Partial Differential in Economics

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Parcial Differensial

In the Application of Economics

By :
Anik Kurnia N
Evin Framudita R
Hafizh Permana Y
Librania Septa M.A.S
M.Arkhan Rabbani
Economic I 2020 _ Free PowerPoint Templates, Diagrams and Charts

Marginal Demand
• If 2 types of goods have a relationship in their use, then the demand
for each item will be functional towards the price of the two goods
• If Qda = f(Pa, Pb) dan Qdb = f(Pa, Pb) Then :

The marginal demand The marginal demand for

Qd a for A with respect to Pa Qdb B with respect to Pa
 a   a 
P The marginal demand P The marginal demand for
Qd a Qdb B with respect to Pb
 b  for A with respect to Pb  b 
If the demand function for two products is Qx = 17 - 2Px - Py and Qy =
14 – Px - 2Py

Then the marginal demand function is :

∂Qx/ ∂Px = -2<0 ; ∂Qx / ∂Py = -1<0
∂Qy/ ∂Px = -1<0 ; ∂Qy / ∂Py = -2<0

If ∂Qx/ ∂Py and ∂Qy / ∂Px (negatif , good are complementer )

If ∂Qx/ ∂Py dan ∂Qy / ∂Px ( positif, good are subtitute )

The conclusion is a complementary item.

Partial demand elasticity
• Price elasticity of demand If Qda = f (Pa, Pb) and
Qdb = f (Pa, Pb), then the elasticity of demand for changes in
the price of the good itself :
1) Item A
%Q d a Qd a Pa
d a  
 Qd
% P a P a a
2) Item B
d b %Qd b Qd b Pb

% P b

 Qd
Cross Elasticity
• Cross elasticity (cross elasticity of demand) If Qda = f (Pa, Pb) and Qdb = f (Pa,
Pb), then cross elasticity measures the sensitivity of changes in demand for one
good with respect to changes in the price of other goods :
2) The cross elasticity of goods a with goods b

a b 
%Qd a 
Qd a

% Pb Pb Qd a
2) The cross elasticiity of goods a with goods b

b a %Qd Qd b
 % P b  Pa  Qdb
Cross Elasticity
• cross elasticity of demand
 < 0 for Pa and Pb,
If ab and  n ba
So the relationship betweet A and B are ‘Complement’;
because a decrease price of one goods/product will be
followed by an increase in demand for both of product

   > 0 for Pa and Pb,

If ab and n
So the relationship bbetween
a A and B are ‘substitute’;
because a decrease price of one goods/product will be
followed by an increase in demand for one of product and
a decrease demand for another product
Elasticity of 2 good/product
• The demand function for 2 goods is show as follow:
Qda(Pa2)(Pb ) – 1 = 0

Qdb(Pa3)(Pb) – 1 = 0
Calculate the elasticity of demand for each goods and
how is the relationship between that two goods?
Qda(Pa2)(Pb ) – 1 = 0
Qdb(Pa3)(Pb) – 1 = 0
Qda(Pa2)(Pb ) =
1 3 Qdb(Pa3)(Pb) =
1 b = 1 / (Pa3)(Pb)
Qda = 1 / (Pa2)(Pb )
= Pa-3 Pb -1
1) Elasticity of Demand:
find Qda’ and Qdb’:
Qd a  2P  3 P  3 Qd b   P  3 P  2
Pa a Pb a
Form of the elasticity
b of demand equation:

d a Qd a
 Pa  Qd a
Pa  2Pa 3 Pb 3  
2  3  2 Pa 2 Pb3
P  P P  Pb  1
d b  aQd b 
Pb Qd b a
a3 b1
b P P
goodsPba: elastic, goods b: elastic-uniter
2) Cross Elasticity:
Find the first derivative of a and b:
Qd a Qd b
 3Pa Pb
2 4
 3Pa 4 Pb 1
Pb Pa
form of cross elasticity:
 a b  Qd a  Pb  3Pa 2 Pb 4   3
Pb Qd a a 2 b3
b a PbQd b   3P P  Pa  3
4 1

Pa Qd b a
b Pa3 P b1
The relationship between the two goods is complement
Company with two different product (Joint Production Cos
If a company product two different output, the cost we paid of that two different output or
product is called “joint production cost”.

