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How smartphone changed our daily lives and how it is

impacting our day to day activities.
 what are the changes we saw in our day to day lives.
How it is playing the major role
Smart phones
It is a device which converts cellular and mobile
computing functions in one unit
They are distinguished by there hardware capabilities
and mobile networks
It contains number of sensors, chips and MOS(metal
oxide semiconductor)
Advantages of smart phone
It is helpful in emergency
It is used for texting and calling
It improves the economy
We can use it as a mini computer
We can stay connected at everywhere
You can access to internet
We can use it for personal uses
Disadvantages of smart phone
It is very impactful in your social life
The more use of mobile the more unhealthy you
It causes microwaves
With these micro waves you may suffer cancers and
brain tumor
It contains more than 90% more bacteria than our rest
Side effects of using mobile phones
Sleep loss
Vision problems
Neck and back pain
Family problems
After development of technology the smart phones are
playing the major in the society.
These smart phones are influencing each and
The smart phones are ahead of generations
Majority of the work is getting finished by using these
smart phones mostly every work is been finished by
these smart phones.
Mostly now a days all of us or everyone has dependent on
this smart phones
Bill payments, tickets booking, shopping, booking the
hotels etc,
The cheating increased a lot in these days.
We are killing ourselves day by day by getting too much
addicting to this device
We are getting introduced to the various new diseases
We all are losing human bonding.

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