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A. Match the words with the pictures.
1. to toss B
___ A
2. to fast ___
3. frying pan ___
4. topping ___
 Pancake Day is actually another name for Shrove Tuesday.

 Pancake Day takes place 40 days before Easter Sunday and

marks the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday.

 Lent was traditionally a time of fasting and on Shrove

Tuesday, Catholics went to confession and were “shriven”
 In some other countries (USA, Canada and France) this day is
called Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday, because during Lent
people don’t eat food like eggs, butter, sugar and milk. So,
they have to use all these ingredients they still have at home
before fasting for Lent.
 Making pancakes was the last chance to use up these fatty
foods before Lent.
 Lent is a time of preparation for Easter.
 It is a forty day period, not including Sundays, which leads up
to Easter.

 It starts on Ash Wednesday and ends at Easter.

 Lent is traditionally a time of fasting.

Why are there PANCAKE RACES?
 In the UK, pancake races are very
popular on Pancake Day. People
usually wear fancy dress costumes and
race down streets tossing pancakes.

 The goal of the race is to get to the

finishing line first, carrying a frying
pan with a cooked pancake in it and
tossing the pancake as you run.
Why are there PANCAKE RACES?
 The most famous pancake race takes place in Olney in Buckinghamshire.

 The town has celebrated this tradition since 1445.

 A woman heard the bell while she was making pancakes. She ran out of
the house to get to church in time for confession while she was still
holding the hot frying pan with the pancake inside. As she ran, she
tossed the pancake to flip it over and over again so that it wouldn’t
B. Pancake Day quiz

1. Shrove Tuesday is 2. The day that follows Shrove Tuesday is

a) 40 days before Easter. a) Lent.
b) 40 days after Lent. b) Fat Tuesday.
c) 40 days after Christmas. c) Ash Wednesday.
B. Pancake Day quiz
3. The time between Pancake 4. Other countries like the USA, Canada
Day and Easter is called and France call Shrove Tuesday
a) Advent. a) Mardi fat.
b) Lent. b) Mardi Gras.
c) Easter c) Mardi sweet.
B. Pancake Day quiz

5. Lent is traditionally a time of 6. People make pancakes to

a) flipping. a) celebrate Pancake Day.
b) tossing. b) give them as presents.
c) fasting. c) sell them and make money.
B. Pancake Day quiz

7. In pancake races people race and 8. During pancake races people wear
a) eat pancakes. a) formal clothes.
b) make pancakes. b) fancy dress costumes.
c) toss pancakes. c) black suits.
B. Pancake Day quiz
9. The first pancake race took 10. The most famous pancake race
place in takes place
a) 1445. a) in London.
b) 1544. b) in Olney.
c) 1454. c) in Paris.
Answer Key
1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C
1. a 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. c 6. a 7. c 8. b 9. a 10. b

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