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Basic unit of life

Most are microscopic
Robert Hooke
Cell Theory
Matthias Theodore Rudolf Virchow
Schleiden Schwann concluded that all
concluded that all concluded that all cells came from
plants are made of animals are made pre-existing cells
cells (1838) of cells (1839) (1855)

Cell Theory
• all living things are made up of cells
• cells are the basic units of structure and function in
an organism
• new cells are produced from existing cells
Cell Size
Characteristics of All Cells
A surrounding membrane

Protoplasm – cell contents in thick fluid

Organelles – structures for cell function

Control center with DNA

Cell Types


Prokaryotic Cells
First cell type on earth

Cell type of Bacteria and Archaea

Prokaryotic Cells
No membrane bound nucleus

Nucleoid = region of DNA concentration

Organelles not bound by membranes

Eukaryotic Cells
Nucleus bound by membrane

Include fungi, protists, plant, and animal


Possess many organelles

Representative Animal Cell
Representative Plant Cell

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