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JSP Processing


 JSP stands for Java Server Pages. All your JSP
pages are stored on the server.
 The web server have JSP engine which acts as a
container to process JSP pages.
 All the requests for JSP Pages are intercepted
by JSP Container.
 JSP container along with web server provide
the runtime environment to JSP.
JSP Processing Architecture
steps that are required to process JSP Page –

 Web browser sends an HTTP request to the web

server requesting JSP page.
 Web server recognizes that the HTTP request by
web browser is for JSP page by checking the
extension of the file (i.e .jsp)
 Web server forwards HTTP Request to JSP engine.
 JSP engine loads the JSP page from disk and
converts it into a servlet
 JSP engine then compiles the servlet into an
executable class and forward original request to a
servlet engine.
 Servlet engine loads and executes the Servlet
 Servlet produces an output in HTML format
 Output produced by servlet engine is then passes
to the web server inside an HTTP response.
 Web server sends the HTTP response to
Web browser in the form of static HTML
 Web browser loads the static page into the
browser and thus user can view the
dynamically generated page.
Variable Declaration
JSP Declaration
 A declaration tag is a piece of Java code for declaring
variables, methods and classes. If we declare a variable
or method inside declaration tag it means that the
declaration is made inside the servlet class but outside
the service method.

 We can declare a static member, an instance variable

(can declare a number or string) and methods inside
the declaration tag.
Syntax of declaration tag:

<%! Declaration %>

Example 1: Variables declaration
In this example we have declared two variables inside declaration
tag <html>
<title>Declaration tag Example1</title>
<%! String name="Chaitanya"; %>
<%! int age=27; %>
<%= "Name is: "+ name %><br>
<%= "AGE: "+ age %>
Output :-
Example 2:
Methods declaration
In this example we have declared a method sum using
JSP declaration tag.
<title>Methods Declaration</title>
int sum(int num1, int num2, int
return num1+num2+num3;

<%= "Result is: " + sum(10,40,50)

Output :-

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