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Software Quality. Assured.

with Real-Time Test Management

All information contained is Proprietary and Confidential

JIRA Overview 2

 Tracking tool for:

 Issue & Tests
 task

 web-based tool
 extensible platform
Zephyr Overview 3

 On-demand Enterprise Test Management Platform

 Easy management of the following :

 Test resources
 Manual Test Cases
 Link to Automation Scripts
 Defect Tracking
Zephyr for JIRA 4
ZEPHYR Key Differentiators 5

 Highly Scalable to manage 1000’s simultaneous users & 100,000’s test cases

 Open Flexible Architecture with full documented APIs

 Atlassian Partnership

 Member of Atlassian’s Early Access Development Program

 2–Way seamless Integration with JIRA (also JIRA AGILE Support)

 Locked Step Release Support (immediate support of every new JIRA release)

 Increases Tester Productivity

 Automatically updates data in every user's workspace of any changes

 Eliminating manual tasks, saving testers approx 1 hour each per day

 Improved management visibility of local/offshore teams

 Free Executive Dashboards with Real-Time Metrics enables management to see the live status of each project

 Easy to use, install and maintain – low cost of ownership

 Annual Subscription Licensing (Free Executive Dashboards, Free Basic Support, Free Upgrades, All licenses are global)
How ZEPHYR Works 6

with Atlassian
Core System Features 7

Fetches test details

Connects Create Test
JIRA Host Execution Cycles :
- Project id
Automation framework New OR Cloned
- Version id

Mapping Done
Parallel Execution Add test sets to
Execution IDs ::: Test cycle
case keys

Updates test cases in

System Architecture 8
Features 9

 Interactive Testing Desktop & Dashboards

 Manage Testing Releases and Sprints
 Add and Track Requirements
 Organize Test Repositories
 Create and reuse Manual Testcases
 Integrate Automation scripts
 Plan and Execute Test Cycles
 Integrate with JIRA 4,5 and Bugzilla 4
 Track Real-Time Metrics
 Real-time Collaboration
 Unlimited API access
Benefits 10
People & Projects 11

 Manage all aspects of your team – their contact info, access, roles and
assignments in one place. Each member of the team gets access to their personal
Test Desktop based on their role and assignment.

 Provide access to everybody via Custom Roles. Define projects regardless of test
methodology and provide as much or as little visibility to others in the
organization. This automatically creates contextual project spaces in which you can
set up multiple Releases or Sprints

 Provide Department level visibility to everybody in the project team and upper
management via detailed Department Dashboards.
Execution & Reporting 12

• Focus on what needs to be executed while providing all the supporting information
needed. Based off of the test run created by the Execution Scheduling and Assignment
module, the Test Case Execution application allows testers to run both manual and
automated test from one place.

• Real time status updates from various activities (creation, execution, defects,
requirements) are shown in detailed drill-down out-of-the-box metrics and in Project

• In-built Document Management helps you organize and make available all relevant and
contextual documents
Automation 13

 Every day, automation is becoming a more important part of testing. Using the innovative ZBot
technology, Zephyr not only provides interoperability with automation systems – commercial,
open source, or home grown – but also provides metrics and reports on automated versus
manual tests across the entire test suite.

 Continue to leverage your existing investments in automation but now track and report on both
your manual and automation testing from one place.
Planning & Scheduling 14

• Create and organize your test requirements and create and map detailed test cases and link
to existing automation scripts in an optimized test case creation application. Build dynamic
and visual schedules, define software builds and test environments, quickly grab the test
cases to be run in each phase and assign them to testers – all from a single, intuitive screen.

• Per Release or Sprint, Test Leads can now build a dynamic Test Case Repository tree to
incorporate the various kinds of tests that will be run based upon their test plans. This
repository can be built from scratch, inherited from previous releases, imported from Excel or
a combination thereof.
Defect Tracking 15

• The faster you get a defect into the system, the sooner a Developer can start looking at it and
fixing it. The easier it is for you to find fixed bugs, the faster you can start verifying the fix and
closing it out. Whether it be the inbuilt defect tracking application, JIRA, or Bugzilla, Zephyr
provides an interface that allows you to do just that and from all the right places too.

• Zephyr pulls in real-time defect metrics from these external defect tracking systems and displays
them in drill-down project dashboards for up to the minute quality analysis.
Deployment 16

• Zephyr want to make it easy to get started – therefore we provide both a downloadable on-
premises version and a hosted SaaS version.

• Regardless of which deployment you choose, you get the full set of Zephyr’s flexible features
and the quick, easy setup and configuration that makes Zephyr on the easiest systems to
deploy and immediately start using.

Zephyr – The most comprehensive Test Management System


 Communication between Jira and Zephyr Rest APIs

 Internal Mapping of Projects, Versions and Issues in Jira

 Architecture of Test case management fields in Jira

 Building RESTful Web services using JAX-RS

 Synchronization and Deadlock handling to ensure parallelism

References & Appendix 18

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