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Cutaneous Sensation.

 Sensations of The Skin are called cutaneous
 These Sensation Include.
• Pain
• Temperature
• Cold
• Touch
• Pressure
• Vibration
cutaneous receptors
• Sensations on the skin are detected by cutaneous receptors.
• These receptors are stimulated by Internal or External Changes
Called Stimulus. (Pleural: Stimuli)
• When a stimulus stimulate a receptor, The signal is
transmitted to the Brain by Sensory Nerve Fibers.
• The brain Integrate the Signal, And make a Response to that
particular Stimulus.
• The response is Carried to The Effector Organ(muscle/Gland)
By Motor Nerve Fiber.
Type of Cutaneous Receptors
These receptors are involved in Detection of Mechanical
changes in the surrounding of the receptor.
 Nociceptors
These receptors Detect Pain
these receptors are involved in the detection of
Mechanoreceptor SubTypes.
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