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Writing for Internships and


 Accelerated Created
Achieved Demonstrated
Adapted Designed
Advised Developed
Administered Devised
Analyzed Directed
Approved Edited
Arranged Established
Assembled Estimated
Built Formulated
Calculated Founded
Completed Headed
Conceived Generated
Conducted Implemented
 Inspected  Planned
Installed Presented
Introduced Produced
Invented Processed
Launched Programmed
Maintained Proposed
Managed Promoted
Mediated Provided
Motivated Recruited
Negotiated Redesigned
Operated Reduced
Organized Reorganized
 Researched  Supported
Revised Traced
Scheduled Traded
Serviced Trained
Set up Transferred
Simplified Transformed
Sold Translated
Strengthened Used
Structured Utilized
Succeeded Verified
Summarized Withdrew

First Paragraph
 ~ State purpose of letter
 ~ State from where you got the information
 ~ Indicate your interest in the position or
Second Paragraph
 ~ Explain how your background makes you a
qualified candidate
 ~ Give an example, talk about a specific
project, accomplishment, or service
 ~ Impress your audience by using company/
program information found through research
 ~ Highlight information found in the resume
Third Paragraph
 ~ Refer the reader to your enclosures (resume,
reference, examples of work)
Final Paragraph
 ~ Indicate your intentions for follow-up
 ~ Repeat a number where you may be reached
 ~ Salutation
 ~ Signature
Chandra Watkins|4
Church Street|Sometown, NJ 08888|(555)555-5555


Mr. Stephan Scheck

Innovation 6553
Carlisle Drive, Suite 300 Los Angeles,
CA 90048

Dear Mr. Scheck

Sub: Application for internship at Innovation

I would like to apply for a summer internship position with Innovation. I learned
about your company through the placement center at University of Missouri.
I am currently majoring in architecture at the
University of Missouri and will receive my
degree this spring. While I have a
comprehensive architectural background, my
emphasis is on rehabilitation and renovation. I
feel that your firm places prominence in similar
areas and having the privilege of serving as an
intern with you will give me that further
exposure I need to advance my career.
I previously held a summer internship at Smithers
& Associates, a St. Louis-based architecture firm.
While there, I used CAD technology to help design
floor plans for a multi-level retail space. I also used
the drafting techniques I learned on the Digital
Terrain Monitor (DTM) to assist on the redesign of
a movie theater in downtown St. Louis. This could
be of interest to you, as I recently read on your
website that Innovations will be renovating three
entertainment venues in the coming year.
I would like the opportunity to meet with
you to discuss any internship opportunities
you might have. Please let me know if you
have any questions or would like to see some
work samples. You can reach me by phone at
(444) 536-1212 or by email at
Thank you for your consideration.


Chandra Watkins
 For another model, please refer to Page 5 of
“Resume and cover letter writing for
Cover Letter for Applying for

What scholarship committees seek

• Detailed information about the chosen field
• Motivation and seriousness of purpose
• Creativity and originality of letter
• Leadership skills and emotional stability
• Ability to get along with others and a desire
to achieve
Scholarship Cover Letter Writing Tips

 Write a strong thesis or umbrella statement to

provide information on why you think you are a
good candidate for the scholarship
 Introduce each section with a concise and clear
sentence to indicate what you plan to discuss
 Use keywords from the scholarship criteria such
as excellent academic record, other scholarships,
community service, independent research abilities
etc. depending on what you have done in the past
 Ensure that your discussions are result-
oriented – you need to mention that you are
efficient and hardworking
 Emphasize your areas of expertise that
make you a good candidate for the

Opening Paragraph
State the field of study that you are going into,
what scholarship you’re applying for, and
mention how you heard about the scholarship.
Middle Paragraph
State why you are deserving this scholarship
and if possible, mention activities, awards,
and/or work experience that relates to the
scholarship. Some scholarships ask for specific
information to be addressed in the cover letter.
This is where you would put that information.
Closing Paragraph

Refer the reader to your enclosed application,

résumé, transcript, etc. and thank them for
taking the time to review your application.

Dear Ms. Smith:

Sub: Scholarship application
I am submitting this application for the NAME of
SCHOLARSHIP to further my education in
environmental studies. I have studied for two years in
Name of University and require financial assistance to
complete my degree in Environmental Science. I have
worked part-time in a recycling center for the past two
years and wish to work in the field of environmental
sustainability. However, I need a degree to advance in this
 I spent the last two years of high school
volunteering in a waste management facility in the
city and have gained a lot of experience in the
field. I won an award for creative management for
recycling plastic water bottles. My goal is to work
to have an impact on many environmental issues
such as solar power, wind power as well as waste
management. One of the most profound
experiences of my life was a trip I took to see the
island of waste in the northern Pacific Ocean.
 If I am fortunate enough to receive this
scholarship, I will finish my degree to qualify
for a job in a company that promotes
sustainability in their business ethic. Since my
parents have passed away, I am not in a
position to pay the tuition fees.
Thank you for considering my application. I have
enclosed a recommendation letter from my university
councilor along with the application form and my
transcripts. I hope to hear from you soon. I can be
reached at 555-123-4567 or at


Signature of Applicant
Printed Name of Applicant
List of Enclosures
 For another sample cover letter for applying
for a scholarship, please see

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