Science Sem 2 PPT 6 (5-1-21)

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Science Sem 2 PPT 6
Prepared by:
Meghna Durgesh Upadhyay
Facilitator - CIS
05-1-21 PPT 6 Recall

Identify the rock with the help of the given clues.

Rock salt Chalk Sandstone

a. ItChalk
is quitesoft and crumbly in nature. ______
b. It is formed when sand grains are cemented
together. ____________ Sandstone
c. It is a type of salt. ____________
Rock salt
Learning Objective (LO)

Analyse rocks and identify its

List the uses of rocks.
Metamorphic rocks
 Metamorphism is a process of change in structure of a
rock by heat, pressure or other natural processes.
 Metamorphic rocks are formed under the Earth’s
surface, when rocks are subjected to extreme heat and
 In metamorphic rocks, mineral grains grow together
tightly during metamorphism, so they are called strong
 They form the roots of many mountain chains
(Himalayan range) and are exposed to the surface after
the softer outer layers of rocks are eroded away.
 Examples: marble, quartzite, slate.
Examples of metamorphic rocks
 Marble is formed from the sedimentary rock limestone.
 Immense pressure and high heat transforms the
limestone into marble.
 Marble is a softer stone, which makes it a great material
for sculptures.
 Taj Mahal in Agra, is made from white marble.
 It is used in buildings, sculptures and construction

Examples of metamorphic rocks
 Quartzite is formed from the sedimentary rock
 It is usually white or a light shade of pink or gray.
 It is hardwearing and has smooth surface.
 It is used as a decorative stone to cover walls, roofing
tiles, in flooring and steps.
 Use of quartzite as a kitchen countertop is increasing as
it is harder and more resistant to stains than granite.

Examples of metamorphic rocks
 Slate is formed from the sedimentary rock mudstone.
 Slate is formed under relatively low temperature and
 It is as hard as marble but not like granite.
 It is used for roofing, floor tiles and for writing.

Read page number
42 from the
learner’s book.
 Metamorphicrocks are formed deep inside earth due to
extreme heat and pressure.
 Marble is formed from the sedimentary rock limestone.
 Quartzite
is formed from the sedimentary rock
 Slate is formed from the sedimentary rock mudstone.
 Slate is formed due to relatively low pressure and
Thank You
Happy Learning!

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