So to calculate the maximum ‘profit’ we can use “partial differential” approach

Example there is a company that product two goods, A and B, when the demand function of each
goods represent by and , and the production cost is , so

The revenue when produce A:

The revenue when produce B:

The Total revenue :

With total cost: ,

and Profit function is :

From (1) and (2) we can get the value of the two different output/goods that is A and B or and
The total cost of a company to produce two different product, A and B,
represent by . The price of each product is and . Calculate, how many units of each
goods must be produce to get the maximum profit and how much the amount of that maximum profit!

So that to make (profit) maximum,

 (x1)

From (1) and (2) we can get and

So to get the maximum ‘profit’ , company have to produce 2 units of A goods and 3 units of B
goods with a profit of 37.
Partial Marginal Utility (indifference curve)
and Optimal Point on Budjet line

In a real life, a consumer not only consume one type of good or product, but various
kinds of good. If the utility of of goods represent by and goods we consume represent b
, so the utility fuction can be written as follow,
Suppose that consumers only consume two different goods or product, say it and .
So the utility function is :

first derivative of is the ‘partial marginal utility’.

is the marginal utility of
is the marginal utility of
, that’s a ‘indifference curve’, is a line showing all the combinations of two goods which gi
ve a consumer equal or same utility. In other words, the consumer would be indifferent to
these different combinations.
indifference curve
Optimal Point on Budjet line
Budget line shows the
combination of goods that can
be afforded with your current

So the optimal choice of goods for consumer,

or the optimal combination of goods is at the
point where the budget line is tangent to an
indifference curve.
  the income/budget of
consumer is and the
price of and is and
per unit, the budjet line
equation can be
writed as a follow
Marginal Utilitas
Marginal Utilitas (MU) U = f(Q) Marginal Utility = MU = Fungsi utilitas
suatu barang U = - 1,5Q2 + 45Q, tentukan julah barang yang digunak
an agar utilitas maksimum dan nilai utilitas maksimum tersebut. U = -
1,5Q2 + 45Q MU = -3Q + 45 MUᶦ = - 3 < 0, Utilitas maksimum Utilita
s maksimum, MU = -3Q + 45 = 0 Q = 15 Utilitas maksimum, U = - 1,
5Q2 + 45Q = - 1,5. 152 + 45.15 = 337,5
Soal latihan
1. Fungsi utilitas U = - 2,5Q2 + 80Q, untuk mendapatkan utilitas maksimum berapa
unit yang diperlukan dan berapa nilai utilitas maksimum tersebut. 63

2. Fungsi Utilitas suatu barang adalah U = - 3,5 Q² + 126 Q, hitunglah; 1. Fungsi

Marjinal Utilitas: a.MU = - 1,5 Q + 126 b.MU = - 3,5 Q + 126 c.MU = - 5,5 Q +
126 d.MU = - 7 Q + 126 2. Unit yang digunakan jika Utilitas maksimum; a.Q = 18
unit b.Q = 23 unit c.Q = 36 unit d.Q = 84 unit

3. Utilitas maksimum; a.U maksimum = 1.134 b.U maksimum = 1.047 c.U maksimum
= 982 d.U maksimum = 768 4.Jika jumlah barang yang digunakan sebanyak 12
unit maka utilitas yang diperoleh; a.U₁₂ = U maksimum b.U₁₂ ˃ U maksimum
c.U₁₂ ˂ U maksimum d.U₁₂
The existence of taxes is part of a passive fiscal policy or autom
atic stabilizers or it can also be called a built-in stabilizer fiscal
The Role of Taxes in Fiscal Policy
Taxes are an integral part of fiscal policy. This is because taxes are the largest contribu
tor to the State Budget (APBN). In addition, taxes are a very effective fiscal instrument
in directing the economy.

according to Dani Iskandar, percentage tax or proportional tax is a tax imposed on an

item which is calculated as a fixed percentage (%) of the revenue. The percentage tax
is written at t%, then the bid price will increase by t% from the previous bid price.
If the bid price before tax is
P = f (Q)
and there is a tax of t%,
then the bid price after tax is
P "= (100 + t)%.
To determine the tax per unit after tax of t% is:
t perunit = t% (P)
Produk Marginal Parsial : Produk tambahan yang dihasilkan dari berbagai macam unit
tambahan faktor produksi. Faktor Produksi : tanah, modal, tenaga kerja, bahan baku, mesin,
dan lain-lain.

