not affected by seasons.

02/14/2021 ch2 - sources of farm power 19

sources of farm power

Renewable energy
 It is the energy mainly obtained from renewable sources of energy
like sun, wind, biomass etc.

 Biogas energy, wind energy and solar energy are used in agriculture
and domestic purposes with suitable devices.

 Renewable energy can be used for lighting, cooking, water heating,

space heating, water distillation, food processing, water pumping, and
electric generation.

 This type of energy is inexhaustible in nature.

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sources of farm power

Solar power
 Solar cells really called photovoltaic" or "photoelectric" cells)
convert light directly into electricity.

 In a sunny climate, you can get enough power to run a 100w light
bulb from just one square meter of solar panel.

 Heat from the Sun is used to heat water in glass panels on your

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sources of farm power
Differen Solar power applications

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sources of farm power

Advantages to solar power

 Solar energy is free - it needs no fuel and produces no waste or

 In sunny countries, solar power can be used where there is no easy

way to get electricity to a remote place.

 Handy for low-power uses such as solar powered garden lights and
battery chargers

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sources of farm power
Disadvantages to solar energy
 Doesn't work at night.

 Very expensive to build solar power stations.

Solar cells cost a great deal compared to the amount of electricity

they'll produce in their lifetime.

 Can be unreliable unless you're in a very sunny climate.

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sources of farm power
Wind power
 We have used the wind as an energy source for along time.

 The chinese were using the wind power to pump water for
irrigation crops 4,000 years ago and sailing boats were around long
before that.

 Wind power was used in the middle ages, in Europe to grind corn,
which is where the term windmill comes from.

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sources of farm power

Wind farms

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sources of farm power
How wind power works
 The Sun heats our atmosphere unevenly, so some patches become
warmer than others.

 These warm patches of air rise, other air blows in to replace them -
and we feel a wind blowing.

 We can use the energy in the wind by building a tall tower, with a
large propellor on the top.

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sources of farm power

Advantages to Wind power

 Wind is free, wind farms need no fuel.

 Produces no waste or greenhouse gases.

 The land beneath can usually still be used for farming.

 Wind farms can be tourist attractions.

 A good method of supplying energy to remote areas.

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sources of farm power
Disadvantages of Wind Power
 The wind is not always predictable some days have no wind.

 Suitable areas for wind farms are often near the coast, where land is

Some people feel that covering the landscape with these towers is

 Can kill birds - migrating flocks tend to like strong winds. Splat!

Can affect television reception if you live nearby.

 Noisy. A wind generator makes a constant, low, " swooshing" noise
day and night.
02/14/2021 ch2 - sources of farm power 29
sources of farm power

How Biomass Works

 Plant and animal waste is used to produce fuels such as methanol,
natural gas, and oil.

 We can use rubbish, animal manure, woodchips, seaweed, corn stalks

and other wastes.

Sugar cane is harvested and taken to a mill, where it is crushed to extract

the juice.
The juice is used to make sugar, whilst the left-over pulp, called
"bagasse" can be burned in a power station.

Other solid wastes, can be burned to provide heat, or used to make steam
for a power station.
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sources of farm power

Burn fuel>heat water to make steam>steam turns turbine>turbine

turns generator>electrical power sent around the country

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sources of farm power
Advantages to Biomass
 It makes sense to use waste materials where we can.

 The fuel tends to be cheap.

 Less demand on the Earth's resources.

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sources of farm power
Disadvantages to Using Biomass

 Collecting the waste in sufficient quantities can be


We burn the fuel, so it makes greenhouse gases.

Some waste materials are not available all year round.

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