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Ramie is one of the strongest natural fibers and was widely used in ancient times. Ramie
fiber is known especially for its ability to hold shape, reduce wrinkling, and introduce a
silky lustre to the fabric appearance. However, it will not dye as easy as cotton.

Though Ramie and Flax are difficult to distinguish in old cloth, Ramie’s resistance to
bacteria and mildew made it appropriate for what specific purpose?
A: Mummy
Q2. This was a cheque drawn out for $7.2 million in 1867. What was being bought?
A: USA’s Cheque for
Afraid that he would go the way of his three elder brothers who died as infants, X’s family
raised him as a girl. His nose was pierced, and he wore a nose-ring as a kid. This ornament
gave him his name, which means who wears a nose-ring.

X was, however, feminine by no metric. A journalist by profession, he went on to commit

a crime the entire country knows him for.

Id X.
X Y is a brand of products we all are likely to have used. (X is a name and Y is a number)

This product was launched about 6 decades ago in India, and became popular. Wary of
counterfeit products flooding the market, the founders of this brand decided to attach the
number Y along with the name, and that has stuck since. Y was chosen to be the
registration number of this company with the Indian Government.


Half points if you name only X

A: Nataraj 621
Advertisement for which
In 1870, a German chemist named Erich von Wolf was researching the nutritional benefits
of ___________. In his notes, he accidentally printed the decimal point in the wrong spot.
Wolf accidentally increased its iron level to 10 times the actual amount - 3.5 milligrams of
iron suddenly became 35 milligrams, an extremely high amount of iron.

In 1930, re-investigations on the matter of the iron content in this particular food item
pointed out the error. In 1981, the British Medical Journal published an article to try and
debunk the the myth but it continues to be widespread till date, thanks to its propagation in
the media.

What am I talking about?

A: Spinach
One of the foremost exponents of Ayurveda and the medicinal arts, he taught Ayurveda to
the four nomadic tribes in his kingdom (the Yaksha, Raksha, Naga, and Vaddas) and
represented his nation at a medical symposium at the base of Himalaya in India during his
era. He also wrote various books on Ayurveda which are considered homoeopathic

His kingdom came to revere physicians to the point that they were second only to the

A: Ravana
This Bangalore snack, made with split peanuts, was
reportedly created 50 years ago.

You will get three different explanations for why this snack
was named after a famous organization.

- Members of this organization carried messages hidden in

peanuts-filled tiffin boxes
- Members wore headgear that resembled split peanuts
- This entity split into two in the year the snack was

After which entity is this snack named?

A: Congress (Kadlekai)
Ainsworth pharmacy is a homeopathic pharmacy that has served several members of the
British royal family, and has been granted royal warrants. It has been the subject of much
controversy, due to the fact that a homeopathic practice, considered quackery by the
medical profession has been given royal consent.

Erazd Ernst, a former professor of complementary medicine, has been a vocal critic,
drawing attention to products such as X, recommended for conditions and symptoms such
as ‘separation’, ‘personal relationship issues’, and ‘helping break down barriers’.

Identify the active ingredient in X.

A: Microscopic particles of the Berlin Wall
Q10. Put Funda
In 2016, a French Civil Servant named Thierry, moved the court to appeal against a certain
ban in the country, after a document of his got rejected on similar grounds. This ban was
enforced after a similar ruling by Britain in 2005, after test runs of the same action
displayed inefficiencies in the software used.

Thierry claimed that this ban promoted “national depression” and lifting the ban would
boost the morale of the entire nation, giving the Frenchmen a friendly face all over the

What is this ban all about?

A: Smiling in Passport Photo is banned. Facial
Recognition softwares can’t recognise across smiles.
The first time the word came to closely resembling the manner in which it is used now is
perhaps in an episode of the famous show X.

In the episode, the food item Y was still a food item, however it was incorporated into
every item of a restaurant menu, and the characters were spewing it to the point of it
drowning all other conversation, much like the modern day equivalent usage in reference
to unwanted and unsolicited junk.

ID X. Half points for Y

A: Spam Sketch, Monty Python’s Flying Circus
ID the popular song, rendered here
as a Shakespearean sonnet.
A: Lose Yourself
A “_____ film” is a motion picture genre that depicts the actual murder of a person or
people, without the aid of special effects, for the express purpose of distribution and

The very first recorded use of the term is in a 1971 book by Ed Sanders about the Charles
Manson Family, where he alleges that they were involved in making such a film in
California to record their murders.

The metaphorical use of the term "_____" to denote killing appears to be derived from a
verb for extinguishing a candle.

A: Snuff
When some of his officers and the troops under them were angry about not being paid in
1783, George Washington did something. He was reading them a letter from Congress and

”Gentlemen, you will permit me to ____________, for I have not only grown gray but
almost ____________ in the service of my country.”

In those days, X was considered not to be for real men. So when he deliberately asked
their permission to do this action, the men in the room gasped in shock. Here was this
paragon of military leaders humbled before their very eyes. Washington turned his
weakness into a ”Look at what I’ve sacrificed for my country” moment.

What is X?
A: Spectacles. They were supposed to be for
intellectuals who never saw a day of battle in their
life, not for real men.
Q15. Винни-Пух is a 1969 animated film by Soyuzmultfilm, directed by Fyodor Khitruk
and is the first part of a trilogy. This is the definitive version of X in Russia. When
this was made, Russia was under the iron curtain and hence Khitruk never knew
about the western version. This makes it delightfully different from its western
adaptation. Major differences include:

No humans.
Backgrounds done in crayons
The title character is not always happy and sometimes even gets snarky. And is
brown and not orange.
The bird is female.
The most annoying character- the one who ruined everything -is absent.
Sadly some of these changes and some other creative differences caused the
translator of the series to leave with only three shorts done when there could have
been more.
A: Winnie the Pooh
Q16. FITB with one word

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