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Production Operation

and TQM
Part 3
Gurus of TQM
1. Deming: 14 points for quality management
2. Crosby: 14 Steps to Quality
3. Juran: 10 Steps to Quality
Students Task
Direction: Read the case (What a Coffee Cup Taught Me
about Poka Yoke and Human Errors) and answer the
questions below.
1. Is the author correct in saying that there are faults in the
design of the cup? Defend your answer.
2. Have you experienced such kind of poorly designed
cups in a coffee shop? How did you handle the
situation? Relate your experience.
Students Task
Direction: Read the case (What a Coffee Cup Taught Me
about Poka Yoke and Human Errors) and answer the
questions below.
3. What other products do you know that are designed
poorly? What can you suggest to correct them?

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