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 Mengidentifikasi
fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan dalam teks
tindaakan/kejadian yang dilakukan secara
rutin atau merupakan kebenaran umum
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
 Membuat teks sederhana dalam bentuk
descriptive melibatkan tindakan
The Example of Descriptive Text
Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is an American computer
programmer and internet entrepreneur. He is
the co-founder of Facebook, the famous social
media. His name was in the list of 100
wealthiest and most influential people in the
world since 2010 by Time magazine.
About his physical appearance, Mark’s body is
170 centimeters tall with the weight 76
kilograms. His hair color is red and his eyes are
blue. Mark Zuckerberg was born on 14th May
1984 in New York, USA. Therefore, he is 34
years old by 2018. Mark Zuckerberg has married
to Priscilla Chan and they have one daughter
named Maxima Chan Zuckerberg.
The Example of Descriptive Text
Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is an American computer
programmer and internet entrepreneur. He is
the co-founder of Facebook, the famous social
media. His name was in the list of 100
wealthiest and most influential people in the
world since 2010 by Time magazine.
About his physical appearance, Mark’s body is
170 centimeters tall with the weight 76
kilograms. His hair color is red and his eyes are
blue. Mark Zuckerberg was born on 14th May
1984 in New York, USA. Therefore, he is 34
years old by 2018. Mark Zuckerberg has married
to Priscilla Chan and they have one daughter
named Maxima Chan Zuckerberg.

 Descriptive Text is a text which describe something, such as person, animal, thing or place, in a detailed.
 The purpose of the Desriptive Text is to describe something, such as person, animal, thing or place, in a
detailed so that the readers or the listeners are able to understand what we describe and are be able to
imagine the thing we decribe even though they have not seen it before.
 Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
 Identification, merupakan bagian pertama dari Desriptive Text yang terletak pada paragraf pertama dan berfungsi
untuk memperkenalkan hal atau benda yang ingin kita deskripsokan kepada pendengan atau pembaca. Fungsi lainnya
adalah memberi tahu bahwa benda atau hal yang kita deripsikan merupaka hal khusus dan berbeda dari yang
 Description,biasanya ditulis pada paragraf kedua yang berisi sifat atau karakteristik dari benda atau hal yang
memang melekat dan bukan merupakan hal umum yang bisa kita temui pada benda lain.
 Language Feature of Descriptive Text
 Menggunakan Simple Present Tense karena fungsinya untuk menggambarkan sesuatu dimana ciri atau kakteristik
dari benda atau hal tersebut tidak akan berubah. Contoh: This car is a Kombi one. This car has a cloth sun-roof and
two doors at it one side.
 Menggunakan Kata Sifat (Adjective) sehingga sesuatu yang kita gambarkan tersebut dapat dibayangkan dengan lebih
nyata. Contoh: This car is red and cream, the chairs are good.
 Menggunakan kata penghubung (Linking Verb) yang menghubungkan subjek dengan kata penjelasan. Kata
penghubung dapat berupa to be (is, am, are), seem, look appear, sound dan lain-lain.
Write down the descriptive text of this people!
P1. Group 1 P2.Group 2
P3. Group 3 P.4 Group 4
 hair



short dress

very beautiful



music country singer


Taylor Swift
Taylor Alison Swift or more popular with Taylor Swift was born in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania,
USA at 13 Desember 1989. She is a (1)..............She is also my inspiration and role model.
     Taylor Swift loves to sing since (2)............Her first song is “Lucky You” which she wrote
while still sitting in school. Taylor Swift (3) sing while playing the guitar. Her
(4)...............and performance is simple but charming. On concert, she usually  using a
(5)..........and carrying a guitar. She always sings with relaxing and soulful.
      Taylor Swift is (6)............She is tall and her skin is white, her eyes is blue. Her nose is sharp,
she has (7)............, and its color is blond.
       Taylor Swift won many award such as Album of the Year for Fearless, as well as Best
Female Country Vocal Performance and Best Country Song for “White Horse”. She also is the
Best Female Pop Vocal Performance for “You Belong with me”.
  2.. Essay
Write a descriptive text describing about Nikita Willy ! At least 2 paragraphs.
1. Music country singer
2. Childhood
4. Appereance
5. Short Dress
6. Very Beautiful
7. Curly Hair

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