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Nama saya, Wahyu Pramudita

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Basic Sentence Patterns
Indikator Pembelajaran
Mengidentifikasi kelas kata
Mengidentifikasi struktur kalimat
Menyusun kata dan kalimat
verb = action/state Adverb = info about verb, adjective,
Dian plays tennis three times a week. adverb
I am a civil servant. Yesterday evening, we walked somewhat
slowly in a very beautiful garden.
Noun = person, place, animal, thing
Doni went to Yogyakarta on vacation with preposition = in, on, at, by, from, with,
her family. before, after
relationship time, place, position
pronoun = replace a noun I'll see you at the office on Monday.
Melvin is at the movie with Melvin's
girlfriend. Melvin really enjoys spending conjuctions = and, but, or, so, because
time with her. help connect ideas
Clara and Jasmine are best friends.
Melvin is at the movie with Melvin's I didn't go to office today because I will
girlfriend. He really enjoys spending time have a micro teaching.
with her.
Interjection = no real meaning show
Adjective = info about noun/pronoun sudden emotion/exclamation
The drive an amazing big red sports car. wow, argh, ouch, oops, hi

1.I bought a beautiful dress at the mall. Adj

2.What did she ask you to do? Pronoun
3.I left my shoes under the kitchen table. Prep
4.If we finish our work quickly we can go to
the movies.
5.On Saturdays I work from nine to five. Verb
Identifying Subjects and Verbs
Key Concept:

A complete sentence requires a subject and a verb; it

also must express a complete thought.

A sentence must have a subject.

A subject is a noun
A person, place or thing
 Ms. Jones

 Los Angeles Mission College

 Hat

Or a pronoun
A word that takes the place of a noun
 She/he/they

 It
A sentence must also have a verb.
There are 2 types of verbs:
 Show movement
 Examples: to sing, to joke, to run, to walk

 Linking verbs do not show action. Linking verbs connect the
subject and the word after the linking verb.
 Examples: to be, to seem, to become
Identifying Subjects and Verbs
To identify the subject and verb in a sentence, ask these questions:

What is the action? What word links two or more other

 the verb

 Who or what is performing the action?

 the subject
1. Barbara sang.

What is the action?

Sang (verb – action)
Who sang?
Barbara (subject)

2. The children were happy.

What word joins the description

to the subject? Were (verb – linking)

Who were happy?

Children (subject)
More Practice
Identify the subjects and verbs in the following sentences:

1. Terry laughs.
Subject = Terry
Verb = laughs (action)
2. Lady Gaga is famous.
Subject = Lady Gaga
Verb = is (links description to subject)
3. The dog barked.
Subject = the dog
Verb = barked (action)
4. Seth MacFarlane creates funny characters.
Subject = Seth MacFarlane
Verb = creates (action)
Simple and Compound Subjects and Verbs
 A single subject is referred to as a simple subject.
 A single verb is referred to as a simple verb.


The artist quickly drew the tourist’s caricature.

What is the action? Drew (one action = simple verb)

Who drew? Artist (one actor = simple subject)
Compound Subjects

A sentence may also contain a compound subject: two or

more stated nouns or pronouns perform the same action.

Charles and the boys have gone to the movies.

What is the action? Have gone (one action = simple verb)

Who has gone? Charles + boys
(two stated actors = compound subject)
Compound Verbs
A sentence may also contain a compound verb: the subject
performs two or more actions.

Jane frequently drinks, dances, and parties through the night.

What is (are) the action(s)? Drink, dance, + party

(3 actions = compound verb)

Who drinks, dances and parties? Jane (one stated actor = simple
3 Possible Combinations
1. Compound Subject/Simple Verb:
In this case, two or more subjects perform one
George and Frank went to Mexico.
George + Frank
3 Possible Combinations

2. Simple Subject/Compound Verb:

The simple subject of the sentence performs
two or more actions.
The audience booed and hissed at the performer.
booed + hissed
The audience
3 Possible Combinations

3. Compound Subject/Compound Verb

This means that two or more subjects perform
two or more actions.
Greg, Peter, and Bobby danced and ate all night.
danced + ate
Greg, Peter, + Bobby

Directions: Find the verbs and subjects. Indicate whether they are simple or
compound by writing S (for simple) or C (for compound) beside the verbs
and subjects.

1. Fords and Chevrolets are two makes of American cars.
2. He and Martha took a vacation last spring.
3. The clown juggled and sang.
4. Whales and skates returned to the bay.
5. Fred and Ethel visited the Ricardos every day.

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