Jika jumlah keluaran yang dihasilkan dilambangkan dengan P dan faktor masukan dilambang
kan dengan xi (i = 1,2, ..., ..., n), maka fungsi produksinya dapat dinyatakan dengan
P = f(x1, x2, x3, ..., ..., xn)

Misal, ada 2 macam variabel atau faktor produksi untuk memproduksi suatu barang berupa
(K dan L), fungsi produksi dapat dituliskan sebagai P = f(k, l)

Produk marginal parsial berupa

 P/ k adalah marjinal berkenaan dengan masukan K
 P/ l adalah marjinal berkenaan dengan masukan L
Keseimbangan Produksi : Suatu keadaan atau tingkat penggunaan kombinasi faktor-faktor
produksi secara optimum dengan biaya masukan yang rendah.

Isocost : suatu fungsi yang mencerminkan kemampuan produsen membeli beragai macam
masukan berkenaan dengan harga masing-masing masukan dan jumlah dana yang dimiliki.

Misalkan jumlah dana yang dianggarkan untuk membeli masukan K dan masukan L adalah
sebesar M, serta harga masukan K dan masukan L masing-masing Pk dan Pl. persamaan
isocostnya dapat dituliskan sebagai M = k . Pk + l . Pl
Tingkat kombinasi penggunaan masukan yang optimum dapat dicari dengan menggunakan
metode pengganda Lagrange (Lagrange Multiplier)

Fungsi produksi P = f(k,l) yang dioptimalkan terhadap fungsi isocost menggunakan

pengganda Lagrange akan membentuk fungsi lagrange dimana :
F(k, l) = f(k, l) + (k . Pk + l . Pl – M )

Tingkat kombinasi penggunaan yang maksimum dapat diperoleh dari turunan pertama
Fungsi lagrange yang telah disusun terhadap masing-masing variabel bebas
Fk (k, l) = F/ k = 0  fk(k, l) + Pk = 0
Fl (k, l) = F/ l = 0  fl(k, l) + Pl = 0

It can also be formulated as follows :

In other words, it is stated that the optimum production with the lowest cost combination will be achieve
d if the result of dividing the marginal product for each input = price.
Total Production : P = f(k,l)
Marginal Production Input K ; MPk = fk (k,l) =
Marginal Production Input K ; MPl f (k,l) =
= l

Create an equation (1) & (2)

fk (k,l) + λ Pk = 0  fk (k,l) = - λ Pk -λ =
fl (k,l) + λ Pl = 0  fl (k,l) = -λ P l -λ =
Case 61
P = 6 k2/3 l1/3.
Form the Marginal product function for each factor of production. how much is the Marginal
product if 8 units of K and 27 units of L are used?
MPK = Pk = = 4 k1/3 l 1/3 =
k = 8, l = 27
A manufacturer reserving Rp. 96 to purchase input K and enter L. The price per unit of Input K is Rp. 4 and e
nter L is Rp. 3 production function P = 12 kl. How many units of each input should he use for optimum prod
uction and how many units of output should be produce from the combination?
The production function to be optimized : P = f(k, l) = 12 kl
The constrained isocost function : M = k.Pk + 1.Pl
96 = 4k + 3l
96 - 4k – 3l = 0
Lagrange function:
F(k, l) = 12 kl + 2 (96 – 4k – 3l)
= 12 kl +96λ - 4λk - 3λl
For maximum F, Fk = 0 and Fl = 0
Fk (k, l) = 12l - 4λ = 0 → λ = 3l
Fl (k, l) = 12 k - 3λ = 0 → λ = 4k
3l = 4k → 2 = 4k 
96 = 4k +31
96 = 4k + 4k - 96 = 8k → k = 12
1 = 4/3 (12) = 16
P = 12 kl = 12 (12) (16) = 2304.
So for optimum production a combination should be used 12 units K and 16 units L, with a production outp
ut of 2304 units.
Prove that, using the data in the Case 60 problem above, to find the optimum
level of production, the provisions of MPk / Pk = MPl / Pl apply.
P = 12kl – MPK = = 12l dan MPL = = 12k
Untuk Pk = 4, Pl = 3, k = 12 dan l = 16
=  =  =  48 = 48 (Proven)

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